Post Partum Plan?

Jillian Michaels Body Revolution vs. P90x. I can't decide which will be doable. Anyone done either?


  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    My immediate plans are always to drink... But you are thinking more wisely:drinker: :flowerforyou: .
  • raychulj
    raychulj Posts: 458 Member
    How long ago did you have the baby? I started working out again 3 months postpartum 35 pounds ago. Even though I lifted weights and did cardio 3 days a week during pregnancy, I still lost a significant amount of muscle and endurance. Going straight into an intense program like the ones you described would've destroyed me. My advice would be neither if you haven't worked out in a long time.
  • carebear7951
    carebear7951 Posts: 404 Member
    I agree with raychulj!!!!! I've had 4 babies and never did I feel like my body was ready for that kind of intensity after they were born. I actually wait about a year (I nurse) or just under. I mean, yeah, I try a little and I try to walk and stuff but I think you have to let your body heal and start small to build up some endurance.

    Just because Hollywood tells us we need to instantly be "hot"....that's not really reality. Best wishes though in whatever you decide to do!! Take care of you!
  • Jessimaaka
    Jessimaaka Posts: 127 Member
    How long ago did you have the baby? I started working out again 3 months postpartum 35 pounds ago. Even though I lifted weights and did cardio 3 days a week during pregnancy, I still lost a significant amount of muscle and endurance. Going straight into an intense program like the ones you described would've destroyed me. My advice would be neither if you haven't worked out in a long time.

    I agree. Also, vaginal vs c-section birth will factor in to how intense and how fast you should go in. I tried 30DS 3 months post partum, and had to come back to it a few months later. Try easing your way created a human! That"s no mean feat!
  • Amanda21202
    Amanda21202 Posts: 210 Member
    Take your time to get back into it.
    I used to feel bad and lazy because I didn't "get on it" straight away - I waited 8 months until I started working out and it was horrible and I couldn't maintain it.

    Take it easy, eat right, walk loads then in 3-4 months time (depending on how old your LO is) post this again

  • sinisterspace
    sinisterspace Posts: 15 Member
    Yeah it has only been six weeks. I definitely didn't plan on doing either of those this early, just in time I suppose. Maybe should have specified lol, but I'm sure if I am able to ease myself into them it will be easier to try one of them in a couple of months or so. Thanks for all the tips and encouragement. Even though it is hard to look at this "new" body everyday I know I can't breast feed AND be back to normal so quickly. :)
  • tiger4nikki
    tiger4nikki Posts: 112 Member
    LOL! Drinking DOES sound good. :laugh:
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    OK new mommies how are you finding the energy to exercise with a new born? I feel like someone has beat me with a sleepy stick this pregnancy and can't imagine how I'll feel when I have the baby.

    Sorry to highjack...but it is part of planning.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I agree with raychulj!!!!! I've had 4 babies and never did I feel like my body was ready for that kind of intensity after they were born. I actually wait about a year (I nurse) or just under. I mean, yeah, I try a little and I try to walk and stuff but I think you have to let your body heal and start small to build up some endurance.

    Just because Hollywood tells us we need to instantly be "hot"....that's not really reality. Best wishes though in whatever you decide to do!! Take care of you!

    Yeah and Hollywood forgets to tell us those women have nannys and can afford to take off work for months at a time just to focus on their bodies.
  • letinagouge
    jmb...I heard its easier to stay motivated with her videos and that was coming from a physical therapist. I am a nurse and I too just had a baby. He is 10 weeks old and I down loaded the NIke app on my phone and do that each day and you can set it with the music on your phone as well
  • zephtalah
    zephtalah Posts: 327 Member
    I am a mommy of 7 children. My eldest is 8 down to my 17 1/2 month twins. I currently weigh 10 pounds less than I did 10 years ago at my wedding. So I definitely know the desire to get back to "normal" and not being entirely comfortable in your new skin.

    However, my post partum plan is always survival! Getting rest when I can and snuggling and caring for the precious gift God gave my husband and me. I do try to get in walking fairly quickly (assuming an uncomplicated pregnancy/birth), but the more intense workouts I am not ready for till closer to 6-8 months.
    Your body goes through a lot in order to create life. Give it time to heal. Also depending on how your body stretched your stomach muscles may need time to reconnect. It is actually damaging to them to do too much intense targeting of them before they are even back together. I tend to get massive with my pregnancies and even more so with my twin pregnancy.

    I think you mentioned breastfeeding too. It takes both time and energy to do that and it is time and energy that is well spent, but you are only one person and can do only so much, and that fact is perfectly normal and good. Don't drive your self so crazy that you miss out on this sweet time with a precious newborn. They really do grow quickly! A year from now you won't be able to believe how incredibly tiny they were and how much they have changed in that short time. I like to say that in motherhood the days are long, but the years are short.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    my baby is 4 weeks old and I started 30DS last week, plan on doing P90X again once done with that, I have never done body revolution - I'm starting with 30DS simply because of the short length of workouts. I also follow some of the Bodyrock workouts because they are so short and that works best right now since baby is still eating every 2 or 3 hours I don't get a lot of time at once.

    edited to add: I had a horrible pregnancy with HG, hospitalized several times, had PICC line in, the nausea and vomiting persisted until the second I delivered. I left the hospital nearly 20 pounds under my pre pregnancy weight! I had a super easy labor and only got 2 stitches, I have been house bound for 10 months so I am SUPER motivated to get back to normal and have been day dreaming about the day I could work out again. I cannot wait to get the ok to start lifting again, that is what I'm really looking forward to!
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    My immediate plans are always to drink... But you are thinking more wisely:drinker: :flowerforyou: .

    Your priority list was the same as mine!
  • zephtalah
    zephtalah Posts: 327 Member
    my baby is 4 weeks old and I started 30DS last week, plan on doing P90X again once done with that, I have never done body revolution - I'm starting with 30DS simply because of the short length of workouts. I also follow some of the Bodyrock workouts because they are so short and that works best right now since baby is still eating every 2 or 3 hours I don't get a lot of time at once.

    edited to add: I had a horrible pregnancy with HG, hospitalized several times, had PICC line in, the nausea and vomiting persisted until the second I delivered. I left the hospital nearly 20 pounds under my pre pregnancy weight! I had a super easy labor and only got 2 stitches, I have been house bound for 10 months so I am SUPER motivated to get back to normal and have been day dreaming about the day I could work out again. I cannot wait to get the ok to start lifting again, that is what I'm really looking forward to!

    I feel for you; being that sick would stink! I get nausea, but not HG. My sister had that and I felt so bad for her. I gain tons of weight with pregnancy and I don't eat for 2. My body likes to pack on the pounds during pregnancy. I have on more than one occasion came home from the hospital after the birth weighing what I did going in. With my twins, I weighed 10 pounds less coming home than I did going in. Their combined weight was 11 1/2 pounds, not to mention 2 sacs full of fluid, 2 placentas, plus other fluids and blood. So not nice, but it is the way my body does it. Oh well! We all have our challenges to overcome.