Sugar cravings! Help!!

I have been struggling at weight loss for quite a while now. I think my biggest problem is sugary treats. I crave them after I eat a meal or when I am tired. I try not to give in?'c but eventually cave and binge way bad. I know the first few months of giving them up are hard, but I have never made it that long. Any advice? Feel free to add me as a friend and we can help motivate each other!


    RAGGEDYANN1970 Posts: 115 Member
    the thing that really helped with my sugar cravings was to do without sugar for at least a week. i noticed after my body didn't have it, i didn't want it. sometimes i still have an occasional craving, but for the most part, i can pass a donut and not even blink, when before, i would have devoured a dozen! :smile:
  • mccluskeybl
    mccluskeybl Posts: 13 Member
    I buy 100 calorie of individually packaged cookies. You can get Great Value / Wal-Mart brand or name brand. I also have been buying red licorice bites. I only eat a few, but log them to stay on track. :)
  • jessnay
    jessnay Posts: 8
    Thanks for the tips! Hopefully I can get this under control! I used to be pretty good about it, but I have been having such a hard time with it lately. My husband just said he'd start eating better with me, so I think that is going to be a lot of help as well.
  • 1longroad
    1longroad Posts: 642 Member
    Chobani bites raspberry yogurt with dark chocolate bits, is 100 calories and yummy! I like it frozen also!
  • ohlemily89
    ohlemily89 Posts: 4 Member
    I need major help with this too, love me some chocolate! I think the pre-portioned things are a great idea :)
  • anmusselman
    anmusselman Posts: 13 Member
    i realized that after i started eating cleaner healthier foods i didn't have a craving for sugar as often as i used to, but when i do crave something sweet i cut up a ripe banana (naturally a bit higher in sugar) and either eat it with some peanut butter spread or blend it with some cold milk and that usually takes care of my sweet tooth.
  • Timmi1978
    Timmi1978 Posts: 34 Member
    I have been struggling at weight loss for quite a while now. I think my biggest problem is sugary treats. I crave them after I eat a meal or when I am tired. I try not to give in?'c but eventually cave and binge way bad. I know the first few months of giving them up are hard, but I have never made it that long. Any advice? Feel free to add me as a friend and we can help motivate each other!


    In your case when you feel tired and you need an energy boost, try to stick with fruits or some small healthy snacks you can bring along. One simple thing that does the trick for me is to have a big glass of soda water with wonders :)

    You'll find some great tips on how to overcome your sugar cravings in this Youtube video:

    All the best,

  • GlitterrMagpie
    GlitterrMagpie Posts: 302 Member
    I find fresh cherries satisfy my sugar cravings as they're so sweet. Delicious :smile:
  • Eating proper breakfast supposedly helps.

    I eat raisins and dates because they are sweet. Not a big fan of sugar...
  • Hello. During the process of losing 90lbs during the last year, I had to fight many a craving.

    My first advice to you, is you that you need to occasionally give into those cravings, but do so in moderation, or you will crave them even more.

    Some tips I use to combat the cravings which worked for me are the following:
    1) Brush your teeth - It may sounds hilarious but both by using some great tasting toothpaste and the act of brushing, you lose the craving
    2) Chew sugar-free gum with great sweet flavour
    3) Eat raw cold cucumbers - almost nil calories but freshness offsets the sweetness for me. Also source of water and fills you up.
    4) Dried cranberries or other fruit such as pineapple may work but keep in mind that these fruits either fresh or dried have a lot of natural sugar (ie carbs)

    Good luck.

  • mmstone13
    mmstone13 Posts: 60 Member
    Just out of curiosity, what are you drinking during the day? After many MANY years, I finally figured out that if I eat or drink anything with aspertame in it, I will crave sweets the rest of the day. Even things like light yogurt have aspertame. So now I have to really read the labels. Having since cut it out for the most part, and I don't get near the cravings I used to!