Hi! I'm new here trying to lose 20lbs by Winter

I'm trying to get back in shape after a summer of eating terrible foods, drinking too much beer, and unfortunately picking up smoking again.

I recently quit cigarettes (1 week in, woohoo!) and joined MFP and a new gym. I'm looking forward to getting back on track and losing weight and getting stronger in time for the upcoming snowboarding season.

Do any of the veterans of this site have any advice for me?



  • scarlettbleu
    Congrats on quitting smoking and the new diet goals. I can tell you that having a support group helps out a LOT. And my bit of (not so) veteran advice... don't lie to yourself, no matter what you've had to eat or drink write it all down!

    Good luck!
  • tairui2009
    tairui2009 Posts: 37 Member
    Hey there, and WELCOME!

    I'm using Insanity ~ it's a home based system, and amazing... one of the things I learned is to set a schedule and keep to it. Consistency and good choices over time lead to great results. Second.. read through other's success stories, they are motivating and will help to keep you on track. There are other free blog sites out there, you can connect to multiple... and that will really help you stay focussed. Surrounding yourself with successful people, is really important. As for diet? There are a few things that you can do to get your body on track quickly... 1) Drink plenty of water.. and I mean super -hydrate your body. This will help to get your blood ph in balance. When your blood ph is off (ie, too acidic) your body will HOLD ONTO FAT. 2) Drastically reduce or eliminate dairy. Dairy causes acid... acid causes you to hold fat 3). Exercise at least 4-5 days per week.

    Do your best, and recognize that you are making progress even on days when you don't feel it necessarily.

    I highly recommend the Beachbody products ~ you can read how they helped me on my site www.fitrockinmama.com or blog.fitrockinmama.com (for fitness articles). Also... http://beachbodycoach.com/esuite/home/tairui2009 you can view Insanity which is the program I do exclusively. I love it... lost a lot of weight, and reshaped my body in a very short period of time. And the results have lasted...

    Take good care!! And good luck.. let me know if you need anything.. :)

  • poetlba
    I just joined the Lindora program, and while it's quite costly, I noticed that it really works.

    The idea is to maintain about 50g of carbs a day, and have lean proteins, and no fats. You start out with 3 days of proteins only, then on the fourth day, you can integrate low carb vegetables. Be sure not to consume more than 1000 calories a day. You do, however, have to have a minimum of 80 oz of water every day. Moderate exercising like walking at 2.5mph for 30 minutes a day is also great.

    You will definitely lose the 20 lbs before fall is over.