Calling all Junk Food Junkies!



  • shafikes
    shafikes Posts: 52 Member
    Having the same problems...I love junk food. I have been leaving enough calories in my diet to have those things but lately I have been feeling hungry all the time. I didn't realize trying to teach myself to eat different would be so hard:(

    Thanks for all the good suggestions. I am going to try some of them:)
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Sugar addict here ....... I give into my sugar cravings, but in a controlled manner. I too want to lose 15 pounds and can't see going sugar free .... for life.

    I cut back on sugar where I can .... where it's easiest (breakfast cereal for example) .... because I want to "save" my sugar for something I crave ... like a piece of Ghiradelli chocolate. I never thought I'd say this but dark chocolate satisfies more than milk chocolate (it must be an acquired thing). I like that the chocolate comes in a wrapped small serving. OK - total junk food, but Blue Bunny has 140 calorie triple chocolate mini cones .... this satisfies chocolate AND ice cream.
  • Wow!! Thanks for all the feedback! Love reading the advice and tips, you are all awesome! To the user who suggested skinny cow- DELICIOUS!!
  • baileyaad
    baileyaad Posts: 19
    I love junk food (especially ice cream and chocolate). I'm trying to remember to log it before I eat it to make sure I can fit it in my day... that's a lot easier than dealing with the guilt afterwards while trying to burn as many calories as possible.
  • I have a serious junk food addiction too. I put on 15 pounds just because of it. It's so easy to put but takes forever to take it off. Right now I'm just trying to stay away from the sweets/anything really processed. It's hard and I just started. One of my friends just came in my office and said mmmmm that watermelon looks good and I said it's not better than peanut butter snickers. LOL!! But those damn peanut butter snickers put this dag on weight on me so I have to stay away. So, I'm trying to bring in more fruit and veggies into my life and if that doesn't kick the craving then I will look into a healthier option of junkfood. Possibly, fiber one brownies or low calorie chips. You can do this chica!! Just know we are going through it with you. :)

    Thank you so much for the support! I love fiber one brownies, they also come in a lemon bar type snack as well! Delicious!!