Obessions with MFP... good or bad?

Every time I decide to try and lose weight... I get obsessed with doing so... and I have never been so obsessed as I am this time... that being said I still have a reasonable goal of losing 1lb per week... and I plan on doing it for real this time... with healthy eating, exercise and hard work... there is no going back to my old ways... but is it bad to obsess with this?? What happens when the obsession is over?


  • Barbellgirl
    Barbellgirl Posts: 544 Member
    It's okay to be a little "obsessive" with your weight loss goal because let's face it, this requires focus and determination if you are going to do it. Eventually though, fitness and health have to become a lifestyle, a habit if you will. That may take a change in mindset from something you are doing to reach a goal, to something you just do because it's what you do. :)
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    I get it. Sent you a message.
  • funforsports
    funforsports Posts: 2,656 Member
    It is not bad to be obsessed but you need to realize it is a lifestyle change and not something temporary. If you make changes that you can sustain over the long term, you will be able to keep the weight off and live a healthier life. If you get motivated and jump on the newest fad diet, once the motivation is gone, you will fall off the horse and be back exactly where you started.
  • clszewczyk
    clszewczyk Posts: 19 Member
    This is about the same boat I'm in right now. I have a strong history of yoyo dieting. (lose 15 lbs - gain 20). I fear the same for myself. I think the most important part is that you are dedicated right now. You just have to stay in that mindset.
  • CountryGirl8542
    CountryGirl8542 Posts: 449 Member
    A MFP friend made me aware that sometimes we do this because of perfection.... everything has to be perfect... work outs have to be Monday - Friday at 6 am everyday.... and eating times and measurements must be perfect.... no bad food because then I am not perfect... not even as a treat once in awhile.... and this sets us up to fail because we leave no room for error.... because if we have error we are no longer perfect... so why continue on... why don't we just start over next Monday...or on the 1st of the next month....

    So this time....... F * * K PERFECTION!!!!
  • christianteach
    christianteach Posts: 593 Member
    It's much better than obsessing over food.