Military Spouses

lilmom1 Posts: 69
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
It can be very difficult to be a military spouse, and as we know weight gain can be a side effect.... I have been a mil spouses for 4 years and wow I had no idea. I am happy my husband is serving his country, and grateful! Go USA! Anyone else in this boat??? Happy to support anyone else on this journey, and happy for any help. Have a Blessed day!


  • Well, I don't have a spouse in the military but I'd like to thank your husband AND you. Without support from you, he couldn't go there and protect us the best he can so you should both be thanked!!
  • Thanks that is very kind.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Mines Deployed right now!
  • Don't have a spouse in the military yet....he has his meeting to review his paperwork on Friday...yikes...
    Anyway, thank you for being brave enought to put yourself out there and THANK YOU for what you do and for what your husband does every day! God Bless you both!
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    It can be very difficult to be a military spouse, and as we know weight gain can be a side effect.... I have been a mil spouses for 4 years and wow I had no idea. I am happy my husband is serving his country, and grateful! Go USA! Anyone else in this boat??? Happy to support anyone else on this journey, and happy for any help. Have a Blessed day!

    I also thank your husband for his service and I thank you for your sacrifice. There are a lot of good people in this website that will support you on your efforts to achieve your healthy goals. Keep posting your ideas or questions and complete your food dairy. You will see results very soon.

    God bless you and your husband!
  • So sorry to hear that :brokenheart: mines been back for just a few months.... happy to know i'm not alone.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Mines leaving for Korea.
  • Thanks
  • I had no idea there were so many of you on here. Thanks for taking the time to say hello. Thanks you all for your support and for all you do to support the mission!
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    As I've mentioned before, I'm retired military, so my perspective is from the other side of the coin, so to speak. As an aircrew member, I can testify that we couldn't have completed our missions without the support of spouses back home supporting us and keeping "the rest of everything" running smoothly. The military spouse has to be mom, dad, teacher, medic, cook, chauffeur, coach, handyman (or handywoman), plumber, electrician, gardener, banker, and crisis support counselor.

    How you all do it is beyond me. Keep up the good work!
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    And don't forget snowblower! :)
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I'm mil to mil and with us being in different units I've operated in both the military and spouse capacity. I'm currently deployed and will soon be over seas where it will be tougher to watch what I eat because I won't have control over how the food is cooked since it's provided by the military. I'll doing the best I can knowing for the most part to "eat this, not that" lol, and will work out as much as I can to be safe. But kudos to you for being a mil spouse w/o being military yourself; that is a tough job being on the "outside". Good luck to you and your husband; you'll be in my prayers for safe tours!
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    The best is working as a civ for the military and being married to a military member!
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    My husband is in the Army he is currently on his 4th deployment we have done 3 in Iraq 12-15 months and we are on the last stretch of this 12 month deployment to Afghanistan. He is gone more than he is home but we are a strong couple and we get through it. Me and the kids handle it very well they don't get sad they know daddy has to leave to keep them safe and they are cool with that.

    Good luck on your weight loss journey the hardest part is keeping it off when they get back home.
  • My husband is in the Army he is currently on his 4th deployment we have done 3 in Iraq 12-15 months and we are on the last stretch of this 12 month deployment to Afghanistan. He is gone more than he is home but we are a strong couple and we get through it. Me and the kids handle it very well they don't get sad they know daddy has to leave to keep them safe and they are cool with that.

    Good luck on your weight loss journey the hardest part is keeping it off when they get back home.

    Wow thats ahard one mine is AF, so not that bad! My son also understands, mil kids are strong very strong! When my husband came home I put on ten pounds in the first a foodie.....
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    My husband is in the Army he is currently on his 4th deployment we have done 3 in Iraq 12-15 months and we are on the last stretch of this 12 month deployment to Afghanistan. He is gone more than he is home but we are a strong couple and we get through it. Me and the kids handle it very well they don't get sad they know daddy has to leave to keep them safe and they are cool with that.

    Good luck on your weight loss journey the hardest part is keeping it off when they get back home.

    Wow thats ahard one mine is AF, so not that bad! My son also understands, mil kids are strong very strong! When my husband came home I put on ten pounds in the first a foodie.....
    Funny you say that my husband was just home for R&R and I gained 9lbs but I knew I was going to gain weight I also decided to just do whatever during that time. I knew that when he left I had to tightenin it back up. I won't let myself gain weight when he comes home for good though I am more conscious about it and I continue working out too. He is very supportive of me working out in the gym even gets the kids so I can go straight from work to the gym. He likes having a hot wife and being envied by his friends haha. Yeah Army life is tough for some- Many army wives I know complain about it- it's not a job it's a lifestyle you need to know what to expect.
  • My husband is deployed right now. We are almost at the 8 month mark of this 12 month deployment. 30 months total deployed and 25 months in Korea. AHHHH! I just want it over with already.
  • kyleefreeman
    kyleefreeman Posts: 70 Member
    I am also a military spouse...Navy! My husband is out to sea right now, only difference is, I have NO idea where he is, but as rumor has it, I am happy to report he should be home next weekend!! I completely understand what all the deployed spouses are going through, we just finished ours in March, so this one he is on now is just a short one...but still, definitely not fun, for me it was more motivational to lose the weight to see the look on my husband's face upon his homecoming!
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    Marine Corps spouse here!
    I think deployments are the absolute best time to lose weight.
    I've lost 12 lbs. since hubby left (Afghanistan). The stress is the big factor for us I think. :explode: Stress can definitely hurt weight loss attempts and can help you gain weight as well. The best advice I have for that is to make sure you are working out at least 5 times/week. Working out is my stress release and it's helped me to lose weight and keep it off. I also have a great community of friends at my gym that keeps stress down while I'm there.
    I agree that the hardest part will be keeping it off when he gets back, but I've already told him no more fast food lol.
    He's really wanting to get in great shape, too, so I'm hoping it won't be too difficult. As long as I keep up my working out I think it'll be ok. I had started my lifestyle change before he left, so there's no reason not to continue it when he comes back, right? :happy:
  • Deployments are the best and easiest time to lose weight, I think too. However, as I learned when he came home on R&R, that weight can go back on pretty darn fast. I think we ate out at least 6x a week when he was home to "celebrate." Ugh. It took about 6 weeks to get off the weight that I gained during his 2 week R&R. Not cool. I learned my lesson.
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