MFP Biking Challenge July 6

shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
Another week for the MFP Biker Gang!

What is everyone's pledge/goal for riding for the coming week?

I'd love to say 100 miles for myself but it's supposed to be raining for like the next 4 days :grumble:, so I'm not sure I'll get in 100 miles.

I will set a goal though of upping my distance by 10% again-that means doing one 45 mile ride sometime this week.

So, that's my pledge--increase my distance by 10% to 45 miles.

Anyone been watching the Tour de France? I'm inspired!


  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Another week for the MFP Biker Gang!

    What is everyone's pledge/goal for riding for the coming week?

    I'd love to say 100 miles for myself but it's supposed to be raining for like the next 4 days :grumble:, so I'm not sure I'll get in 100 miles.

    I will set a goal though of upping my distance by 10% again-that means doing one 45 mile ride sometime this week.

    So, that's my pledge--increase my distance by 10% to 45 miles.

    Anyone been watching the Tour de France? I'm inspired!
  • stschulz
    stschulz Posts: 340
    I ride the 45 with you dear.
    (in Delaware):wink:
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Here's some GREAT quotes I found, too, on the 'net that can give us inspiration for meeting our goals for the coming week!

    The first one is my favorite! :tongue:

    Pedal On!

    "The bicycle is just as good as most husbands and, when it gets old and shabby, a woman can dispose of it and get a new one without shocking the entire community."

    - Ann Strong "Borrowed" from the website of Intown Bicycles. Thanks Mike.

    "When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race."

    - H.G. Wells

    "Cycling satisfies so many needs. If you're in a gregarious mood, you can go out with a group. OR you can go alone- solo. If you're in an aggressive mood, you can go fast, or if you're tired and want to unwind you can go slow. A bicycle doesn't discriminate in age, either."

    - Georgena Terry

    "Just as the ideal of classic Greek culture was the most perfect harmony of mind and body, so a human and a bicycle are the perfect synthesis of body and machine."

    - Richard Ballantine

    "Bicycles are social catalysts that attract a superior category of people."

    - Chip Brown, "A Bike and a Prayer"

    "Whoever invented the bicycle deserves the thanks of humanity."

    - Lord Charles Beresford Miscellaneous

    "The bicycle is a curious vehicle. It's passenger is its engine."

    - John Howard, U.S. Olympic cyclist

    "Let me tell you what I think of bicycling. I think it has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world. It gives women a feeling of freedom and self-reliance. I stand and rejoice every time I see a woman ride by on a wheel... the picture of free, untrammeled womanhood."

    - Susan B. Anthony

    "Those who wish to control their own lives and move beyond existence as mere clients and consumers- those people ride a bike."

    - Wolfgang Sachs, For the Love of the Automobile

    "The bicycle should always be the vehicle of novelists and poets."

    - Christopher Morley, novelist, and writer

    "Bicycle riding as little as three miles a day will improve your sex life."

    - Dr. Franco Antonini

    "Cyclists are open-minded. Cyclists are egalitarian. Cyclists share a fellowhip of the wheel that can overcome all political, social, racial and economic barriers. Except for recumbents."

    - Ted Costantino, cycling journalist

    "Let our people travel light and free on their bicycles."

    - Edward Abbey, Desert Solitaire

    "Don't buy upgrades; ride up grades."

    - Eddy Merckx

    "Government must help to eliminate cars so that bicycles can help to eliminate government."

    - Advocacy slogan in Holland

    "Bicycling is a big part of the future. It has to be. There is something wrong with a society that drives a car to work out in a gym."

    - Bill Nye, scientist and producer of public TV science programs

    "The bicycle enables us to escape many other machines: We use it for transportation, sport, recreation, and make it a way of life."

    - Jobst Brandt, famous wheel builder, and author of The Bicycle Wheel

    "Bicycling is human scale- a living, breathing alternative to the city's domination by motor vehicles. There is magic in blending with traffic, feeling the wind in one's face, the sheer fact of traversing the city under one's own power."

