Net Calories

Can anyone explain what I am suppose to end up with at the end of the day.

My info for today ( just got up and haven't ate breakfast yet)

Goal Food Exercise = Net
1,610 0 - 0 0



  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    You need to eat the 1610. If you do exercise you have the option of eating those calories as well if you choose.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    You are supposed to eat 1610 calories plus any you burn exercising, to end up with 0 left at the end of the day. Some like to leave a few on the table, just to be on the safe side. It'll make more sense once you start logging your food and exercise.
  • megadethkt
    megadethkt Posts: 19
    ahhhhhhhhh! Gotcha! Thanks so much!!!!
  • megadethkt
    megadethkt Posts: 19
    I've been going over my sugar and sometimes my fat. I'm eating Vegan/Vegetarian. It's hard with some things not to go over.
  • khannickwechanged
    khannickwechanged Posts: 77 Member
    I think it depends on what method you're using. If you're not factoring exercise into your settings, then you should eat back your exercise calories. If you are factoring in exercise (with TDEE), you wouldn't eat those calories back.
  • megadethkt
    megadethkt Posts: 19
    what is TDEE? I'm adding in my exercise too
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Ignore the sugar setting. MFP recommendations are based on added sugar, not natural sugar, but the diary doesn't discriminate. Eat fruit, and you'll be over. Eat the fruit anyway, it's good for you. As for TDEE, it stands for Total Daily Energy Expenditure. It's a different way of calculating your calorie goals. MFP uses a NEAT system, which assumes you will lose weight purely by eating at a deficit. It takes into account your daily activity level (sedentary or lightly active for most people), but nothing else. It then creates a deficit based on your stats and gives you your calorie goal. If you exercise, you are expected to log the exercise and eat more calories to account for the extra burn and keep your deficit at a safe level. TDEE incorporates all of your workout in a standard week and gives you a calorie goal that includes exercise. Your goal will be higher under TDEE, but you don't eat extra on days when you exercise since those workouts are already accounted for. The downside is that you have to do all of those workouts consistently or you will overeat. The upside is you always know how many calories you have in a day. They are just two different methods. If done right, they should give the same daily goals, more or less. Hope that helps.
  • megadethkt
    megadethkt Posts: 19
    OMG thank you so much. I stopped eating my fruit yesterday at a certain point and was worried I could only limit myself to the set level of sugar MFP gave me. Thanks so much!