Foam Rollers for Shin Pain?

I've been reading a bit online about foam rolling and how it can help your tender points and over-exerted muscles and was curious as to if anyone on MFP has had experience foam rolling for shin pain?

I get terrible shin pain anytime I do any sort of high-impact cardio (running, jumping jacks, jump rope, etc.) and I am looking for a way to get those muscles working how they should and get over this pain so that I can really give my best to my workouts.


  • MarineCodie
    MarineCodie Posts: 256 Member
    I've used foam rollers for pain that runs just on the OUTSIDE of my shin due to running. I would think that foam rolling directly over the shin would be really painful.

    Also, take a look at your shoes - they may be the culprit.
  • lynn557
    lynn557 Posts: 11 Member
    I use a foam roller for tight muscles - calves, thighs, mainly Illio Tibial band (the big one that runs down the outside of your leg from your hip) but if you are getting shin pain I would check with a doctor or pysio that it is not shin splints rather than muscular. I have had them too and even after 14 years I still get niggles if I do too much treadmill work.

    Also as MarineCodie said check your shoes as this caused my shin pain and I have orthotic insoles now too.