All Female Small Support Group

My name is Catie. I'm 21 years old and I've been working to lose weight for a very long time, and I have been extremely UNsuccessful. I tend to very well with a support system, so I'd like to build one for myself! I'd like to keep it small, so PLEASE DO NOT BE OFFENDED IF I DO NOT ADD YOU TO THE GROUP! If you're interested in a having a place to not only talk about weight loss, but to make real FRIENDS, please message me the following app completed:

Real name:
Current Weight:
Total POUNDS left to be lost:
Highest Weight:
Lowest Weight:
State you currently live in:
When did you decide to start making changes?:
What is your goal? (weight loss, muscle gain, weight gain, recovery, maintenance, etc):
Any children?:
Program (if any) that you are using:
Diet plan (if any) that you are using:

THANK YOU! :) Responses sent as soon as I can :D


  • sarahmaryjane
    sarahmaryjane Posts: 41 Member
    Real name: Sarah M.
    Age: 29
    Height: 5'4"
    Current Weight: 194.2
    Total POUNDS left to be lost: 64
    Highest Weight: 205
    Lowest Weight: 130
    State you currently live in: New Mexico

    When did you decide to start making changes?: Beginning of 2012 - I had seen a nurse practitioner who started me on phentermine, which helped me lose more weight than anything, but she was not interested in helping me learn WHY I was overweight and needed help. I couldn't afford to keep seeing her and paying for the meds, so I stopped going. I tried to maintain by myself but ended up gaining it back (not all - I had lost about 30 lbs and gained back 20). I have just started again on an intense gym regimen, hoping that will help me. I also have an appt in October to see a nutritionist, so hope that will help.

    What is your goal? (weight loss, muscle gain, weight gain, recovery, maintenance, etc): Weight loss! Always. I do better with a support system.

    Any children?: Nope, just three dogs.

    Program (if any) that you are using: My sister and I do Les Mills Bodypump three days a week, and I have been doing treadmill intervals in the mornings about five days a week.

    Diet plan (if any) that you are using: 1200 calories net/day. I have always found that I do better with lower calories.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    I love having support too!

    Real name: Hannah W.
    Age: 23
    Height: 5'5"
    Current Weight: ~174
    Total POUNDS left to be lost: 35-40
    Highest Weight: 178
    Lowest Weight: I can't remember its been so long, but around 140-150 in HS I think
    State you currently live in: NC
    When did you decide to start making changes?: just over a month ago, I got fed up when I started realizing I should probably get new (bigger) clothes
    What is your goal? (weight loss, muscle gain, weight gain, recovery, maintenance, etc): weight loss! But also working on lifting weights as well.
    Any children?: nope.
    Program (if any) that you are using: Deadlifts 5x5 slightly modified until I join an actual gym with barbells in August, then some light cardio just to get my heart rate up 3 times a week + running 3.1 miles on Saturdays to work on running
    Diet plan (if any) that you are using: just low-cal based off BMR and TDEE
  • Jaimie6171
    Jaimie6171 Posts: 37 Member
    Real name: Jaimie W.
    Age: 26
    Height: 5'1"
    Current Weight: ~150
    Total POUNDS left to be lost: ?? Hopefully around 30
    Highest Weight: 160
    Lowest Weight: 115 (YEARS ago!)
    State you currently live in: Washington
    When did you decide to start making changes?: About a month ago, when nothing would fit!
    What is your goal? (weight loss, muscle gain, weight gain, recovery, maintenance, etc): Weight loss paired with healthy eating!
    Any children?: Nope!
    Program (if any) that you are using: Yoga, walking.running, circuit training
    Diet plan (if any) that you are using: just healthy low calorie eating:)

