Question about training :)

Is it normal to have knee pain after working out?

I've been working out solidly for 2 weeks straight now, I'm clearly a beginner so i know that your body has to adjust, and i have the usual burn in my muscles from weight training and cardio, but in the last 2 days I've had knee pain too...It's not stopping me from walking or anything like that but, i guess I'm wondering if it's normal for the knees to be included in that beginner's 'burn' in your muscles after working out?

I guess I'm a weakling cause my *kitten*, thighs, arms, hips aren't thanking me, and I'm only on 20 minutes Zumba, and 2.5lbs weights at 3reps 10 sets...Should i be lifting heavier at this early stage??


  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member

    I guess I'm a weakling cause my *kitten*, thighs, arms, hips aren't thanking me, and I'm only on 20 minutes Zumba, and 2.5lbs weights at 3reps 10 sets...Should i be lifting heavier at this early stage??


    Your set to rep ratio should almost be the other way. You want a weight you can only lift 4-6 times, and not 10 sets worth.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Joint pain is not a burn or anything, it is damage, do not try to push through joint pain like you would push through muscle pain or soreness. Rest the joints and be careful
  • rochey_1
    rochey_1 Posts: 37
    Hi RGv2 :happy:

    Thank you for your reply, Can i have some more advice please :)

    I have a tier of dumbbells:


    I thought you were to start light and work up to lifting heavier weights...That's what i did, but can you recommend me the correct weight/reps/sets..Oh I'm female too if that helps?
  • rochey_1
    rochey_1 Posts: 37
    Hi AJ_G :smile:

    Thank you for the reply.

    So if my knees's not a burn but damage to the joints?

    Oh i didn't know, I honestly having being doing more than i should...I'm only in the beginning stages so I'm starting cautiously and working up to a higher intensity session.

    I zuma 4 times weekly for 20 minutes.

    I weight train 3 times weekly with things like lunges included..I have the recommended rest days I'm supposed too..Should i wait to weight train until the pain fades?
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    It depends on the type of pain and the location. After a particularly intense insanity workout, I'll get soreness in the connective muscles just above and beside the knee as a result of normal DOMS. That's nothing to worry about and will go away. If the pain is inside the joint, then you are likely overstressing the joint. Check your form and make sure you are doing the exercises safely. Soreness is good, but pain is a sign that you need to take it easy and rest the joint.