    - Charles Komanoff, cycling advocate

    "For city bicycling to catch on we need a revolution in our society's infrastructure. Right now a city rider needs to be a road warrior, and the bike needs to be cheap and ugly so it won't get stolen. That's not a bike friendly culture."

    - Gary Fisher, founder and CEO of Fisher Bicycles Riding

    "City riding is a continual lesson in feminine principles, in particular the art of being vulnerable. A confrontational, macho aesthetic spells calamity. You must learn to yield, to dodge, to seek harmony. You are obliged to mind the web of interrelations, that complicated mesh of interestes, conflicts, and intentions."

    - Chip Brown, essayist, and author of "A Bike and a Prayer"

    "A road rider who is unpracticed is merely an athlete on a bike, half-educated, a pedaler- not a complete cyclist."

    - Maynard Hershon, cycling journalist (visit our Effective Cycling web pages!)

    "Nobody ever died from not knowing how to play flag football. Yet we spend tax money teaching kids its nuances in gym classes, while bicycle safety is still foreign to most school curriculums. That isn't right."

    - Don Cuerdon, cycling journalist who uses the pen name "Captain Dondo"
  • stschulz
    stschulz Posts: 340
    OK I thought about it.

    Tuesday: 25
    Wednesday: 15 (that'll be too easy)
    Thursday: 45
    Saturday: 15

    Total of 100. weather provided. (My weather report says it'll be sunny here)
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Weather turned out great today after all--so I rode to the gym, did some weights, and rode home.

    That gives me 16.5 miles for today and a good start on the week.
  • familybugs
    familybugs Posts: 129 Member
    July 1 - July 6th

    Tues- 25 miles
    Friday- 44 miles
    Sat - 30 miles
    Sun - 19 miles

    Total- 118 for last week... This week my goal is 125
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    I didn't make it out this morning b/c I am trying to get my son packed for camp. If it is not raining later then I plan to hit the streets for a nice quiet ride.

    My goal for the week is 50 miles. I am painting my son's room while he is gone to camp. He will only be gone until Friday so I have alot to do in a little time. It is part of his bday present and it will be a big surprise when he comes home Friday. I am redoing it all. So my goal is a little less than I would like it to be.
  • familybugs
    familybugs Posts: 129 Member
    I didn't make it out this morning b/c I am trying to get my son packed for camp. If it is not raining later then I plan to hit the streets for a nice quiet ride.

    My goal for the week is 50 miles. I am painting my son's room while he is gone to camp. He will only be gone until Friday so I have alot to do in a little time. It is part of his bday present and it will be a big surprise when he comes home Friday. I am redoing it all. So my goal is a little less than I would like it to be.

    That is so much fun! I did that for my son last summer! It is a Ton of work!!!!!!
    What are you doing to it?
  • stschulz
    stschulz Posts: 340
    Enjoy the paint job Bamboo. I painted years ago a bathroom with a seascape. Lighthouses and beaches and sdeabirds, boats on the water... was really fun.

    familybugs, I am very impressed! How do you find the time with 3 kids?
  • blondeheat
    blondeheat Posts: 254 Member
    Hi, I want to join you! I love bicycling. This week my goal
    30 min spin today (indoor trainer)
    1 hour Spinerval video tomorrow
    3 mile/ jog thurs
    30 min easy spin Fri
    15 min easy spin Sat
    Sun TRIATHLON!!!

    Wish me luck.

    BTW - I am thinking of putting my calories on Maintainance from Wed or Thurs to Sun so I am not low on energy for the race. Any suggestions?
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Got in 15 miles this morning. But boy, was it a push! Yesterday and today my rides were just torture for some reason. I really felt like I was pushing through mud--just no energy at all. Coupled with the no weight loss in the last week, and I'm not happy!

    I'm starting to wonder if I need a break. I've been riding pretty much 4-6 days a week now for since April 1, with only the occasional day or two off, so I'm wondering if a week's break would be in order? Maybe my body just needs some time to regroup??
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    Mon- 11 miles
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    I didn't make it out this morning b/c I am trying to get my son packed for camp. If it is not raining later then I plan to hit the streets for a nice quiet ride.

