Being the only fatty in the gym class...



  • daveymac1
    daveymac1 Posts: 784 Member
    It's not sweat, it's liquid awesome!! When I see people bigger than me at the gym, I think right on! Good for them to try to get healthy. I find at the gym, people do not judge. We are all there for the same reason. Some are just more advanced.
  • april1445
    april1445 Posts: 334
    In my experience, fit people sincerely just want everyone else to realize how much better it is to be fit. It's the couch potatoes who judge, not the fit ones. Use them as inspiration. You'll get there, and they'll welcome you when you do. Sweating is a good sign, by the way. If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you.
  • zytah
    zytah Posts: 153
    ill add that the "fit" girls usually never make it out a class unscathed either. ive seen plenty with perfect makeup, hair all done, newly manicured nails, cute outfit go in. when class is over, out shuflle zombies with makeup running, hair all blown up, busted up nails and sweat soaked clothes. :laugh:
  • Najay
    Najay Posts: 273 Member
    Dont worry about what others think, you will drive yourself crazy. I know its hard though. Look at it like this everyone had to start from somewhere. They could have been in your shoes before. Be inspired that you have the motivation to be in class. The more you go the stronger you will become and you will be outworking the others. Sweating is a good, when I workout I want to be drenched, if not I think its a waste. Keep your head up.
  • michelefrench
    michelefrench Posts: 814 Member
    I know how you feel.
    When I started Jazzercise I described myself as "the fat chick in the last row that's always out of step".
    This is how I feel about myself at Zumba. But I keep going back and getting used to the moves every class. I also hate watching myself in the mirror because my moves don't look like the instructor's.

    this was me too...started zumba and cardio kickboxing @ 240lbs (5 foot tall...) back row, marching in place thru most of it cause that's all I could i'm front row center @ 140 lbs - everybodies a newbie once...keep going!!
  • jbalistriere
    jbalistriere Posts: 300 Member
    This applies more to running than classes but I think the message is still appropriate. Someone posted this a while back and I keep it printed at my desk with a picture I found on FB of a guy running with the words "No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everyone on the couch". These have both motivated me and calmed some of my anxiety. I hope they help you as well. Good luck!

    Hey, Fat Girl!

    Yes, you. The one feigning to not see me when we cross paths on the running track. The one not even wearing sports gear, breathing heavy. You’re slow, you breathe hard and your efforts at moving forward make you cringe.

    You cling shyly to the furthest corridor, sometimes making larger loops on the gravel ring by the track just so you’re not on it. You sweat so much that your hair is all wet. You rarely stay for more than 20 minutes at a time, and you look exhausted when you leave to go back home. You never talk to anyone. I’ve got something I’d like to say to you.

    You are awesome.

    If you’d look me in the eye only for an instant, you would notice the reverence and respect I have for you. The adventure you have started is tremendous; it leads to a better health, to renewed confidence and to a brand new kind of freedom. The gifts you will receive from running will far exceed the gigantic effort it takes you to show up here, to face your fears and to bravely set yourself in motion, in front of others.

    You have already begun your transformation. You no longer accept this physical state of numbness and passivity. You have taken a difficult decision, but one that holds so much promise. Every hard breath you take is actually a tad easier than the one before, and every step is ever so slightly lighter. Each push forward leaves the former person you were in your wake, creating room for an improved version, one that is stronger, healthier and forward-looking, one who knows that anything is possible.

    You’re a hero to me. And, if you’d take off the blaring headphones and put your head up for more than a second or two, you would notice that the other runners you cross, the ones that probably make you feel so inadequate, stare in awe at your determination. They, of all people, know best where you are coming from. They heard the resolutions of so many others, who vowed to pick up running and improve their health, “starting next week”. Yet, it is YOU who runs alongside, who digs from deep inside to find the strength to come here, and to come back again.

    You are a runner, and no one can take that away from you. You are relentlessly moving forward. You are stronger than even you think, and you are about to be amazed by what you can do. One day, very soon, maybe tomorrow, you’ll step outside and marvel at your capabilities. You will not believe your own body, you will realize that you can do this. And a new horizon will open up for you. You are a true inspiration.

    I bow to you.
  • Rowan813
    Rowan813 Posts: 170 Member
    I was the fatty in class. It is hard. I stuck it out and now I am one of the fitter people in classes. I am so glad I stayed. I get a wonderful sense of accomplishment each time I try something new at the gym and do better than I thought I could. I will never be the fittest, but that is fine. Whenever I see new people I try to make them feel welcome because I remember how I felt. Stick with it and you will be one of the regulars welcoming new members.
  • kezza8888
    kezza8888 Posts: 75
    In my experience, fit people sincerely just want everyone else to realize how much better it is to be fit.

    ^^ THIS!!

