Calories burned

What is the best way to know how many calories you really burned during your workouts? I have a heart rate monitor that I wear, but does anyone else have a better suggestion?


  • scottrfraser
    scottrfraser Posts: 13 Member
    You need to be able to determine what your average heart rate is for the duration of your routine. If you can do that, go to this site and enter your data .

    Under note section, will see a link for Net Calories, that the result from the fist page and remember it, click on link and enter data again you will be give your Net Calories burned. Log only your Net into your MFP exercise tracker to really get a feel for what you have achieve.
  • cazcarr89
    cazcarr89 Posts: 34
    This probably won't help at all but at my gym they use an American system call Fitlinxx, I have a number that I log onto every machine and it counts calories, heart rate, work out time, everything. This goes onto a website that create tables and also counts food (if you input it) I tend to carry the calories burned over to here. If I go for a run, I use c25k which tracks my workout with gprs and I can then input it into here!

    There are some good phone apps out there.. c25k being one, Nike + being another.
  • Italia2229
    Italia2229 Posts: 119 Member
    This probably won't help at all but at my gym they use an American system call Fitlinxx, I have a number that I log onto every machine and it counts calories, heart rate, work out time, everything. This goes onto a website that create tables and also counts food (if you input it) I tend to carry the calories burned over to here. If I go for a run, I use c25k which tracks my workout with gprs and I can then input it into here!

    There are some good phone apps out there.. c25k being one, Nike + being another.

    I use Nike+ when I run both outside and on a treadmill and they show different calories burned when on the treadmill. Which one do you use? How do you know its right? I also use a Nike Fuelband and it shows how many calories I have burned throughout the day. How do I know if thats accurate. If a heart rate monitor isn't a good option, I need one that is going to be very much on point.