Frustrated.. Any suggestions?

Hi All.. just want to get it out there that I'm feeling frustrated! I've been eating and exercising well since April when I began my new lifestyle but I've managed to injure my back to the point where it is painful to walk (not very painful but uncomfortable nevertheless). I've spoken with a Dr who suggested a change of footwear may help and rest.. that was 4 days ago.

I'm so scared of losing the goodness I've done , my shape has changed so much since I started running but then I know it's best to rest when you have back pain or I'll be setting myself up for a world of pain later on in life! (I'm 27).. Any advice apart from rest? Anything I can do safely without risk to my back?


  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    Every exercise I can think of uses your back in some way. It's only been 4 days. I've been out three days, and I feel your pain, but realistically, even a few weeks is not going to set you back to square 1.

    For me personally, I know that 1 week of injury or illness can set me back the gains I've made in a month of training. However, I can still do everything I could do before, I'm just not as quick and strong. After a week of zero training, my body doesn't look one bit different with the exception that I might look a bit smaller because the swelling from muscle use has gone down.

    Don't worry. Stress slows down healing. Just focus on some other project you need to get done.
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    My SIL has been a runner her entire life. She's had two back surgeries and two kids in the past six or so years and she can still rock a bikini. It is all about finding things you can do comfortably, and if you are eating well then that will go a long way toward maintaining what you've done so far.
  • MonaBonz
    MonaBonz Posts: 1 Member
    I suggest getting into the pool. It has worked wonders for me. I had a frozen hip and pain in both legs, knees, and calves that came on suddenly more than a year ago. Rather than working on swimming laps for speed, I have used the water to help me regain range of motion that was lost.

    I suggest you use a noodle or other flotation device so that you can work on form rather than have to struggle to keep afloat.
    Currently, I swim at least 3 times a week and got my husband to swim, too. My body looks a lot more toned, and I feel a lot better psychologically.

    If you're a Star Trek fan, I compare being in the water to being like Captain Pike to being on the alien planet. There are just things you can do in the water than you can't do on land--even now.
  • xAndreaWx
    xAndreaWx Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you both.. posts have really helped!
  • Lone_Wolf70
    Lone_Wolf70 Posts: 2,820 Member
    you cant mess with the back and as stated above almost anything you do will use the back in some way shape or form. I would suggest rest with strict adherence to your diet and maybe up your water intake in the interim.
  • xAndreaWx
    xAndreaWx Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you.. I think I knew this already but it's nice to have it confirmed. Will take it easy for a week or so and count calories as normal :)