is going on with me? I exercise, I eat pretty well(diary is open!) I do know I can't lose weight at a deficit, and i always have a deficit on the high side. But I'm gaining weight, no matter what I do. I've up calories, I've lowered them, i run, I do circuit training. I do not have a HRM or a FITBIT. I do have an app on my phone the I can put my weight, choose my exercise(it has everything, even workout DVD's!), and the minutes I exercised, and it calculated my calorie burn. I always adjust that to a lower number because I know it's not that accurate. I do measure my food. i don't have a food scale, but I don't over eat. I use a small dinner plate, not a large one. My protein seems to always hit it's mark, and I eat plenty of fruit, and i do drink water all day, but I don't always log it. I have a desk job. I am 5'11, 168 lbs(was 166 when I started logging religiously a few months ago), and 39yrs old. My measurments are :

Natural waist(where you bend at the side and the crease is where you waist is): 31inches
Belly button: 34inches
right thigh- 25.5inches
left thigh- 25 inches
hips- 42 inches( i measure from the fullest part of my bottom and come around to the front)

Am I eating too little still? I am gaining weight. We went on vacation over 4th of July, and of the 7 days we were camping, I ran 4 of those (3-4 miles). I did it well, but also had ice cream, and smores! I get the whole water weight thing, but i also know that I haven't build that much muscle.....as muscle building takes a long time. I must tell you that at this time last summer i was 160lbs. SO, I guess I'm just trying to figure this all out. I have been told to eat more, and i did try that for several weeks, but didn't see much change. I mean, at some point, my body will have to start losing somewhere, right? i just don' t know what's going on! There are a few days here and there in my diary that i didn't finish logging the day, but for the most part, it's complete. I DO log EVERYTHING I eat! good, and bad! I see no reason to lie because that won't help me. I took a pic of me last night after my workout just because I can see how hard I'm working(very sweaty). But, nothing is happening! I would like to lose 10lbs, but can't seem to! I see so many posts from people saying they aren't losing, and I don't want this to be another one of those posts that everyone gets tired of seeing, but after 100 or so days of loggin, nothing? REALLY? I just don't know!!!

Thanks all!


    RAGGEDYANN1970 Posts: 115 Member
    i would go to your dr to have your hormones tested. there are alot of hormone issues surrounding weight-loss at the 40-yr mark. thyroid, estrogen, testosterone, PCOS, prolactin, etc.

    :smile: good luck - hang in there.
  • ya girl hormones are crazy! get them checked out and maybe you can start losing!
  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    Def not eating too little. The idea of metabolism slowing because you are eating too little is BS. 72 hour fasts show no reduction of metabolism nor does 1000 calorie diets for extended time (as long as there is enough fat in the body).

    Brad Pilon has put a collection of these studies in his book Eat Stop Eat.

    So I agree with Raggedyann, you should see if it is a medical condition. I wouldn't worry too much about the exercise - diet is more important- exercise increases results and makes you look good naked!
  • greenden
    greenden Posts: 1
    Do have your thyroid tested. I just found out I have hypothyroidism and am finding it nearly impossible to lose weight, much like what you mentioned. In addition, there are several foods that although are healthy, they can slow your metabolism with this condition even more.
  • Def not eating too little. The idea of metabolism slowing because you are eating too little is BS. 72 hour fasts show no reduction of metabolism nor does 1000 calorie diets for extended time (as long as there is enough fat in the body).

    Brad Pilon has put a collection of these studies in his book Eat Stop Eat.

    So I agree with Raggedyann, you should see if it is a medical condition. I wouldn't worry too much about the exercise - diet is more important- exercise increases results and makes you look good naked!

    is this true because the other month i upped my calories and i started to lose weight! im really confused
  • jewel22887
    jewel22887 Posts: 72
    I would say get those hormones checked. I have hypothyroidism and I was eating great and working out and gaining weight like crazy because my hormones just decided they wanted me fat... I've been on medicine for 9 months now and the weight is coming off it's slow and steady but possible now.
  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    Also try cutting your carbs in half (or more). Some people are more sensitive to carbs/insulin than others.
  • Shes1CraftyMama
    Shes1CraftyMama Posts: 152 Member
    well here are a few questions. how long have you not been losing?
    You mentioned you have upped cals and have lowered them....how long did you up them for and how long did you lower them for?
    All of this is really important to understanding where you are coming from.

    I am 5'11" and for me to reach my goal (of 165 - which is your weight) I am eating 1600 on non-workout days. 2000 on workout days. So, you may be eating at maintenence right now.

    If you make a change to your cals it can take up to 4 weeks for your body to respond.

