New Here...



  • dwinlvnv
    dwinlvnv Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Everyone

    Im new on here. I am 46 years old. I am trying to lose wait but its hard for me. I never use to be this way but my depression i guess u can say took over me. Right now im trying to set a goal i want to be around 120. I want to look and feel pretty. I now way 251. I saw this web site and thought i want to try this to see if this would help me. I started on here wednesday. So far i like this and i can keep track on my health. I hope i can do this. I also hope i can make friends on here that are going threw hard times like i am and can help each other out. Thanks for listening From Donna

    Hi Donna~
    Welcome to MFP! Please feel free to add me. I have been on MFP faithfully for over a year and have been very successful. I will be 49 this year and my metabolism has definitely been slowing down over the years. My doctor turned me onto MFP; needless to say both my doctor and I are happy with the results so far. I am 5 - 2 and was weighing in at 235 in April 2012. I am now down to about 149-150. I would like to get down to 140; still trying. I am not as strict on myself as when I started so the weight loss has slowed down. I am happy and I believe my 10 pounds remaining will come off in due time if I keep doing what I'm doing. How tall are you? The most important goals for you to set is to log in matter what....and be honest....even if you blow it and eat too much on a particular day. Try and exercise at least five times a week. I started off slowly by walking and now continue walking along with strengh training. In the beginning I ate 1200 calories a day and did not eat back my exercise calories. My exercise calories were around 150 to 200 five days a week. Since I am close to goal, I am now am eating about 1300 calories a day (excluding my vacation trips). I may not eat the most healthy choice of foods, but I do not feel deprived and I can stay committed and live with the choices I make. I do what works best for me. This isn't my first rodeo. I have stuggled with my weight my entire life. I have lost over 100 pounds THREE TIMES from age 21 to now, to obviously gain it back and then some each time. With MFP I am determined to keep the weight off! All of my fat clothes are gone, my jewelry has been resized; there is no turning back now! MFP is the first program I have used where I am accountable for what I eat and how I exercise AND it's FREE!! Yes, the ads are a little annoying, especially when I use my tablet, but totally worth the results! Good Luck and Stay True to yourself! Donna in Las Vegas
  • cazzalina222
    cazzalina222 Posts: 3 Member

    Im new also. started three days ago. currently weigh 19 stone - my heaviest yet. Ive always been fat, but this is the first time that lve tracked what l eat. lts been a sobering few days. l know l eat too much, but to be honest the thought of changing the habits of a lifetime is pretty daunting at the moment. just writing this is very scary.
  • girlpower123456789
    Welcome, Today is my first day really getting serious with this.I need some friends to keep me going through this and hopefully help me acheive my goals.
  • jasoncbackus
    jasoncbackus Posts: 131 Member
    I would add you, but I'm afraid of clowns...
  • JacquiMayCrook
    JacquiMayCrook Posts: 308 Member
    Welcome....... That pic is way too creepy to be in my FL......

    I would love to be the O.P's friend, but scary clowns are too Stephen King for my liking!
  • wanabthinagain
    So many people were creeped out by my Pennywise the clown I changed it. Sorry to all who had Stephen King dreams last night thanks to my picture ;)
  • meem548
    meem548 Posts: 82 Member
    Everyone feel free to add me! :)
  • wanabthinagain
    Request sent :)