    I would love some supportive friends here because I am doing this alone and some days, it gets really tough to stick it out!
  • determined_erin
    determined_erin Posts: 571 Member
    Real name: Erin
    Age: 23
    Height: 5'1"
    Current Weight: 154 lbs
    Total POUNDS left to be lost: 25 - 35 lbs
    Highest Weight: 221 lbs
    Lowest Weight: Right now
    State you currently live in: PA
    When did you decide to start making changes?: January 2013
    What is your goal? (weight loss, muscle gain, weight gain, recovery, maintenance, etc): Weight loss
    Any children?: No.
    Program (if any) that you are using: None. I'm just using MyFitnessPal and BodyMedia.
    Diet plan (if any) that you are using: None.
  • Lindsey1985x
    Lindsey1985x Posts: 106 Member
    Real name: Lindsey
    Age: 28
    Height: 5'6"
    Current Weight:183lbs
    Total POUNDS left to be lost: 43lbs
    Highest Weight: 245lb
    Lowest Weight: 183lb
    State you currently live in: Leicester, England, United Kingdom
    When did you decide to start making changes?: Bad break-up with (now ex) husband left me low in confidence and I needed to do something about it.
    What is your goal? (weight loss, muscle gain, weight gain, recovery, maintenance, etc): Lose weight, have a healthy attractive body
    Any children?: None yet, getting married again in October and looking to start trying for them once wed x
    Program (if any) that you are using: 30 Day Shred. Lifting (VERY novice!)
    Diet plan (if any) that you are using: MyFitnessPal exclusively... IIFMY policy x
  • tannyy_
    tannyy_ Posts: 13
    Real name: Tiffany
    Age: 21
    Height: 5'5
    Current Weight: 160
    Total POUNDS left to be lost: 19
    Highest Weight: 165
    Lowest Weight: 140
    State you currently live in: Georgia
    When did you decide to start making changes?: Last week when I couldn't get ANY of my jeans on!
    What is your goal? (weight loss, muscle gain, weight gain, recovery, maintenance, etc): Weight loss, muscle toning.
    Any children?: none yet.
    Program (if any) that you are using: none.
    Diet plan (if any) that you are using: just low calorie
  • Mayra_121
    Mayra_121 Posts: 128 Member
    Hi, my name is Yomaira I hope I'm not too late in joining this group, I've been looking forward in having a small support group for motivation. I started using MFP in Jan of this year so I don't have many friends yet... but welcome anyone who would like to add me for mutual support in this journey for a healthy lifestyle =) I recently completed a 30 day juice fast and was able to lose 15 lbs which was awesome. After HS I started working in McD's while enrolled full time in college which meant eating out 2 or 3 times a day! Like expected my weight kept going up and up and losing became harder. I have always had a goal of being 130 lbs but honestly never thought I would be able to make it. This year I have really decided to kick it up a notch and change my negativity into something more productive. Like anyone who has struggled losing weight I have been through many obstacles that have made me want to quit, but now after finally going down to 152 I feel that I can reach my goal! Which for me is the most exciting feeling ever.

    Real name: Yomaira
    Age: 25
    Height: 5'3''
    Current Weight: 152
    Total POUNDS left to be lost: 22
    Highest Weight: 190
    Lowest Weight: Well I can't really remember...
    State you currently live in: Michigan
    When did you decide to start making changes?: Last summer I saw pictures my bf had taken of me and didn't like what I saw soo I decided enough was enough
    What is your goal? (weight loss, muscle gain, weight gain, recovery, maintenance, etc): weight loss for now then when I reach my GW toning
    Any children?: no children
    Program (if any) that you are using: Started this year counting calories, went to the gym for 3 months but stopped when I moved to MI, started 30 Day Shred but didn't complete it =(, occasionally, yoga, zumba, pilates
    Diet plan (if any) that you are using: counting calories and trying to make healthier choices
  • kirstenleek
    Hope I'm not to late!
    My name is Kirsten
    22 years old
    167 pounds currently
    Height 5 3
    Weight to loose 47
    Highest weight 189 pregnant..
    Lowest weight 135- at wedding last year
    Live in Tennessee
    Wanting to get back to prepregnacy weight
    2 children - 3 year old son and 2 week old daughter :)!
    Diet and program- I am currently nursing my daughter so my plan is to eat 1500-1800 calories to loose 1-2 lbs per week.
    I am trying to workout as much as I can find time for. Even if that's just taking kids to park or on a walk. Trying to be more active in general.
    My goal is to get back into Shape and not have a saggy post baby belly! I am way to young to have "mom pooch" forever!
    After I had my son I went from 170 to 130 in about 5 months so I'm hoping to do that again.
    I do mug better when I have motivation and support! I would love a few friends to talk with and keep up the weight loose with.