    If you have upped for 4 weeks with no changes, lowered for 4 weeks with no changes, changed your workout routine with no changes....then I agree with everyone else - go to the Dr to be sure that everything is working well.

    Good luck!
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    Get a digital food scale. How do you know what your pork chops or steak weighs if you don' t have a digital scale? Same with some other food items in your diary put in as ounces or grams.

    Measuring 'bulky' food in measuring cups such as fruit or vegetables, it's not very reliable.

    A lot of people have asked the same questions you have asked, have said the same thing and most end up fessing up to either not logging all foods (which you said you do so awesome!) or they do not WEIGH food i.e w/ a digital scale. You would be surprised to see what a portion in grams (or ounces) looks like compared to when it generically calls for '1/2 Cup'. etc.

    I bought one at Wal-mart, want to say it was their 'Mainstays' brand, like $20. I use it a gazillion times a day, sits right on the counter.
  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    Copy and pasted into "quote" below.
  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    Def not eating too little. The idea of metabolism slowing because you are eating too little is BS. 72 hour fasts show no reduction of metabolism nor does 1000 calorie diets for extended time (as long as there is enough fat in the body).

    Brad Pilon has put a collection of these studies in his book Eat Stop Eat.

    So I agree with Raggedyann, you should see if it is a medical condition. I wouldn't worry too much about the exercise - diet is more important- exercise increases results and makes you look good naked!

    is this true because the other month i upped my calories and i started to lose weight! im really confused
    If you reduce your calories too much you won't be very active, so there is a line you shouldn't cross...

    Many people think doing one thing actually was the result of weight loss, when it could have been something else...

    Here is a good article on metabolism. This guy is 100% clinical research- not bro-science.

  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    well here are a few questions. how long have you not been losing?
    You mentioned you have upped cals and have lowered them....how long did you up them for and how long did you lower them for?
    All of this is really important to understanding where you are coming from.

    I am 5'11" and for me to reach my goal (of 165 - which is your weight) I am eating 1600 on non-workout days. 2000 on workout days. So, you may be eating at maintenence right now.

    If you make a change to your cals it can take up to 4 weeks for your body to respond.

    If you have upped for 4 weeks with no changes, lowered for 4 weeks with no changes, changed your workout routine with no changes....then I agree with everyone else - go to the Dr to be sure that everything is working well.

    Good luck!

    I upped them and did that for over a months and have been on be 1560 for about a month. When logging I try not to pick the ones with weights on them? But with meats, that's impossible. I cut up all my meet and usually use a 1 cup measuring cup and eat that amount. Like I cut up he meat, fill the 1 cup and then put it on my plate. I do Jillian michaels DVds....so circuit training. And most days I do two DVDs. Other days I run. I have to be careful with that as I have plantar fasciitis.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    I really suggest a digital food scale and weigh everything. Fruits, vegetables, meat, even dry goods such as dry pasta, rice, cereal, etc.
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    i would go to your dr to have your hormones tested. there are alot of hormone issues surrounding weight-loss at the 40-yr mark. thyroid, estrogen, testosterone, PCOS, prolactin, etc.

    :smile: good luck - hang in there.

    40yr mark? I'm not 40! I'm gonna be 39 forever! ;)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    You need a food scale. Otherwise you're always going to be way off.
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    You need a food scale. Otherwise you're always going to be way off.

    I will get one! One question and not to sound stupid.....for rice, how do you weight that on the scale? Put it in a bowl? And if so, wouldn't the weight of the bowl skew he weight of the rice? Same wih other "loose" foods...cereal??
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    You put the bowl (or whatever container) on the scale, zero it out then measure out the amount of rice/pasta/cereal (dry) and go by ounces or grams, whatever the box calls for. It's mostly grams though.

    As long as whatever scale you buy allows you to zero out the weight of the bowl or plate. Mine does.
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    You put the bowl (or whatever container) on the scale, zero it out then measure out the amount of rice/pasta/cereal (dry) and go by ounces or grams, whatever the box calls for. It's mostly grams though.

    As long as whatever scale you buy allows you to zero out the weight of the bowl or plate. Mine does.

    Oh ok! That makes sense! Thank you everyone for your advice! Not losing weight is one thing but I'm really not losing much in the inches dept. either!
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    No problem. It makes a big difference. I didn't use a scale at first, then I read post after post and it really does make a big difference. It's just second nature to me now, put my plate on the scale, zero out, weigh this, zero out, weigh that, write it down, log it etc. It goes fairly quick really.
  • _meesh_
    _meesh_ Posts: 73
    I have an electronic scale, and if I put the bowl on the scale before I turn it on, it automatically zeros out.

    Just a tip if you buy a scale that doesn't have a zero-out.