Still in disbelief of weight loss

Do any of you ever get up to go weigh yourself and be unsure if you've ever actually lost the weight/inches, or if the scale/tape measure has been lying, or it was always just a fluke? (I really hope that made sense)

I started my journey at 159 pounds and weighed in at 144 yesterday. Every time I go to step on the scale, part of me still worries that it'll read 159 or 160. I think it's because I've never actually taken control of my weight and always just accepted what the scale said, whether it was good or bad.

The plus is that whenever I do weigh/measure myself, I'm always greeted by a pleasant surprise :)


  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    Yeah. I always think when I get on the scale it's gonna read in the 180's (even though I've been maintaining between 150-155). It's been off for a good solid year, but I always think it's gonna come back on...
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    Of course! Especially if I come on here and see someone saying "the scale won't move" or something like that. It's strange, but on the weeks I think I've lost a bunch, I don't. And then when I think that I haven't lost anything, I lose 3 pounds or a few inches. Kind of irritating. I'm definitely not the kind of person who likes surprises! I want to know! That scale and tape measure are so annoying!
  • orangeglow39
    orangeglow39 Posts: 2 Member
    OMG, pat yourself on the back and keep doing what your doing!
  • Katey911
    Katey911 Posts: 80 Member
    Totally. My mind often transposes the numbers - so say if I now weigh 225 but I used to weigh 252, I have to stop and check and force myself to remember that I'm not at the higher weight anymore.
  • Ajjf
    Ajjf Posts: 27
    After 80 pounds I still do that. I watch the scale thinking and remember when it popped up at 368. While I feel a lot different, and I'm wearing smaller clothing, I don't honestly see the results much when I look in the mirror. Sure, I can see more definition in parts of my body, and I do get excited by that. But it's always going to be so much more evident to those around us than it is to some of us. I don't honestly know if I'll really believed I've lost the weight until I look like the cover of a magazine.
  • leelxxsh
    leelxxsh Posts: 28 Member
    I think a lot of it has to do with mental barriers. While we really want to lose the weight, it's hard to actually accept that it's happening.
  • Ajjf
    Ajjf Posts: 27
    I agree completely. And I think those of us who have been heavier longer, (14 years in my case) have a tougher time breaking down those mental barriers into acceptance..
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I agree completely. And I think those of us who have been heavier longer, (14 years in my case) have a tougher time breaking down those mental barriers into acceptance..

    Agreed - I have been overweight since I was 19 years old or so (I'm 35 now), and I still look in the mirror and see "fat". I am still overweight right now (5-11 / 204lbs), but I know I'm not "fat". I don't know that I will ever see myself as thin, so I have to rely on what others say I suppose.

    Along the same lines - I should see under 200lbs on the scale in the next couple weeks and I honestly will probably break down and cry from being happy, proud, amazed...all that good stuff. I can't wait for that feeling.
  • Cheryl_Rica
    For some reason, I keep buying the size I used to wear. It's like I can't accept it.

    But a few weeks ago, I wore something that I bought with the idea I'd wear it when I lost weight. I didn't even have to kill myself with spanx (it was pretty clingy).

    And yet I just ordered a top in my old size, even though my old tops in this size look like smocks.

    This has to be a common kind of crazy, right?
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    I always think that my belt loop is going to instantly move back a hole on the days I'm feeling iffy about my weight loss. Even though it would be nearly impossible for it to do that in a day, I still count holes every time I clip my belt just to make sure it's still at the same one.
  • smsquash
    smsquash Posts: 38 Member
    This reminds me of a weird habit I had when I went from 180 to about 130. Every time I would go shopping, I would always choose clothing much larger than I needed. Even though I knew I fit into the smaller clothes, I would look at them and think, "that's so tiny, you'll never fit into that, better get the bigger size." And then I would go into the dressing room, and everything I tried on would be too big and I'd have to go back out and switch sizes. Seriously, I did that for such a long time after losing weight - probably at least a year. Weird.
  • mscountrygirl39456
    mscountrygirl39456 Posts: 113 Member
    I started out at 307 lbs....Today my scales read 270.8..... I often wonder if I need to change the batteries in my scales.....:noway:
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    I do this too. Maybe it's so I won't be disappointed if the scale just doesn't happen to move that week...
  • michelle7673
    michelle7673 Posts: 370 Member
    I have it in my mind how much I've lost, but when I think about what I actually weigh, my mind goes back to my starting weight...
  • ladybugs98a
    ladybugs98a Posts: 30 Member
    I feel like this all the time. I know that I lost the weight but my mind can not accept it. When I look at myself in the mirror I don't see the difference but when I look at pictures I see it. For my it goes back to my negative body image.
  • leelxxsh
    leelxxsh Posts: 28 Member
    Not sure about you all, but I know that in my case part of it is me saying to myself "you know, 15 pounds isn't that much", not really understanding that if it took 3 months for me to lose it, I won't be able to put it back on overnight. This was especially true at the beginning, when the numbers were still small.
  • Anony1023
    Anony1023 Posts: 19 Member
    Or the reputation that weight lose or eating healthy has as being SO HARD! It's not super hard... it just takes dedication!
  • 26banker
    26banker Posts: 6 Member
    I think our brain sees us a certain size for better or worse. Often times it will be someone else noticing before you do. I have
    a ways to go but I guess what I say now is that I am doing good things for my health and for the first time I mean it.
  • kzakian
    kzakian Posts: 45 Member
    I've only lost 5 pounds so far (been logging for about 35 days) and I still can't believe I've lost anything.

    In fact I go onto the reports section to see my progress and just run my mouse down the line of weigh-ins as it goes down on the chart.. I've never been able to lose any weight, it's just so surreal. If I knew losing weight was so simple I would have done so way earlier. I can't wait to see some serious body re-shaping. :D
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Sometimes when I type in my weight I forget I have lost 100 lbs and start typing in a 3 instead of a 2. It is always fun to catch my mistake and to mess with the MFP calculator.