Hypothyroidism Hinders Weight Loss.. Thoughts?



  • TinyChestnut
    You probably need to see a doctor and have your TSH levels checked and your iron levels checked to see if you are also anemic. Being anemic can make you tired, exhausted, and if your TSH levels are too low, then that will also cause you some trouble. Having hypothyroidism will slow weight loss and make it more difficult, but it shouldn't hinder. This really sounds like something that you need to discuss with your PCP, you should probably be started (if not alreay are on) levothyroxine and ferrous sulfate and have them be monitored and adjusted as needed. Good luck!! (I am a nurse if that helps you out anymore, this is the standard we go by for people who are both anemic and hypothyroid)
  • blankcanvas
    blankcanvas Posts: 177
    Tried to fix some errors made by spell correct but cant delete this so what i intended to say is in my next post lol:tongue:
  • blankcanvas
    blankcanvas Posts: 177
    I too have Hashimitos thyroid plus have nodules that have to be rebiopsied:)
    Whn I began mfpna dew years ago, I did great ! Lost 30 lbs...then from out of nowhere, I think its called menopause, hit! The weight immediately came back and I cannot lose for the life of me! I'm 55, and do Beachbody Rockin body program with Shaun T 6 out of 7 days a week now finished a month of the Hip Hop Abs ,, and Nothing! I dont even log it anymore because its just part of my daily routine now as is (mostly) healthy eating..I do have off days...I am sooo frustrated but my thyroid doc attributes it to menopause and says one of these days my metabolism will kick back in:( im on a 13mcg daily dose of levoxyl and have had Hashimotos for almost 20 years..I just plod along..hoping the scale will move someday..after reading some posts I may try eating less...maybe the tdee doesnt work in this case wih these issues. :sad:
  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member
    I have had no trouble losing weight with hypothyroidism. I have had it for years and have never taken meds for it. My iron is consistently low though so I take a supplement. t's helps me from being so tired.
  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member
    My entire family has an iron deficiency problem. A nice little trick to adding more iron is to invest in a few cast iron skillets. Cooking your food with cast iron adds significant amounts of iron to the food.

    HAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks. You made my day!
  • The thyroid is the master gland of the metabolism. Tons of things need to be changed before weight loss will befriend us...

    Get the chemicals out of the diet.
    Get the polyunsaturated fats out of your diet too. PUFA's are toxic to our bodies and are destructive to our thyroids...
    Get the processed foods out.
    Time your carbs.
    Consider taking T3 AND T4 medications
    Exercise....weight train.
    Most of all,.....never lose hope! There's a trillion ways to the finish line, just gotta figure out what works best for you. From here on out, its trial and error. Good luck! :)

    Hope this helps! :)
  • jyarrison
    jyarrison Posts: 4 Member
    I have Hypothyrodism and I am on a higher dose then I was... I have lost 30 lbs and going down.. My doctor put me on 88 and will probably have to go up more.. The key is I dropped all my white, wheat and sweet. I occasionally have a sweet but if I do its low carb.. I keep my carbs between 50-100 each day I never go under 50 because that is dangerous. I eat high protein with lots of veggies and some fruit. After a couple of weeks it isnt hard to say no to bread and stuff like that. I feel much better and more energized.. Plus losing inches.. it is hard but you can do it.. I would definitly get your thyroid checked out though because it is almost impossible to lose weight with a bad thyroid.
  • feedmedonuts
    feedmedonuts Posts: 241 Member
    I was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism and had pre-existing iron deficiency. I take synthroid and iron pills. I eat clean and work out 5-6 times a week and I have found it is not any easier for me to lose weight. I've actually gained weight, sadly. I think it varies person to person honestly, some lose weight.
  • kandell
    kandell Posts: 473 Member
    My younger sister has hypothyroidism and is anemic, and last year she lost 50 pounds in about 4 or 6 months. She said the biggest change that she made was drinking lots and lots of water and just moving around more. For a bit of reference, she eats a ton. Sunday night we went out to a buffet with my boyfriend and another friend, and she ate more than the guys COMBINED. She's 5'11", currently weighs around 140 but she looks like a lot less.