Jamie Eason's LiveFit

KYT1121 Posts: 58 Member

I'm thinking about starting this program next week. I wanted to get feedback/advice from anyone who is doing or has done the program.


Thanks in advance!


  • BreytonJay
    BreytonJay Posts: 86 Member
    I haven't done it, but would love to join you. Add me if you want a partner to help keep each other in check.
  • NVH2013
    NVH2013 Posts: 3
    Hi guys, I've heard of Jamie Eason but what is this program? I may join you!! :)
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    I have a friend who did it and got amazing results. She highly recommends this program. Good luck!
  • mstjmack26
    mstjmack26 Posts: 121 Member
    I am on day 2 of the LiveFit plan. Did you start the plan and how is it
    Working for you?
  • RhinestoneRocky
    RhinestoneRocky Posts: 124 Member
    I'm repeating week's 9 & 10 (missed a few days of each week, I felt bad about progressing to week 11 without giving those weeks my all).

    It's a great program! I didn't start any of the meal prepping until phase 3 and I regret not doing so. The changes in my body is amazing! I was lifting for 4 months before I went to this program and I feel like my strength, stamina and knowledge has really improved. Not much as far as overall weight lost but definite changes overall.

    Just stick with it! :)
  • jessicadawn1978
    jessicadawn1978 Posts: 45 Member
    Starting this tomorrow, would love to join others. Looks like a good plan, although I'm uncertain about the nutrition side of things, seems like a lot of food and I'll need to be super organised to have meals prepared in advance and to take to work. Looking forward to giving it a good go.
  • jdaley90
    jdaley90 Posts: 259 Member
    Im on Week 3, feel free to add
  • cad39too
    cad39too Posts: 874 Member
    I did about 3 weeks of this a while ago but missed full body compound lifting so stopped. I am going to start again next Monday.
  • BreytonJay
    BreytonJay Posts: 86 Member
    I am on week 3 now. I haven't seen any loss on the scale, but I definitely feel better. I feel like I am getting much stronger and on certain days I can see certain muscles popping out. I'm also excited to be starting to get that v down my core again that makes my tummy look like just a tummy instead of a belly(in my mind that's different haha) The food is a lot, but it keeps my energy up throughout the day. And it is super easy to stick too! There are minimal cravings for me so I have no reason to binge. Add me if anyone is still interested.
  • amandaxob
    amandaxob Posts: 13
    Hey girls! I've been wanting to try this. I just bought the supplement stack on bodybuilding.com - it came in the mail today. I'm so excited to try this!
  • i have to join you ladies on this journey. not sure why but the support on the bodybuilding.com site just isnt working for me.
    i am on week 3. i have gained too much weight in the last 2 years and want to get fit again before my husband comes home from deployment. i am 5'3.5" and feel good at 115-120. but when i started the program i was at 142... which is a lot on my frame. well now that i am half way thru week 3 i decided to get on the scale. even though i feel stronger i am getting pretty bummed out seeing that i have gained 5 pounds!!!! and my belly is just as big as it was in the beginning.
    this is just not good.
    i know muscle weighs more than fat and i hear your body changes when your workouts do for a couple weeks then you start to shed it but has anyone experienced what i have going on? any tips or advice?