5:2 Diet

This questions probably been asked before but I'm newish and not succeeding at the moment. Has anyone tried this and do you think it works? i.e. Eat required calorie intake for five days and severely restrict for two days of the week (not consecutively). Needing a kickstart so just wondering...


  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Whatever gets you to a calorie deficit. I personally couldn't do it, but it would probably work. If I ate that little for two days, I would get divorced..lol
  • Keiras_Mom
    Keiras_Mom Posts: 844 Member
    I lost the bulk of my weight with alternate day fasting (5:2 but with more fasting days). It worked beautifully for me. I used 5:2 for maintenance. I don't think I was creating enough of a deficit with just 2 fasting days (for ME), but it worked beautifully for maintenance when I was doing it.
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    Yep, Im in my 8th week have lost almost 4 kilos. Some lose it fast some lose it slowly but the main thing is Im losing. Im also feeling alot better within, more energy, better skin, not moody....It is quite easy to stick to 500 calories I find some weeks I fall under that and cope well.

    There are some groups here on 5:2 you should join them they are very good.
  • nicolaluna
    nicolaluna Posts: 16 Member

    i just started the 5:2 yesterday. i'm a complete newb to any kind of fast diet. my plan is not cemented yet. i'm committed to doing it, but my work comes first. if i start getting light-headed and unable to focus i'll have to try another time when my work-load is less.

    but so far so good. i was really surprised how easy it was to do my first fast yesterday. i had some foods on hand that seemed to work really well, and maybe this will help someone else too: peanut butter and celery, and cherries! both very filling snacks.

    anyone want to buddy up with me on this? maybe someone with a similar body-type and commitment issues?

    here's my body type- i'm 5'8" right now, weighing in at a super-heroine 177. rah. i've never had kids, and... i'm big up top. i have no idea how much the girls weigh, but my overall goal is to drop 35-ish pounds (i think that's 2.5 stone.) i've lost weight before but just gained some of it back after a relationship ended, so i know i can do this.

    nicole in va
  • nicolaluna
    nicolaluna Posts: 16 Member
    by the way, keiras_mom, 129 lbs.!! wow that's phenomenal. congratulations!! :D

  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I don't do fasting, but there are at least a couple groups under the group section. You might want to check them out since you'll most likely be able to get feed back from people who are following different variations of the fasting diet.