I dont know if there is already a group of girls who are TTC or have PCOS and if there is i cant find it, and will someone lead me in the direction where i could find it?

If not lets start one here... I know that i am needing some support right now, and would love to chat with people who are going though the same thing...

i am 26 and have been TTC for 8 years. I have PCOS... I just got done taking clomid 100mgs and i should be ovulating right now (if it works)... If it doesnt work i am gonna take a break from meds and dr's and just focus on my weight loss because i know that is my main problem...

What about you?

(ps- add me as a friend so it will be easier to keep track of each other and support and motivate)


  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    There's a TTC thread here:, though most of the ladies don't seem to be TTC yet.

    I don't have PCOS (or at least, I haven't been diagnosed with it yet), but I've been TTC for 9 months. So I know how frustrating TTC is, though haven't gotten to the point where my doctors will do anything yet. I'd certainly be happy to be supportive of you!
  • pittmnjen
    Hello, I was recently told by my doctor that I may have PCOS. I certainly had the signs(hirsutism, high steroid levels, irregular cycles, etc.). However, he then went on to tell me that my steroid levels weren't that high so it's probably not that bad. I've always had irregular cycles mainly due to my weight. I conceived my son with the help of clomid(50mg). I think I just needed a little push in that department. I have never been able to conceive on my own. My husband and I want another child so that's one of the reasons I'm on this journey. I'm hoping that by losing this weight my cycles will be regular and hopefully we can conceive on our own. Infertility specialists are too expensive. We were lucky with our son that his insurance covered it 100%. Not so lucky this time. I do wish you luck on TTC and I am here if you need some support. :flowerforyou:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    There's a TTC thread here:, though most of the ladies don't seem to be TTC yet.

    I don't have PCOS (or at least, I haven't been diagnosed with it yet), but I've been TTC for 9 months. So I know how frustrating TTC is, though haven't gotten to the point where my doctors will do anything yet. I'd certainly be happy to be supportive of you!

    Erica, You beat me to it.....LOL Some us are actively trying on the thread and the rest are preparing to start trying sometime in the next few months.

    Hubbie and I have been TTC for 9 years with PCOS and other issues. Starting fertility treatments in the new year although actively trying now.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Erica, You beat me to it.....LOL Some us are actively trying on the thread and the rest are preparing to start trying sometime in the next few months.

    Yes, having nothing to do at work makes me readily available to answer questions. :laugh:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Erica, You beat me to it.....LOL Some us are actively trying on the thread and the rest are preparing to start trying sometime in the next few months.

    Yes, having nothing to do at work makes me readily available to answer questions. :laugh:

    You got it.....LOL Glad I'm not the only obsessor......
  • lableo
    Hey there~ I have been with PCOS since 2005 ( I believe). I have always had horrible cycles and been a "thick" girl. My doctor told me I needed to lose weight in order to conceive. I made the choice to get myself in better shape to help with my cycles. I pretty much have to take some type of pain med for the first 2-3 days of my cycles due to the cramps. No fun, especially since I also suffer from migraines.

    I am on my second (and last) marriage. :) We are not preventing pregancy, but I can't say that we are actively trying. The last three months, we have tried around the time when the ovulating calendar said I should be ovulating, but I think I ovulate about 5 days after my prejected time. I am also taking metformin. I can say my cycles are regular, but the pain is horrific and I don't think I ovulate on time.

    I would love to be part of the "group". Any motivation is helpful. This week, I have been eating so much more (not necessarily bad food), and I know its b/c of my cycle being around the corner. I have always dreamed of having a child and we both are looking forward to it. I have prayed and let it go b/c I don't feel I have complete control over it. I really feel that if I can lose about 20-30 lbs, my life will change.