    My goal for the week is 50 miles. I am painting my son's room while he is gone to camp. He will only be gone until Friday so I have alot to do in a little time. It is part of his bday present and it will be a big surprise when he comes home Friday. I am redoing it all. So my goal is a little less than I would like it to be.

    That is so much fun! I did that for my son last summer! It is a Ton of work!!!!!!
    What are you doing to it?

    He has traditional cherry furniture in his room. I didn't want to buy all new furniture...well I did, but I don't need to spend money when his furniture is just fine. I am changing all the knobs and stuff to a chrome and accessorizing with chrome...just to sort of give it a modern feel. I am painting the base color khaki and I may get brave and try some other colors. His new bedding is denim and has khacki, navy and deep red in it.
  • stschulz
    stschulz Posts: 340

    BTW - I am thinking of putting my calories on Maintainance from Wed or Thurs to Sun so I am not low on energy for the race. Any suggestions?


    you should not only put your calories on maintenance, but also consider loading carbs. I Triathlon is a serious race and you need all the energy you can get. Google the web for "carb loading". You'll find plenty of information. And it really does give you a boost for that day.

    You can worry about weight loss again after the Triathlon. And don't forget that right after the event you need to "refill" your carbs and protein too!.
  • blondeheat
    blondeheat Posts: 254 Member
    Rode 40 min to Spinerval video. Good thing as I used up all my regular calories at lunch! Smoked salmon salad for dinner.
  • familybugs
    familybugs Posts: 129 Member
    sounds cute Bamboo!!!
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Hey there!!! I am so proud of my family!!! We took them on dirt roads, found some dirt hills to climb, and all around again in the Florida humidity late yesterday and rode around for over 75 minutes, and about 6 miles!!! YEY!!! They are LOVING it!!! No complaining, no fussing, not much lagging. They are doing great! I'm sacrificing calories burned for me, to get them out riding, but it has been so worth it!

    My husband and I were talking about how thrilled we are about our kids not sitting in front of a computer game all day. We hate pushing our kids to actually ((shocker here)) have our kids play outside. ((Oh no! lol))

    So we had a funny right before we left. We offered to take a friend's kid with us when he surprised us with a visit last night. He wanted to ride his electric scooter. :huh: What happened to kids actually working their muscles power? :noway:

    Anyway...How did everyone else do???

    I love this map so I can show my kiddos how far they go! ~~~~>
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Hey all! I'm just starting to get back into cycling after a year, so my goals are going to be itty-bitty for now. I'm going to set my goal at 25 miles this week.

    So far I'm at 14.8. Given I plan to ride to the farmers market and back (another 10 miles) I may have to adjust that a little.

    The girlie loves that I'm getting a cycling butt, haha.

    For those of you who aren't familiar, there is an abandoned turnpike in Pennsylvania which can be used for riding. How often do you get to ride down a 4 lane highway - including two tunnels???? I'll put up some pictures from the ride as soon as my friend uploads them all.

    That's where I got about 12 of my miles this week. Its really light riding too, with a few really low grade hills.
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Hey all! I'm just starting to get back into cycling after a year, so my goals are going to be itty-bitty for now. I'm going to set my goal at 25 miles this week.

    So far I'm at 14.8.

    For those of you who aren't familiar, there is an abandoned turnpike in Pennsylvania which can be used for riding. How often do you get to ride down a 4 lane highway - including two tunnels????

    My goal is to bring home as many kids as I take, nobody dies along the way, and I don't scream at anyone for not listening. LOL I think I'm the one with the itty-bitty goals again until school starts back up and I can REALLY go back to riding! :laugh:

    Your turnpike sounds great! Take pictures if you can, it sounds great! Are there trees along the way for shade???
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Ok gang--I've decided to take a few days off from riding. I think my body needs some time to recover a bit. Still no weight loss--legs feel like mush--in a foul mood overall. darkevil.gif

    So, I'm setting back my goal to increase to 45 miles one week and am that a few days off will help.
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