Need diet help

So, for some time I did very good with diet and still eat good but I know I could be doing better. I have hypothyroid and adrenal fatigue so losing weight is seriously impossible for me so just out of frustration, I have not been watching my diet as closely.

The kids are going back to school in a few weeks so I am going to hit it hard at the gym. I know how to train. I have been in the gym for 20 years but I never had to be so strict with my diet. Since being hypo, I have to be diligent or I will gain like crazy so a little lost.

So, my question after all that. Can someone give me some samples of what they did as far as diet to lose weight?? I mean, I have to eat like an athlete to lose anything so think diet for someone who is seriously training.

I do not eat any gluten either. Can someone help me out?? I need some motivation. :)


  • winniethepooh751
    winniethepooh751 Posts: 22 Member
    I don't really eat gluten either. I eat a lot of avocados (at least one a day) and I try to have 4 egg whites with one yolk hardboiled every morning for breakfast. I've cut out all bread and rice and pasta because I'm very prone to gaining weight with carbs. I eat a huge salad every day (it's the size of a big mixing bowl) and I don't eat any dressing with it because that's how I grew up eating salads. And for dinner, if I managed to eat the whole salad at lunch, I will have black beans with avocado. If I feel hungry any time between meals, I'll have a small fruit like an apricot or a nectarine.
  • IGbnat24
    IGbnat24 Posts: 520 Member
    You need to do some trial and error when you get back into the gym. Figure out how many calories you can eat to maintain your weight and then go from there. As far as what to eat, eat whatever you like so long as you stay within your calorie goals.