talk me down/scale mind game

When i started hitting this hard a month ago, I have purposely not weighed myself so I don't get down over the number on the scale. So, today I weighed myself to keep myself in check, and I've lost four pounds.

Why do i feel down? I want to slap myself.. I should be thrilled that i'm losing nice a slow while at the same time eating all the foods I love and exercising. This past month.. i've had pizza, burgers, cocktails, tacos... the healthy stuff too.. but no real deprivation like my past diets.

I'm frustrated that I default to being disappointed instead of being happy it is working. How do i reprogram my crazy way of thinking.?


  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    Just like what you are doing now! Recognize the irrational or unhelpful thought and replace it with a rational constructive one. 4 lbs in one month is wonderful and you did it with out being a slave to the scale! You are awesome!
  • lauras777
    lauras777 Posts: 237 Member
    I know all too well how difficult it is to not let the scale get you down...I lost 45 pounds at the rate you are going 1 a week, most of last year, and in the past 4 months - nada. I'm eating the same, exercising 6 days a week, all that good stuff, but that scale gets me annoyed every time I step on it! :grumble:

    Don't let it get to you though, it's just a piece of equipment, you know you are doing what's right and it will all work out for you!!!
  • JessicaPasieka
    JessicaPasieka Posts: 149 Member
    I agree completely. You've lost 4 pounds in one month. That's a nice rate of weight loss in my opinion. And the best part is, you still ate the foods that you love. You didn't deprive yourself and you weren't held prisoner to the scale. That's definitely something to be proud of. Good job.
  • lmyers132625
    lmyers132625 Posts: 31 Member
    The last time I lost a significant amount of weight I deprived myself of my favorite unhealthy foods and continued to do that for 5 years. I was hungry ALL OF THE TIME which meant I was also crabby.

    After some therapy for non-related issues and becoming overall happier with myself, I gained 30lbs in 2 years. I would like to lose 10 of those but this time I am taking it SLOW. 1 day at a time! I feel so much better this time trying to lose weight. You are doing a good job, keep it up!
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    Um, you're down because you were expecting more, right? How you fix that is by learning about weightloss and making adjustments if you want a different outcome, or going with what you've got.

    And few people are crazy, this doesn't qualify.

    ... I probably don't belong in the section of the forums.