Starting over

I have actually been on MFP since last August. I lost 45 pounds in 8 months. Then I slacked off and gained back 18. :( It goes back on easier than it comes off. My head was out of the game. Just couldn't get back on it. Then yesterday I tried to put on the smallest size jeans that I had gotten into. Couldn't get them on! That motivated me. But I decided I didn't want to look back. So I deleted my account and and rejoined with a new name and a clean slate.
Would love to have some company.


  • NadirToZenith
    NadirToZenith Posts: 62 Member
    I sent you a friend request. I'm glad to hear that you've had success with MFP. I've tried everything in the book and have only found (temporary) success with those silly extreme plans that never give long term solutions. I've found an amazingly supportive group of friends here and I'm so lucky to have found MFP. You're doing the right thing coming back!!
  • ewarlow
    ewarlow Posts: 71 Member
    I can relate - I originally joined MFP in 2009 when losing weight initially (went from 250 - 155). Four years, one baby, lots of stress and a university degree later I am back to 200 and needing that fresh start. Im on day two and honestly, I struggled last night and am thankful I was busy at work so I didn't eat like I wanted to.

    Its one day at a time and there is no sense stewing over the past!
  • MarriedToMySoulmate
    Thanks for the friend requests ladies. We can do this!
  • MarriedToMySoulmate
    I can relate - I originally joined MFP in 2009 when losing weight initially (went from 250 - 155). Four years, one baby, lots of stress and a university degree later I am back to 200 and needing that fresh start. Im on day two and honestly, I struggled last night and am thankful I was busy at work so I didn't eat like I wanted to.

    Its one day at a time and there is no sense stewing over the past!
  • MarriedToMySoulmate
    Ok I need to get the hang of this message board thing. LOL

    @ewarlow When I joined in August of last year I had hit 202. I lost 45 pounds and was within 12 pounds of my goal weight. Then there was May. My birthday, Mother's day, end of the school year lunches, Just kind of fell off the wagon. Gained back 12 pounds Then summer break. vacation, boredom, etc. Gained another 6.
    I was on MFP but needed a clean slate so I deleted my old account and started over. At least this time it didn't take hitting 200 pounds to make me recommit. It was not being able to get in the smallest pair of jeans that I used to fit in.
    School starts back next Monday, It will be easier then. No time for snacking and I tend to drink more water then.
  • kff5
    kff5 Posts: 1
    Same story here. Trying again. Good luck!