Has this ever happened to you?

We had pizza tonight, I had one piece and 10 minutes later got sick to my stomach and threw it up. The rest of my family is fine. It just didn't settle right in my stomach. Should I still log it in my Food Diary. If I had to guess, I may have thrown half or maybe all of it up. I don't know???

What would you do? Would you enter it as calories consumed?


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I have had when I will eat good for a while and then eat something greasy or something it will make me sick to my stomach, but never threw up
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    Are you feeling better and do you plan on eating something else? If so id quick subtract half the cals (not the whole thing, jsut to be safe). If youre stomach is still upset and you dont plan on eating anything else i wouldnt worry about it.

    this def brought up a situation i had never even thought of! haha thanks! :-)
  • Mark63
    Mark63 Posts: 16 Member
    I say if you threw up very shortly after you ate, it's not worth noting the little bit of calories you may have kept down. Consider it a wash.