
redhotsmacker Posts: 227 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
So I am just curious if anyone has ever gone to a session or has any reviews about it? I have my first session this evening. I think I am a little intimidated about it, but the nurses I have spoken to say it isn't anything to be terrible scared of. I have heard that most people have an excess of 5-25lbs of old matter built up inside their colons.

The main reason I have chosen to go ahead with a session is that since my lifestyle change (food), I find that I have a huge constipation issue.....I have been told that my crappy eating through the years was not really a good thing, and now that my diet has changed, I have shocked my body and it doesn't quite know how to work properly.... I don't think I am so much looking at this as a weight loss alternative as much as trying to help restore things to their natural state.

Opinions are welcome!


  • healthygrl
    healthygrl Posts: 33 Member
    Let us know how it goes! How you feel after and how much weight you drop.
  • jacksmum2
    jacksmum2 Posts: 1 Member

    I have had a colonic twice, and whilst it didn't result in any significant weight loss, I did feel much better after each session, and more importantly discovered that Ihave a wheat intolerance which has made a huge change to my diet and my general health.

    I would thoroughly recommend it, although appreciate it's not for everybody.
  • Jenks
    Jenks Posts: 349
    Let us know how it goes! How you feel after and how much weight you drop.

    Yes Please :flowerforyou:
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    Personally I think this is a gimmick and I would never pay anyone to do this to me unless I was having a medical procedure. True, being severely constipated can be harmful and uncomfortable but relying on enema's to fix that problem creates a problem in itself. There are many natural foods that can help with constipation, plus increasing your water intake.

    Will one session hurt you, no..... but remember, it won't be a permanent weight loss, it's just fecal material, not fat. This is just my humble opinion.
  • Bubblers
    Bubblers Posts: 4 Member
    I have not done colonics, but I have done colon cleansers. I didn't notice a difference. But, last year I had to have a colonoscopy, I asked the Dr. about these cleansers and he said they don't do anything. I requested pics of my colon (I know, weird, but that's how I am, LOL) during the colonoscopy, and there is nothing, I mean nothing there! Had there been any kind of build up, I would have seen it.
  • clo49
    clo49 Posts: 894
    I too have heard that colonics can result in a 5 to 10 lb. weight loss. However, after having had two colonoscopies due to colon cancer in the family, I doubt it. Prep for a colonscopy cleans the colon thoroughly, and there was no resulting lasting weight loss. Adding fiber, exercise, and plenty of water to your diet might be more effective to returning to a "normal state".:smile:
  • Hi,
    I've had a couple of colonics, in the hope it would kick start my weight loss, but to be honest it didn't really do much. It was good to know that I had been 'flushed out'!!!! But the other thing I noticed was when I actually started to eat within my calorie allowance, I simply have less to get rid of! So now, when I feel that I should be 'going' but am not, I just eat a lot more fruit and dried fruit (although dried fruit is SO much higher in cals) for a day or two. Works great!

    Essentially, you have to do what works for you x
  • tgaul
    tgaul Posts: 123
    I work for gastroenterologist and we don't recommend this. One you are clearing out the good flora your colon needs which can lead to other problems. A high fiber diet, exercise and plenty of water will keep your bowels happy. If you are still having problems with constipation I would check with you doctor to see if there is a cause for this.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I was thinking about checking in to this as well and have for some time. Please let me know how it goes, comfort/discomfort level etc.

    I would only do it once mind you ... I am currently constipated but I think that is because I have recently quit drinking and started this MFP program. Once my body get's used to it I will become regular again. I am drinking plenty of water (almost 1 gallon every day) and eating enough fiber, fruits and veggies so doing all that and still no BM for like 3 days now?
  • healthygrl
    healthygrl Posts: 33 Member
    Have you ever tried Miralax? I've found it works for my occasional constipation. It's not super harsh. You do have to take it for a couple days in a row in order for it to start working.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Have you ever tried Miralax? I've found it works for my occasional constipation. It's not super harsh. You do have to take it for a couple days in a row in order for it to start working.

    I haven't tried that yet. I have been using Benefiber packets but it still isn't working (read: no bm today either). I "feel" it but it's not coming naturally so I don't want to push it.

    I will pick that up

    to the OP still curious to hear your feedback on your experience. I have only ever done 1 enema and it was not so pleasant
  • redhotsmacker
    redhotsmacker Posts: 227 Member
    So I wanted to let everyone know how my colonic went yesterday. At first I went in and I was a little intimidated and scared. I wasn't quite sure how it was going to feel and whether there would be any pain involved. But for the most part it really wasn't that bad! Yes, there was a little bit of cramping, but it wasn't terrible. At first when I went in the therapist sat me down and went over the history of colonics and why she felt that it was an essential part of good overall health practices. I believe she even used the term "death begins in the colon". This meaning that if toxins are not removed from the colon, they get reabsorbed into your bloodstream and your liver, kidneys, and small intestines are having to work harder.

    Anyhow, the most uncomfortable thing about the procedure was having the speculum inserted. Once that was done, I was given a organic enema, which I held in for 10 minutes. Next, the enema was removed and the filtered water started. All in all, I believe about 10 gallons of water was used. Slowly put in and taken out. There was even a mirror in which you could see the excess matter being removed. The process lasted about 45 minutes.

    When I left the office, I almost felt rejuvenated. Like I was clean. I will be going back in about 10 days for another treatment, in which I hope that more old matter can be washed away. I was told that most times one session just isn't enough to get rid of many years of build up.

    So, my overall review, I would definitely recommend having a colonic to everyone! I realize that some people don't agree with it, but in my experience it seemed harmless and almost very beneficial to ones overall health. I recommend that anyone that is looking to have the procedure done to do their research first and look into the history of colonics as well as natural medicine.

    Now, as far as any kind of weight loss goes, I don't believe I really lost any huge amount of weight. Possibly 1 lb, but then again I really wasn't looking for weight loss out of this procedure. I was solely going into the procedure with an open mind and hope that in time I can get my body to function properly to make weight loss more attainable.

    So tha'ts that, if anyone has any specific questions that I didn't get into, please feel free to ask away :)
  • disnyfan
    disnyfan Posts: 39 Member
    OMG! I thought I was the only one with constipation issues now that I've changed my diet!!!!
  • disnyfan
    disnyfan Posts: 39 Member
    Personally I think this is a gimmick and I would never pay anyone to do this to me unless I was having a medical procedure. True, being severely constipated can be harmful and uncomfortable but relying on enema's to fix that problem creates a problem in itself. There are many natural foods that can help with constipation, plus increasing your water intake.

    Will one session hurt you, no..... but remember, it won't be a permanent weight loss, it's just fecal material, not fat. This is just my humble opinion.

    It's gotta be better than living on laxatives though.....
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Red ... did you actually WATCH the mirror to see what was coming out? Did the technician make any comments? What type of enema solution did they use? How long did the entire process take?

    I have been bookmarking colonic clinics in Los Angeles now for about 1 year.
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