Let's Do This Thang!

MojoWild Posts: 2 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Ok, so I'm gonna do this blogging thing now, if only because my good and bestest friend @angelaherself just started one too! :)

So, what brings me to today:

A few years ago I was diagnosed a diabetic but outside of adding a daily dose of medicine to my diet, I really didn't make any changes. So I watched my weight increase, and increase and increase. Once I hit over 200 I knew that wasn't where I wanted to be and would need to make those changes.

Last September, my work started a 12 week fitness challenge. A local gym also offered really good deals for signing up, including a free 4 week trial. I took advantage of that, loved the gym, and found my new home and family.

At first I just did a regular routine provided to me by a personal trainer, but I always noticed the group fitness classes that were going on and so I tried the Spin class. It was grueling but I kept at it. Maybe that's for a future post. Then a while after that I tried BodyPump and never looked back! It had everything I wanted: low impact, strength training, and weight loss. I also cut out all candy and sweets and really cut back on the diet pop, which would have it's good and bad days.

Over the course of about 6 months or so I lost about 30 pounds until I found myself at a plateau around 170 pounds, where I would fluctuate consistently from 170 to 174. I'd already dropped about 3 pants sizes and had recently bought new shirts and pants and wardrobe and was getting noticed for my new look. I'm told I've been motivating to my Twitter and Facebook friends as well :)

Also, my most recent doctor visit showed I didn't need my cholesterol and blood pressure medicine right now, and my diabetic medicine was scaled back. We'll see how that goes in a couple weeks at my next visit.

So, what's next? Well, my next goal is to get down to 160 eventually to 150. I've still got some gut flab I want to get rid of, plus just being healthier and fitter.

And thanks to this site, I've crossed that plateau! When I started I was at 173.5 and now I'm down to 166.5 after a couple weeks! I love myfitnesspal.com and has totally revolutionized how I look at what I eat and how much of it.

Well, I guess that's all for now! Feel free to friend me here!

Shout outs to my buddies @angelaherself and @kateschneider, and all the others!




  • tmcowan
    tmcowan Posts: 322 Member
    Great Job on the loss, I can't wait to hear about the spin story. Spinning will get you in great shape for RAGBRAI or TOMRV :happy:
  • AngelaHerself
    AngelaHerself Posts: 4 Member
    It has been very motivating to watch you put your health first. You are a paragon of commitment!
  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 2 Member
    Maybe I'll make the Spin story my next post, I hope I haven't raised expectations! :)

    Thanks Angie, my perseverance has limits and it's great to have your support! =)
  • kateschneider
    kateschneider Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for the shoutout. :) You do inspire me. For serious. ;)
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