HELP! Breakfast ideas needed.

dangernene Posts: 30 Member
Hi guys!

One look at my diary will tell you that I'm currently struggling with naughty breakfasts. Essentially I am on a new medication which means I'm waking up every morning at the last minute, meaning I wait until I get into work to have breakfast. Cereal just seems so boring so I always end up running next door to get a bacon roll from the bakery or an egg sandwich from Tesco.

I know this is a bad idea, but at the moment cereal just isn't doing it for me, porridge is way too hot and making something at home in the morning whilst I'm adjusting to this new medication (which, incidentally, also makes me hungry all the time!) is just not feasible.

What I need is something I can make or bake on a Sunday evening that will see me through the working week (or doing it every evening is fine too...). I love baking and bready baked goods seem to fill me up better anyway, so I was wondering if you guys had any healthy, wholegrain-y, filling breakfast ideas that I can just grab on my way to work. Like a big fat muffin, if muffins were even remotely good for you.

Help me!

Helen xx


  • HacheraTsarine
    HacheraTsarine Posts: 278 Member
    I buy lots of unflavored, unsweetened oatmeal and everyday I mix up different ingredients in it :

    - chocolate chips, banana slices
    - berries
    - apples, walnuts, maple syrup

    Or when I'm late, I just whip myself up a smoothie. I always have at home frozen berries, whey protein, yogurt, oatmeal, veggies and I mix whatever comes first in my mind.
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    Do you eat eggs? You can make a great variety of egg muffins ahead of time and even freeze them. The protein will help keep you feeling full longer. If you still want the bread, put them in between an english muffin or something similar. :) I love these and you can get creative with what you put into them.

    They're a quick easy breakfast on the go, that you can pop into the micro and eat.

    Also - who says breakfast has to be cereal or eggs or porridge? What about bringing some turkey and lettuce and having roll-ups? Greek yogurt with berries and nuts?

    You can also make a whole host of nutritious muffins at home and freeze them to keep longer.

    Good luck! Keep on trying to find ideas.
  • tartling
    tartling Posts: 8 Member
    Just came across this blog, and this recipe that I am going to try out tomorrow:

    I'm just afraid I'll end up eating one week worth of oats in a day!
  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    I run out of the house every morning as fast as I can, so I usually just eat a greek yogurt really quick with a protein bar or a banana. Quick and simple.
  • FitWarrior7
    FitWarrior7 Posts: 332 Member
    Hard boil some eggs, shell them and throw them in a ziplock bag. Instant breakfast. Scrap the yokes, and only eat the whites.
  • artelyn
    artelyn Posts: 175 Member
    I make eggs in muffin tins. I put in any ingredients I want (peppers, onions, sausage, cheese etc) and bake them. Then not only are they handy finger foods but they are already portioned out! I've also done the same thing but added some biscuit dough. The kids and hubby love them too!
  • javierflores82
    javierflores82 Posts: 4 Member
    since i workout in the morning, i'll usually have a muclemilk right after, by the time i get to work i'll have a banana, about an hour later a yogurt. it does not keep me full, but IT'S OK TO BE HUNGRY lol
  • Krista916
    Krista916 Posts: 258
    My all time go to breakfast is plain greek yogurt with berries. You might not be able to eat it in the car but you can slap it all in a bowl and run out the door with it to have at your desk.
  • emlee01
    emlee01 Posts: 102 Member
    Just came across this blog, and this recipe that I am going to try out tomorrow:

    I'm just afraid I'll end up eating one week worth of oats in a day!

