Hungry every couple of hours



  • xantorrau
    xantorrau Posts: 2
    I am new here too, but i think you should arrange your food into smaller portions and just divide them into closer periods. I myself just started to lose weight, and noticed that i have to snack often too, and when hunger really kicks in, like give me right there and right now, i eat couple of nuts, or small yogurt, a piece of cheese, and it all comes back to normal again.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Its normal to be hungry...its a physical sign that you need some food. So plan a couple of healthy snacks into your day. Make sure you're really hungry....not just feeling peckish....there's a difference.
  • Live4theLift
    Live4theLift Posts: 329
    The hypothalamus controls both hunger and thirst, so it sends the same signal whether you are hungry or thirsty. Try drinking water to hold you over
  • peggymdellinger
    peggymdellinger Posts: 151 Member
    I have 5-6 "meals" a day... not really full, big meals, and usually one of those is tea (not really a meal) and I have it at night b/c I'm a night time snacker. I also always have water. I find that if I think I'm hungry and I drink a big glass of water it helps.
  • CinthyN
    CinthyN Posts: 64 Member
    Snack on foods with high fibre content ... fruits keep me full :)
  • I have this same sucks big time. On the days I drink coffee it helps curb my cravings a u have low blood sugar by any chance?
  • armywf07
    armywf07 Posts: 245 Member
    it would help to add more fiber to your diet. Eat for fiber in the morning to hold over you till lunch. have a med. sized lunch with a fiber/protein snack if your still hungry before dinner. Dinner should be another big meal to tide you over till morning.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I generally eat fairly well, eating lots of fruit veggies, protein etc, I don't eat junk food often, but find I am often hungry every couple of hours so I snack a lot. And even though I generally snack on good foods, it can add up, particularly if I'm having a hungry day.
    And i try to exercise most days.
    Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

    I eat a cup of collard greens (high in calcium) or kale (lots of nutrients) with most lunches and dinners. That's a cooked cup, meaning it takes about twice that many greens. I steam them because boiling takes away some of the nutrients. The greens are easy to prepare and keep me feeling full for hours.
  • venushr
    venushr Posts: 1 Member
    I personally feel fiber is an important factor in how hungry I feel (or don't feel). If I eat at least 20g of fiber each day, I don't feel nearly as hungry or tend to overeat. I also eat 5-6 times per day between snacks and meals. If I don't, I tend to overeat.
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,000 Member
    Carbonated water with lemon. Sometimes grapes.