wish hed' keep his comments to himself



  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    More than 1-2 lbs/week is not recommended for safe and sustainable weight loss. Your hubbie is wrong; don't try to lose faster. Doing so will likely lead to unhealthy habits and may do damage to your body.

    This. Also, you're less likely to have saggy skin from weight loss if you lose at a slower rate!
  • heytherelameman
    heytherelameman Posts: 76 Member
    It never ceases to amaze me when one person treats their spouse like this woman's husband treats her. The one person who has signed on to be there for the rest of forever should be your best friend and companion! A mean word about me or my looks has NEVER been uttered by my husband, and I hope it to stay that way.

    OP: Good luck. Stand up for yourself. You are worth it.
  • lbesaw
    lbesaw Posts: 267 Member
    Time to have a "sit down" and tell him how his comments hurt you rather than help you. It may be that he is just clueless about the effect his comments have on you. Give him a chance to become a support for you. Communication is the key in all things. Ask for him to support you and tell him what would help you the most to accomplish that goal. I am always weary of "the critic" especially when they are supposed to love and support you. You need to find out why he is doing the things he's doing before you can proceed to a solution. Good luck :)
  • janicelo1971
    janicelo1971 Posts: 823 Member
    You are doing awesome! I lose 1-2 pounds a month, so can you imagine how mad he would get at me! Keep up the good work
  • wannabhealthy50
    wannabhealthy50 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm sorry you are going through this. Please do not tell your husband to "shut up." Do not stoop to his level! Talk to him in a calm voice and in a non-interrupted environment. Tell him what you are doing and how you are doing it. Ask him what his expectations are in terms of how much he thinks you should be losing per week and not because you are asking his advice but to see what his expectations are. If you are exercising, ask him to join you. Talk walks together after dinner together. Do you weigh and measure your food? Tell him that his comments make you feel bad and that you work better with positive reinforcement. Educate him. Set up an appointment with a dietician and ask him to go with you. Communication is key!
  • MrCourter
    MrCourter Posts: 12 Member
    First, I am very sorry to hear that your husband made such a hurtful and callous comment. I will not defend his actions...however...I wonder if (in his mind) he wants you to reach a goal quickly for a specific reason? Any big events coming up? Just wondering what his mindset is and why he feels justified making such a demand of you.

    If he has any additional weight...this is a journey the two of you should be taking together. There is nothing more difficult that trying to lose weight when the person who is by your side is either criticizing or not assisting in any way.

    Stand your ground and demand that he be supportive...you're worth it!
  • Cheechos
    Cheechos Posts: 293
    I'm going to agree with a ton of people who posted before me and say that your husband is being really gross. You're his wife and the mother of his children and that's how he treats you? Maybe you should clue him in on the fact that your body isn't going to look the same forever, regardless of how fast or slow you lose weight currently. People age and people change. If he's going to give you crap about not being thin enough fast enough for him then maybe you should be in the market for a partner who is actually going to support you and cherish you as you are. The wedding ring thing also sounds like a crappy excuse for him to make demands on how your body should look. You don't suddenly become unmarried if your ring isn't on and if it's that important to him that you wear it then you can put it on a chain like someone else suggested. Good luck.
  • wannabhealthy50
    wannabhealthy50 Posts: 67 Member
    Really people, telling someone to "shut up" or consider finding another partner? And we wonder what's wrong with society today!
  • janicelo1971
    janicelo1971 Posts: 823 Member
    LMAO..glad this site isn't for marital therapy....:laugh:
  • AlyssamR6712
    AlyssamR6712 Posts: 114 Member
    That is awful! He should be supporting you not putting you down. 1-2lbs is losing wieght the healthy way. It also is gonna help keep the weight off. Don't listen to him. My husband is so supportive of my lifestyle changes. Thats how a marriage should be.
  • jljshoe1979
    jljshoe1979 Posts: 325 Member
    I hope he's a really great guy in other ways because this completely sucks! If you've told him to keep quiet and let you do the work, and he won't, you might try parroting. Whenever he makes a comment, always give him the same reply; whatever you want to say.
    "I got this."
    "Thanks for your input, now go away."
    "lalalalala; I don't have to listen to this" (while covering ears)

    Whatever works for you. They usually get tired of this and leave you alone.
    I've had to do this before and it does work for sure. LOL...annoys the ever living crap out of them though. However they are saying stupid stuff in the first place so it is really par for course.

    I think these may work on some level...I have found a technique that seems to work to avoid the confrontation that typically results from comments like the ones your husband makes (mine does it too and this works on him).
    "Yeah, you're right." (whether you feel this way or not, how can someone argue with someone that is agreeing with them)
    "Hmm, that's interesting." (a comment that acknowledges he was heard, without agreeing or disagreeing)
    OR instead of arguing, put him on the defense by asking him questions like: "Should I be losing more than two pounds, even if it's unhealthy?" "Can you prove what you are saying is true?" "If I lose weight any faster, it could hurt me; is that what you want?"

    An example of a comment made earlier this week from my husband: "We both need to get lipo." My first comment was "Great, when do you want me to make YOU an appointment?" (Usually, I'm not so quick on my feet, but if you are go for it.)
  • wannabhealthy50
    wannabhealthy50 Posts: 67 Member
    LMAO..glad this site isn't for marital therapy....:laugh:

    Best reply so far!
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    "Thank you honey, it's nice to know you care about my health -- but be sure that I'm doing this the best way possible for me, so please don't you worry."

    Repeat as often as necessary.

    [ If you find yourself repeating more than 3x in one conversation, then repeat, but shout the words "my" "I'm" and "me". ]