    Have to try this!! The kids should love it (especially the chocolate chips)!
  • bluemoose7
    bluemoose7 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm not a huge cereal person either, however I was finding that I wasn't getting enough iron in the day, and cereal was my best solution. I eat 2 oz of Quaker Oat Squares (regular) with a 1/2 cup of blueberries and a 1/2 cup of milk on it at about 7am, and it keeps me full until 10am when I can get a snack. Good luck!
  • cpharmon
    cpharmon Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, I just ate most of a sm. granny smith apple w/ 2 T. of peanut butter at work, I never have time to eat at home. Some mornings I have fresh pineapple, grapefruit or canned mandarian oranges w/ a 1/2 pack of Grandma's vanilla cookies or some other baked type good, YUM! I don't keep from them I just really cut my portions and in rare instances I'm still hungry I eat a 1/2 handful of mixed nuts. I eat around 930-10 then lunch 1230-1 a snack around 3 and then can't wait for dinner (lol!) and then a late nite snack. If I eat smaller portions of healthier foods, drink unsweetened tea or water and use my diary to help make decisions, I stay full & I've been pretty sucessful so far! :happy:
  • TLCorsini
    TLCorsini Posts: 78
    I'm in the same boat with you, I don't eat breakfast until im in the office. Recently I've been making "breakfast sandwiches" ahead of time and wraping them in cling rap and freezing them, so when I get to work I pop em in the microwave for a few minutes and they taste great, and last like a month in the freezer before getting icy. I use a small soup pan and pur in enough egg mix to cover the bottom then when it's cooked all the way I put it inbetween breakfast thins. It's around 170 calories. I also leave a little early for work and go to the grocery store and buy stuff I can put together for breakfast/lunch and keep it in my work fridge. Here are a few things I also do.

    * cottage cheese & frozen fruit
    * sliced apples wprinkled w/cinnamon
    * Oatmeal - you can make ahead of time. here's the recipe!
    * smoothies (my office has a mixer)
    - banana & peanut butter
    - almond milk & blueberry
    - banana & pumpkin spice
  • lisquito
    lisquito Posts: 19 Member
    There's already a lot of good suggestions here, but let me throw these out there:

    I know its kinda naughty for the convenience side, but I turned to a low-calorie frozen breakfast sandwich when I found I needed something hot in my tummy to get my day started right! Jimmy Dean makes an egg white and turkey sausage sandwich with cheese on either a whole wheat bagel, croissant, or biscuit, and they're all under 300 calories each. Once I am more in a groove on doing my own cooking (I make batch meals on Sundays) I will start making my own, but they have saved my life in the mornings. I keep some at home and some at work.

    I also took some inspiration from My Fit Foods, which is a local company that makes healthy, fresh, pre-packages meals for people needing good food fast. They have a breakfast called the Mix-N-Mash, which is scrambled eggs, chicken breast, rice and bell peppers. Its super tasty, has enough protein and carbs to keep you full and energized, and is still only 240 calories for 8.2g. I have been testing out making my own and storing them in the fridge for grab-n-go.

    As far as what to eat - sometimes I have spring rolls for breakfast! It doesn't matter what kind of food you're eating, as long as it meets your caloric and nutritional needs. Find what works best for you and go for it! :D
  • chellefatfree
    chellefatfree Posts: 90 Member
    bump for ideas!
  • ThorneDust
    ThorneDust Posts: 189 Member

    I've tried several variations of this and OMG they are all amazing and filling and pretty cheap to make too. You can't get any more convenient than the night before just put a bunch of stuff in a jar and shake, then the day of just pull it out of the fridge and eat.
  • dangernene
    dangernene Posts: 30 Member

    These are all fantastic ideas, thanks so much!
  • cadaverousbones
    cadaverousbones Posts: 421 Member
    I make eggs in muffin tins. I put in any ingredients I want (peppers, onions, sausage, cheese etc) and bake them. Then not only are they handy finger foods but they are already portioned out! I've also done the same thing but added some biscuit dough. The kids and hubby love them too!

    This ^^ sounds delicious. How long and at what temp do you bake them for?
  • ameliaannakin
    ameliaannakin Posts: 344 Member
    I'm not a big cereal person but I love granola or muesli with Greek yogurt. You can weigh it out the night before and then just add Greek yogurt in the morning and take it to eat at work, that's what I tend to do. My other favourite is a toasted bagel with peanut butter which I also make when I get to work.
  • dapacraig
    dapacraig Posts: 2 Member
    Shredded wheat and semi skimmed milk is great and quick too!
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    You could make a fritatta or veggie slice then just slice it up into portions pre-wrap and grab on the way out the door. The eggs are high in protein and it's a great way to use up any left over veggies you have around teh house. Can make plenty of different variations so you don't get bored.