I hate working out!!

Annnndddd...I seem to have every excuse in the book. I work 40+ hours a week, I am a single mom with a 2 year old. I live in a city where I know no-one and have absolutely no one to watch my child. When I try to work out at home, my daughter just latches on to me and won't let me work out. Can't wait until she goes to bed, b/c she will not go to bed without me! And I really lack the motivation, which is the bottom line. I go on 15-20 minute strolls with her in the evening, stuff like that, but the one time that I really did have a great workout, it set me off on a weight loss stall for like 2 weeks! :( Anyone have any thoughts or comments to get my *kitten* off this couch? I guess I also have the notion in my head that you don't lose as quickly when you work out, which totally bums me out...I have to see that scale drop every day or I lose my motivation! :( Help please.


  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    you know, I used to say I couldn't work out while my girls were around, then I just did. I work out and they do their thing. Yeah, sometimes I need to stop what I'm doing to referee, but it's better than not doing anything at all. Plus, look at the flip side benefit - your child is learning the importance of exercise from a VERY early age - what better example do you need?

    quick workouts with lots cardio benefit: tabata anything. google it. 20 seconds balls out, 10 seconds rest... 4 minutes/8 minutes... don't tell me a 2 year old can't be entertained for that long!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Invest in a Wii & some fitness games (Biggest Loser is great), and/or workout videos, and have your kid do them with you. It's very entertaining! (Trust me, I'm a SAHM of a 2yo, too :) )
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    Stop standing on the scale every day.

    I work out after my son is in bed, even if I have to lay with him for a bit. I work, I'm in school full time and I have no choice. If I WANT to be healthy and thinner then I have to work out.

    We all have excuses you just have to WANT it enough. No one can make you get up and work out.

    Maybe start by working on getting your daughter to bed without you spending quite as much time with her. She's old enough to have a bed time routine and then be okay by herself. That gets you more time to do the rest.

    160lbs toned will always look better than 150lbs flabby (substitute any numbers of course). So remember that no matter how much you lose without working out and toning you probably won't be happy.
  • Jillid71
    Jillid71 Posts: 38 Member
    It's hard! I am the mom of 3, work full time outside the home, and I know how difficult it is to put in the time. I think that the mindset you have that working out stalls weight loss hinders you as well. While you may not have lost weight, you may have lost inches- plus you need to keep working out, and as you get stronger modify your workout so that you continually challenge your body.

    I know how hard it is to find the time- may I suggest the Jillian Michael's 30 day shred DVD? It is very affordable, and the workouts are only 20-25 minutes long.

    As a mom, you owe it to yourself to find that 20-25 minutes. Happy and Healthy mom is a happy family. I know that you can do it!! Believe in yourself- and remember- you DESERVE that time, and DESERVE to be healthy!!
  • DanniJNoles
    Have you tried working out with her? My 2 yr old copies me. I am a stay at home mom with two kids and my son was bad about going to bed on his own. It sucks but when my hubby came home from Korea I had to just let him cry it out in his own bed. He fell asleep on his own after a while. I have done crunches with my daughter on my belly when she was younger and had her on my back for push ups and planks.
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    Ok... here we go... :flowerforyou: First, it starts with your attitude... if you tell yourself you hate exercise... you will. It comes with time. I have a goal to work out 6 days per week. If I do not want to work out one day, I make a deal with myself that if I work out for 15-20 minutes and still want to quit, I give myself permission. (That has NEVER happend - once I get there, I am there). Sometimes our negative attitude comes from not seeing results as quickly as we want... the truth is doing something is better than nothing and over time, the pounds fall off -- just like they piled on.

    For the rest of the stuff: A lot of people work long hours, if you commit to working out you will have more energy and that will have a positive impact on your attitude and may even impact your professional life... you know, having a little more spunk in your step, energy, etc. it could get you noticed for a promotion or raise.

    Join a gym with a daycare option. My gym even offers classes for the little ones... nothing better than getting them started young and she will look forward to seeing her little friends - thereby helping with socialization and separation anxiety issues.. You will meet other parents which will solve your not knowing anyone problems AND you will be a good role model for your child. It will be a growing experience for both of you.

    Of course, it helps to have a friend to kick you in the rear BUT it ultimatly has to come from within. Give yourself a chance. View things throughout the day as a choice and your choices add up to consequences or positive reinforcement. Choose to exercise, choose to eat right, and over time you will see the results of your efforts. Take your measurements vs fixation with the scale. My weight didnt budge for 3 weeks but I lost 1.5 inches from my waistline... I'll take that ANY day!. OR you can choose to wallow in the thoughts that got you where you are today... its all up to you.

    Hope that helps! :love:
  • misty8
    Hi, Keep focused and remember you deserve the time to devote to yourself to work out. I agree with mojogurl your kids need to see it is an important part of our lives. I work over 40 hrs a week and I pick two days a week to workout at work during my lunch hour. I pick another two days during the week to work out with my daughter (ZUMBA) and my son (running). When I cannot work out I try to make sure I am careful with my calories. You can do this!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Um, did you say your child will not go to bed without you? Who's in charge? Put the baby to bed at a reasonable hour and workout while she screams. Give it a week and then you will have some time to yourself as well.
  • AwesomeMe
    AwesomeMe Posts: 12 Member
    Get a playpen and stick her in there with toys, etc. You can still watch her while you workout at home. A 20 minute workout is better than nothing.

    I love working out, but my monsters are adults now. Thank goodness. LOL
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    I hate it too but finally realized that if I want to EAT - I have to work out. On days when I rest I do not get enough calories and I am STARVING! MFP has me at 1200 - too little for me without working out. You gotta move - that was my problem for years. Once I started working out the weight is coming off!
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I know it can be tough to work out with little ones around (mom of a 4 year old here!) When mine was younger I would walk with him in the stroller and he really liked that. Bump that up to 30 minutes and you've got a good workout! I would often go out after supper during the spring/summer and besides being a good workout for me, it helped get him relaxed and ready for bed.

    Now he will do workout DVDs along with me (or at least run around while I am doing them) or do Wii Fitness right along beside me. We put all of our extended family members and some of his friends as Mii characters and he loves to watch them exercise along with my character. :)

    Also... exercise WITH your daughter! Dance with her, play ring around the rosy, swing her up and down and fly her around like an airplane, use her as a weight (only if you can do that safely, of course). If you can get in some activity for both of you in the evenings then follow by some relaxing time, it should tire her out to help her sleep better and hopefully you can have some alone-time without going to bed with her (assuming that you aren't so exhausted at the end of the day that you want to go to sleep when she does!)

    Also, I am assuming that at age 2 she still naps. Find a workout DVD or Wii if you have it and use her naptime on the weekend to get in some exercise!
  • 623Hernandez
    Me toooooo! I work part-time and go to school full-time. Commute to both 45 each way for school and work! I barley have time to shower! Homework is getting pretty intense now too! I got a C on my last test so I need to study a lot more. I don't get Cs!!! Work, school, homework, studying, and commuting all take time!!!!! Ugh! As soon as I am done with school I am going to join a gym but I don't graduate till May! 9 months to go!! lol
  • rfialkiewicz
    rfialkiewicz Posts: 183 Member
    I can recall working out with my mom to tapes in the living-room as young as four. I thought it was the most awesome things evar! And this was back in the late 80's when workout tapes were really weird. Of course, I wasn't actually working out, I'm sure, but I remember thinking how cool it was.

    Many gyms have day care facilities! Check out to see if any near you offer somewhere for her to play while you work out.