Body Media Link-Questions


So I'm a HUGE MFP fan. I had great success with in the beginning of my weight loss journey. I've taken it up again (now that I'm back in an office job) and I've decided to step it up by purchasing a Body Media Link.

Im having a hard time wrapping my brain around how this thing works. I'm used to logging my workouts and food through MFP and staying within my calorie intake. The "bodymedia calorie adjustment" is really throwing me off. I feel like I can't possibly be burning that many calories. It makes a big difference in my calories but is it legit?

I also noticed that the app on my iphone has where you can log a workout. Why would you use this function if the arm band is supposed to do it for you? It seems like there isn't much instruciton included with this thing.

Any additional tips or suggestions you have are appreciated.


  • chrystalmsimmons
    chrystalmsimmons Posts: 6 Member
    I am having the same issue. I don't know how to adjust for my calories.
  • manique45
    manique45 Posts: 99 Member

    So I'm a HUGE MFP fan. I had great success with in the beginning of my weight loss journey. I've taken it up again (now that I'm back in an office job) and I've decided to step it up by purchasing a Body Media Link.

    Im having a hard time wrapping my brain around how this thing works. I'm used to logging my workouts and food through MFP and staying within my calorie intake. The "bodymedia calorie adjustment" is really throwing me off. I feel like I can't possibly be burning that many calories. It makes a big difference in my calories but is it legit?

    I also noticed that the app on my iphone has where you can log a workout. Why would you use this function if the arm band is supposed to do it for you? It seems like there isn't much instruciton included with this thing.

    Any additional tips or suggestions you have are appreciated.

    I have been using mine for about 3 weeks now :o) I LOVE IT... I knew I was under eating but wow... I am now eating around 1800 cals to 1900 cals a day not really losing but not gaining... I work out with weights and do a lot of cardio avg. burn a day is about 2700 cals and I am 5'3 160 lbs... I have a desk job but try to squeeze in squats and push ups through out my day, then I hit the gym in the evenings... I have 3 little ones so I am pretty busy at home. I only use mfp to track food and I linked it so that my armband is putting in how many cals I burn a day that is considered exercise... I may make a note on my page about the type of exercise I am doing but that is for my own notes... My guess is they have that extra feature because everyone that uses bodymedia doesn't use mfp... I am still working up to create a smaller deficit in my diet but trying to do it slowly going from 1200 cals up to what I am at now has taken some time... If I am going to hover around a weight I'd rather be able to eat more than feel like i am starving. There is a group called they are awesome and helped me get on the right track. We are just messed up in our thinking, we think to lose weight we have to be uncomfortable and starve lol :o) not true! Really we should only be eating 200-400 less than what we burn daily, so really I should be eating close to 2200 cals a day... some days I do :o) no gain so we'll see how this pan's out.