Heavy Weights for Muscle Growth or Light Wts for Tone?

OKay, I am not sure what I should be doing. I've been doing heavy weights for a year, mostly the machines because all the guys using the weights kinda intimidate me, so I just hit the machines and gradually raise weights. Since March, I have been doing more dumb bell, kettle bell, and weighted ball stuff.

I have lost quite a bit (30-40 more to go). My legs are rock solid. I think I have buns of aluminum (buns of steel probably not accurate for a 58-year old). I really don't have fat left on my legs and bum, as I am the APPLE shape and it is ALL in the middle. My legs/arms were never dripping in fat. yes they had some at 255 pounds, but of course, I lost the leg/arm fat first. I do still have some fat on arms/legs, but good muscle tone on both.

Finally, the QUESTION: Should I keep doing heavy weights on arms/legs or should I just do lower weights, fast reps to continue cutting what fat is there and maybe give myself more time for cardio, cardio, cardio to get rid of the remaining 30 pounds of MIDDLE FAT? I am happy with the way my arms and legs look--I cannot pinch fat on my legs (or errr, even my rear end). I spend a lot of time doing the weights, and I want to keep weight training, but I want to do it the smartest way?

I just don't know what is the smartest move at this point? (P.S. I do treadmill walk/jog intervals, elliptical with speed bursts, and swim laps for cardio). I also try to mix cardio with the weight lifting by doing a couple weight exercises then go jump on treadmill for 2-5 minutes walk fat/jog intervals, then back to weights, then get on bike for intense cardio bump for 2 minutes, then back to weights. And so on.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. I gotta get rid of this 18-wheeler tire that is my mid-section.


  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I think your routine is great, and you are continually losing weight, so why change it?

    Lifting heavy weights at 58 years old? YES PLEASE!!!! You rock.

    You can add in a day of lighter circuit style training, I do that too, and keep your cardio and heavy lifting. Maybe your diet needs a little change up, but definitely keep lifting heavy.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Your routine is fine.

    You can't spot reduce...."middle fat" is the last to go. Your body has burned the fat from the rest of your body and now should turn to the "middle"

    FYI...Heavy Weights for Muscle Growth or Light Weights for Tone is a complete and utter myth.

    Heavy Weights won't "Grow" muscle if you don't feed them "caloric surplus". It helps you maintain your muscle mass so it's there when you lower body fat.
  • Agree with all the above, sounds like you're doing great exercise-wise.
    Double check that the calories you're eating are coming from GOOD foods, i.e. cut out any sugar and alcohol for a start.
    Those last bits are going to be the hardest bits to get rid off so it means you just have to be stricter with nutrition.

    Congrats on it all so far!
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    RGV2 - well I am definitely not feeding the muscles any calorie surplus right now. Still trying to lose and hoped to build some muscle for metabolism issues.

    ScottHobbs - thanks. I am not eating sugars, that's for certain! (Diabetic, low carb and high fat!)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Stay with the program. While cardio burns calories, all exercise would first need to deplete glycogen stores to use fat as energy. One actually burns more fat sleeping compared to an hour of cardio. You can make it more intense by lessening your rest time between sets.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Cheekies_
    Cheekies_ Posts: 319 Member
    You are awesome!

    I'm so inspired by you. I am apple shaped with insulin problems, too. I've been trolling the message boards for a couple of weeks to learn more about how to deal with my particular challenges. I've changed my macros to lower the sugar and have added in body weight training. It's only been about 10 days but I am already seeing a major difference!

    Next, I think I'll add in heavy weights but I have to learn where to start first. I know nothing about lifting.

    I'm sorry I don't have any advice for you. I just wanted to let you know that I'm rooting for you!