Done with the fast done with the binges.

Done with the fast done with the binges. I want to enjoy life

i dont yhink i was ready before but i tjink i am now. Ok I'm done with fasting / binging . I'm going to eat 1428 calories every day but burn at least 200 calories daily. I wil eat treats as long as I eat within my calories. If I'm eating out I wil do extra exercise . I have to start living healthy and treat it as a lifestyle rather than a diet . Otherwise I think my binges wil never stop !

Can you help me ?


  • khannickwechanged
    khannickwechanged Posts: 77 Member
    Me too! I hate the neverending cycle of restricting/starving then binging because of how hungry I am. It's time for balance! Sending you a friend request :)
  • spagent316
    spagent316 Posts: 3 Member
    I know what you mean. The only way I stop is not keeping too many snacks in the house which is hard to do with a four year old.