    You have been doing a great job...keep it up. We will all reach OUR goal:)

    Be blessed,
  • countrygirl75
    countrygirl75 Posts: 112 Member
    I am all for it, I use the pcos challenge site in link with this one, and other support groups, but would love to keep it all in one place. I think this would be a great idea. I was diagnosed in may of this year, and I have been trying for almost two years. The doctor told me to lose weight, I have the cysts on my ovaries and other symptoms, but I have a normal cycle for the longest time. I was on the pill from 17 up tell three years ago, thats when I noticed the symptoms to have gotten worse. So I am now trying to get my life back and have a baby someday, I will be 30 in a couple months and I would love to be a mom.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Has anyone else found Metformin to work wonders? So I tried it in 2002 and it did nothing. I'm now working on a higher dose and I found that I started dropping weight immediately and regularly but all of a sudden I'm feeling "seasick" again - it's not a certain time after the Met - so I'm not convinced that they're related, but it has been mostly since i started taking it and I know it can be hard on the stomach at first (but I've now been taking it for a few has stopped doing it
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    I also have pcos...Have been ttc for 2 years now w/o any luck :( My only symptoms of pcos are irregular cycles & cysts. We've done it all (or at least a lot): clomid, femara, gonal-f, ovidrel, estrodiol, prometrium, 3 iui's...and notta. We're (well, he is) at the point where he's saying "let nature take its course" or "God has a plan" blah, blah blah. Hasn't happened so far w/ or w/o meds...what makes him think it'll just happen!? (I thought we were going to be doing IVF next month - he even said in the begining we'd do anything). Apparently he's changed his mind. Okay, sorry, I guess I had some venting to do ;)

    Back to the real topic: I've taken metformin before for a few months. Since I wasn't insulin resistant, it wouldn't help me anyways & stopped (per my fertility specialist). I worked up to 3 pills/day. I felt like crap for maybe 2-4 weeks when I first started it, but then was fine.

    Also, adding you as a friend :)
  • Beebee78
    Beebee78 Posts: 703
    I'm no longer ttc as we are adopting but I do have PCOS and was trying for 10 years before we took the adoption route this last year. I just wanted to offer you all support. TTC with IF is a hard road for anyone to travel.

    Thinking of you all xxx
  • Deilove1
    I am sure you have your answer now. I new mfp. I took metformin and it made me nauseated; but it has some weight loss benefits. I wish you all the best
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    My answer was provided. I stopped the nausea by making sure to only take the met about 5 minutes after I'd had a meal (I might still be eating or I might be finished, depending on the meal). I also try and make sure the meal has at least 20g of carbs (I think it softens the blow in the stomach). Been doing 1500mg since July and started Synthroid as well in Nov. I think this is my first cycle that I'm going to do it on my own.....this cycle started of it's own volition right when it was supposed to and now it looks like I'm gearing up to ovulate. My fingers are crossed, but if it doesn't work, my appointment with the fertility clinic is early Feb to start IVF or IUI (depending on some test results from DH's surgery).

    Since I took the metformin, I'm down almost 60 lbs
  • hollybear1280
    Hi everyone! I was diagnosed with PCOS in April of '09. DH and I started ttc in November of '07 with no success. I finally managed to get pregnant with Clomid in July of '07 and miscarried in Sept. It was very hard on me (I knew I was going to miscarry for almost 2 weeks before I did) and DH decided he didn't want kids any more. He finally changed his mind, but told me he wants me to get healthier first so hopefully I won't need Clomid. My cycles were regular when I was younger and weighed 60 lbs less. So here I am, hoping to lose the weight so I can finally be a mom!
  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    I have been on site for about 2weeks now. I don't know if there is an exact group for PCOS but many people have posted that they have it. I have it my self. There are a few people I chat with who has it as well. Feel free to msg any time to chat about your struggles or to just say hello. Good luck with the battle, I know how hard it is :)
  • Bonstizzle
    Bonstizzle Posts: 14 Member
    I have PCOS and I am so concerned with the possibilty that I won't be able to have children..I know it says that it is possible and that there are people who have PCOS and children, but I am just scared. That is part of the reason I am so determined to lose weight.
  • kaylamae90
    I have been on here for a few days... just joined Friday. I have been diagnosed with PCOS and crohns disease. Right now the dr has me on metformin to see if that will help some but she also told me that my weight is probably playing a huge role as well so here I am. I am on a mission to lose 50 lbs... once i reach that I may push for another 10 depending on how my new body looks! :)