Help...need breakfast and lunch ideas

mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
I am a very picky person and love flavor...does anyone have any good breakfast and lunch ideas or even snacks?

Thanks a bunch!


  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hmmmm, for breakfast I eat: a wheat sandwich thin, 2 egg whites, tomato slice, and turkey bacon, or sometimes I will have a yogurt smoothie and a kellogs strawberry breakfast bar. Lunch always varies. I eat whatever I want to but try and keep it 300-400 cals. Usually sandwich pockets, salads, sushi, soups, kashi meals, lots of veggies, etc. My snacks consist of mixed nuts, fruit, string cheese, 100 cal packs (if I'm just really craving 'em), raw veggies, popcorn, flavored rice cakes, and so on.
  • jlmueller
    jlmueller Posts: 1 Member
    Throw some Frank's on it:) I eat the thin's the same way too. Extra lean capocollo on it. Or I throw it all on a whole wheat english muffin with a light thin cheese slice. I like rice cakes with vegetable flav light cream cheese topped off with cut up hard boiled egg.
  • For breakfast I always have a bowl of Old Fashioned oatmeal with a teaspoon of honey. It's low calorie and it's great for cholesterol. I love it!

    As for lunch I usually have a Smart One quesadilla with a 1/2 cup of mandarin oranges and a Dannon Light & Fit yogurt. Another low cal and easy meal!!

    Good luck!
  • danibabs
    danibabs Posts: 298 Member
    You're very picky AND you love flavor? Lol my roomate is the pickiest person I know over the age of 6 and we joke that he only likes food without any flavor. I'll list of my fave breakfasts cause my lunches are more all over the place...
    two slices of prosciutto and a fried egg on a Wasa cracker
    breakfast burrito (you can mix it up but i usually do two eggs, two egg whites, a small potato cut into smaller pieces and roasted with spices, canadian bacon or chicken, broccoli, some cheese to hold it all together; cook everything seperately then put it together in a big pan, sprinkle with cheese, stir to melt, plop in the center of a whole wheat tortilla and wrap! some aluminum foil around the outside helps hold it steady...takes some rpactice though :) )
    canadian bacon, tomato slices, one slice of cheese on wasa crackers (wasa crackers are actually great with all sorts of combinations of breakfast foods on them!)
    spinach and tomato omelette
    apple and cheese melted on wasa
    almond butter & banana smoothie
    portobella cap topped with scrambled eggs and salsa
    peanut butter & pear slices on a wasa cracker
    barley with banana and slivered almonds
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    For breakfast I always have a bowl of Old Fashioned oatmeal with a teaspoon of honey. It's low calorie and it's great for cholesterol. I love it!

    As for lunch I usually have a Smart One quesadilla with a 1/2 cup of mandarin oranges and a Dannon Light & Fit yogurt. Another low cal and easy meal!!

    Good luck!

    1/3 cup of oatmeal (dry) topped with 3 dates and a tsp of walnuts... good fats, some sweetness in the dates but not too much... Mmm Such a good treat on a cold morning too! It's warm and filling and will carry you through to lunch no problem!
  • For Breakfast:
    Apple or Orange
    1 piece of String Cheese
    1/4 cup of Almonds


    Tuna or Salmon or Chicken or Turkey Breast
    Corn or English Peas/Mushrooms or Green Beans or Spinach
    1/4 cup Brown Rice
    Tomato or Cucumber
  • RebeccaKate29
    RebeccaKate29 Posts: 8 Member
    bump :)
  • jwd28
    jwd28 Posts: 765
    Nature's Path Pumpkin Flax granola with milk, yogurt, or almond milk

    Corn or brown rice tortilla with a small amount of cream cheese, turkey, and spinach. I sometimes have this for breakfast, sometimes for lunch.

    I've also recently tried some breakfast cookies that are pretty yummy...

    Banana Breakfast Cookies


    3 cups oats
    2 medium bananas
    just under 1⁄3 cup olive oil
    1⁄3 tsp salt or to taste
    1⁄3 to 1⁄2 cup dates (pitted), raisins, or prunes ¼ cup applesauce
    brown rice syrup or maple syrup to taste (optional)
    2⁄3 cup toasted almonds or any other nut you like (optional)
    2⁄3 cup dark chocolate chips (optional) - original recipe called for carob chips, I prefer chocolate

    Mix oats and salt. Add olive oil and mix well.
    In a blender, mix bananas and dates until well blended and smooth. Add a little brown rice syrup or maple syrup if you want them sweet.
    Add banana mixture to the oats and blend well. Add nuts and chocolate chips if you like. Let stand for half an hour.
    On an ungreased cookie sheet, form cookies (they will not spread or change at all with baking, so make them nice!)
    Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 12-15 min.
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