cant lose anymore and now putting it back on :( help

hi guys iv hit my normal wall when I get to 9st 4lb and Im training daily and not losing anymore weight. I went through a detox and lost about a stone but I always get to this point and cannot lose anymore! rather annoying lol

can anyone recommend any diets and exercise programmes

im not going to lie iv eating way below my calorie intake to get the first stone off and now trying to get back to normal healthy eating patterns and adding on extra exercise which is not working and im piling weight on again. im still eating 1200 calories and below but my problem is that I think even though the guides suggest you eat 1200 calories to keep safe im a small 5ft2 height and I don't think that 1200 is small enough amount for me to lose weight as it has never worked when iv tried the 'safe' method so wondering if anyone els has any advice.

im trying to train for a duathlon as well so would love some input. im naturally a sprinter so I gain muscle very easily so trying to do endurance is killing me and I need energy to train but want to lose weight at same time so struggling with the balance.

thankx guys


  • elvensnow
    elvensnow Posts: 154 Member
    Uh this is kind of a mine field so I'll try to step carefully...

    A "detox" is, to put it bluntly, worthless. Unless it was medically prescribed by a doctor, all those cleanse and detox programs are just bunk. You will lose weight fast, but it's mostly water/glycogen and the preliminary effects of extreme calorie restriction. This kind of "weight loss" is certainly not sustainable.

    My opinion, you aren't eating enough. And there's tons of reasons you could be gaining that are fine and shouldn't be cause for concern. Among those is gaining muscle, water retention due to training or gaining it back from the cleanse, hormones, etc.

    If you're training for a duathalon and eating less than 1200 calories I guarantee you are not eating enough. I would recommend looking into TDEE and feeding your body right.

    Also, I would recommend looking for more help and info on this group:
  • IGbnat24
    IGbnat24 Posts: 520 Member
    You've destroyed your metabolism by undereating and doing those dumb "detox" programs. You need to eat at maintenance for a few months (this will most definitely be above 1200 calories). Here's something for you to figure out to find out absolute minimums on macros: Let's assume you weight 120lbs.
    Protein: 1g/lb of bodyweight = 120g protein = 480 calories
    Fat: .4g/lb of bodyweight = 45g fat = 400 calories
    Then you will eat carbs. Most people eat at least 1g/lb of bodyweight = 120g carbs = 480 calories
    Total = 1360 calories. This is without exercise. You NEED to eat back your exercise calories. When you get to the point where you can eat a healthy amount of calories and then start to cut, start by cutting some calories from carbs as those aren't necessary.

    You really don't need to worry about how you "gain muslce very easily" as you are a female and will not bulk up. Muscle=weight loss. You should be trying to build muscle.
  • Rolande55
    Rolande55 Posts: 52 Member
    Sometimes we need to stop focusing on weight and take a good look in the mirror and consider your dress size for your height. Muscle does indeed weigh more than fat. Calculate your Body Mass Index to see where you are and it is quite possible you are starving your body to hang on to that last bit!
  • shellinch
    shellinch Posts: 14 Member
    thankx guys I know iv destroyed my metabolism and this is where I am struggling to get a middle ground is really difficult. i weigh 132lb

    does anyone have any training and diet plans for me to stick too to help me get back on track and how long will it be until my body starts to lose weight properly?