    When I see someone working out who potentially is a newbie to healthy lifestyle, I tend to think "Go Girl/Boy!" It's EXTRA admirable because getting started IS the hardest part.....Eveyone has to start somewhere, just dont give up. Somewhere down the line you could be the slim/fit girl ready to make a newbie feel more welcome! :-)
  • dmwill23
    dmwill23 Posts: 1 Member
    I totally understand! I used to feel bad that I was always the biggest person in the class and the most out of shape.:embarassed: But then I realized that this is my fitness journey. What other people may or may not say, feel or think about me, will not help me reach my fitness goals. Don't worry about what other people may think, just focus on what you want to do for yourself!
  • marajade5
    marajade5 Posts: 6
    Aww, thanks everyone! Will be thinking of your comments at Zumba tonight :smile: !
  • highmaintnance
    highmaintnance Posts: 215 Member
    I am guilty of this. I hated doing classes at my Y when I was heavier because I was the biggest gal in class. I started doing a bootcamp program not associated with the Y and I was suddenly the smallest girl. It made a huge difference, psychologically, for me. I felt that I had to push harder and do more because I was an example for the heavier people or that I was competing. If they can do thirty sit ups in x amount of time, I should be able to do 40. Whereas at the Y, I felt like it was ok not to be able to keep up with the other women because they were in shape and I wasn't. I'm not saying it's good or bad but that's how it was for me.
  • whiskeyfudge
    Don't worry at all! It doesn't matter how you look, what matters is that you do your best to make a change :) I have 'fatties' (I really don't like this word) in my gym class and I absolutely admire them, cause they are working so so hard. Focus on yourself and on your work :) I used to think everyone in gym will look at me and criticize or judge the way I look and think that uh here this girl is lazy but seriously? Noone gives a damn and that's awesome.
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    Hi Guys,

    Just trying to get my internal thoughts clear on this one!

    I've just started back doing classes at the gym and have noticed that I am the *only* person there who is fat. I really struggle with the classes (Legs, Bums & Tums, Yoga, PIlates and Zumba) and am literally dripping with sweat after 5 minutes.

    In short, I don't know whether to feel motivated that everyone else is thin, or to feel that everyone is disgusted with me and wondering why there is a fat person struggling with the class.

    Does anyone else ever feel like this??

    look. I have been there. I have been the only fatty in the class. Belly dancing class. Strength training class. Swim class.

    Just lift/shake / dance whatever until, I promise eventually it will happen, poof you are the hottie in the class.
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    don't think about it too much, there's always going to be someone who is slimmer than you or in better shape than you, no matter your size.. you are there for you and no one else.
  • JamieM8168
    JamieM8168 Posts: 248 Member
    I sometimes have the same thoughts but I take it in more of a motivating way. Just keep at it!
  • FrankiesSaysRelax
    FrankiesSaysRelax Posts: 403 Member
    Everyone's gotta start somewhere. Like others have said, I'm sure all those other fit people in the class were not always that way. They are probably thinking, good for her for getting out and trying to make a change. Don't worry about anything, just focus on you and what you are doing.

    ^This. And honestly, most people are watching their form in the mirror or trying to concentrate on the moves/the instructor. Don't be embarassed at all. The more you go, the better you'll get :D
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    As a fitness instructor, I see all different shapes and sizes. Just remember two things... ok three things :)
    1) you're there... which is better than those who have yet to get off the couch

    2) This is where you're starting, and you're taking the steps to make it so that you're not staying at this weight/size etc.

    3) I can guarantee that people aren't starting at you/judging you, for the most part people are so wrapped up in trying to keep up with the moves they don't have time to really pay that much attention to what you look like, and IF they are looking at you it's usually because you look like you know what you're doing and they can't see the instructor as well. The only one in the class that has to worry about looking like an idiot is the instructor... and the best part, at least for me, is I don't care if I look like an idiot as long as it's entertaining for my participants!
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    In my experience, fit people sincerely just want everyone else to realize how much better it is to be fit.

    ^^ THIS!!

    When I see someone working out who potentially is a newbie to healthy lifestyle, I tend to think "Go Girl/Boy!" It's EXTRA admirable because getting started IS the hardest part.....Eveyone has to start somewhere, just dont give up. Somewhere down the line you could be the slim/fit girl ready to make a newbie feel more welcome! :-)

    This and this!!!

    Just keep at it!! Many of those people who *look* fit were probably once in similar shoes to yours. I know I was. I started at my current gym almost 50 pounds heavier than I am today. And just the other day, I saw someone at my gym whom I haven't in a few months, and I noticed she has lost a ton of weight! (And I didn't originally notice her because of her weight - I noticed her because she drinks a Starbucks coffee while on a stationary bike. I think that's weird.) The point is, just keep at it. No one is judging you, and if they are, then they're just an *kitten*. Many people have been in your shoes and all anyone will be thinking is that it's admirable that you've decided to get healthy.
  • clepant
    clepant Posts: 3,414 Member
    Good for you for going to the gym. For every one of you, there are hundreds sitting at home saying I should go to the gym but don't make the effort. No matter what you do that is new, whether fat or skinny, you always feel uncomfortable or the small fish in the big pond until you have been doing it awhile.

    As far as sweat goes, even when I was at the top of my game, I sweat. When I finish my run, my hair looks like I just washed it because it is soaked in sweat. I wear a head band just to keep it out of my eyes. Often my clothes and underwear are drenched. I don't measure it as being out of shape.

    Keep pushng through and don't let that little voice inside tell you negative thoughts. Be positive and it will come through in your class. Just remember that it will get easier in time and you will feel better too.
  • hkmurphy83
    hkmurphy83 Posts: 262 Member
    I've lost 80 lbs, and I still get soaking wet with sweat during every workout I do. Like all the previous posters have said, no one is paying attention. And if they are, screw them. You are there for you and no one else. Awesome job going to class and working hard. One day you won't be the "fatty" because of your dedication.