Eating Before and After a Workout



  • Chelz2013
    Chelz2013 Posts: 176 Member
    On the days I take a morning class or I do strength training, I don't generally eat first because I don't have time, but I come home and immediately either make a protein smoothie or eggs.
    Smoothie with whey protein, vanilla soy milk, frozen fruit (cherries & strawberries or frozen banana with 1-2 T peanut butter) and I toss in a little flaxseed... OR...
    quick egg scramble with liquid egg whites & turkey ham with a slice of cheese.
    --->going with the idea of protein after my work out
    If I'm on the run, I drink a vanilla protein milk I found at Safeway (our grocery store) or a Muscle Milk (cookies & cream is good & bc my gym sells it) or a protein bar (I like the Power Crunch French Vanilla).

    On the days where I take an evening Zumba class, I try to eat at least 90 minutes before (works best for me, otherwise, I still feel too full at the start of class)... I eat some carbs, like a baked potato with salsa or sweet potato in the microwave with butter & honey. Then have a good dinner after class with protein & veggies.

    That's just what's working for me at the moment. It's always good to eat breakfast, and I have had a banana or a piece of toast before the gym, it just depends on if I have time or not. I can't eat too heavy before a class. I always drink a ton of water while I work out.
  • On the days I take a morning class or I do strength training, I don't generally eat first because I don't have time, but I come home and immediately either make a protein smoothie or eggs.
    Smoothie with whey protein, vanilla soy milk, frozen fruit (cherries & strawberries or frozen banana with 1-2 T peanut butter) and I toss in a little flaxseed... OR...
    quick egg scramble with liquid egg whites & turkey ham with a slice of cheese.
    --->going with the idea of protein after my work out
    If I'm on the run, I drink a vanilla protein milk I found at Safeway (our grocery store) or a Muscle Milk (cookies & cream is good & bc my gym sells it) or a protein bar (I like the Power Crunch French Vanilla).

    On the days where I take an evening Zumba class, I try to eat at least 90 minutes before (works best for me, otherwise, I still feel too full at the start of class)... I eat some carbs, like a baked potato with salsa or sweet potato in the microwave with butter & honey. Then have a good dinner after class with protein & veggies.

    That's just what's working for me at the moment. It's always good to eat breakfast, and I have had a banana or a piece of toast before the gym, it just depends on if I have time or not. I can't eat too heavy before a class. I always drink a ton of water while I work out.

    Really helpful! Thank you(:
  • rochey_1
    rochey_1 Posts: 37
    I don't eat before a workout, I can't, my workouts are in the morning and i just don't have the appetite, but after a workout i have a bowl of cereal sprinkled with some raisins and milk and plenty of water and I'm fine till lunch.
  • BonaFideUK
    BonaFideUK Posts: 313 Member
    I'm working with a sports nutritionist. He says when working out first thing in the morning you HAVE to have something in the tank to start your metabolic "engine" on or instead of burning fat, you will burn lean muscle mass as it's easier for the body to use. He has me do one scoop of protein powder with 5 oz or WATER before I get to the gym. I get sick on anything else. The water filters through your system quickly (so it doesn't slosh around) and your engine starts with the protein so your body's metabolism is already running consequently burning fat instead of muscle. I then right afterwards drink a full 8oz of water and another scoop of protein as I drive home. I eat breakfast a while later (about an hour) and that is a protein/carb combo as well.
    My two cents worth.

    sorry but your sports nutritionist is an idiot.