Kitchen Revolution

Ok, having a reality check today. Been logging/exercising and taking measurements now for 3 months. I've been losing inches here and there and definitely getting more fit but I haven't been losing the lbs the way I'd like (I know it's not all about the scale) but I can't fib to myself anymore. I need to get serious about some diet changes and get this weight OFF.

I just saw a post in the success stories forum of a gal who started around the same time I did and she's lost 40lbs. I'm not expecting that kind of success but I've only lost 8 since I started back up with MFP. I read somewhere that weight loss happens in the kitchen and fitness happens at the gym.

Been been good rocking the fitness, but I REALLY need to get serious about kitchen overhaul. I'd like to be 190 by the end of the year. At this rate, that's not going to happen so somethings gotta change. What do you all suggest? Diet plan? I'm not really sure where to go from here besides a total revolution because....what I've been doin? Aint workin.


  • kateauch
    kateauch Posts: 195 Member
  • Ajjf
    Ajjf Posts: 27
    I'm not so sure I wouldn't trim your calories some. Especially the carbs you eat past the afternoon. And don't play the gross/net calories game. Set your caloric limit for the day and try to hit it without factoring in the exercise.
  • kateauch
    kateauch Posts: 195 Member
    bump! :cry:
  • daniellemm1
    daniellemm1 Posts: 465 Member
    I've lost 50lbs since January mainly because I have been exercising a lot. I think I might have to start a kitchen revolution myself so that I can continue to lose the next 50lbs. My problem is that I am very picky. Yes I love to eat but the things I like to eat are pretty boring and I am not very adventurous when it comes to trying new foods. I am clueless about where to start with planning healthier meals for myself.
  • page68
    page68 Posts: 220 Member
    The only thing I can offer is that I do a few things religiously:

    1. I log everything i put in my mouth -even if it's ridiculously caloric or has no nutritional value. I own it, log it and move on. I call it being accountable to myself.
    2. I rarely eat out. I cook at home - often a week's worth at a time because when I get home form work I want a healthy meal easily accessible.
    3. I repeat options often because they work for me. A large greek salad is my lunch every day. Almost no exceptions. It works and it's easy. I make a huge bowl of salad on Sunday night and package it for each day.

    Those three things I do almost without exception. So the kitchen revolution for me is investing time up front for ease and the safety nets it affords me.