Worried about my organs shutting down..

A little over a year ago at this time, I started to develop an eating disorder. It gradually progressed and I went from 164 lbs at 5'9 to where I am now - 112.

I was only eating 500 - 900 calories.

I tried a few different treatment programs, but that's a long-winded story and I realized recovery was something I had to do on my own.
And I am doing very well. I am still working my way up with eating, because it's more of a mental challenge than physical -- but I am eating 1,200 calories at the very least, and am within a 1,200 - 1,500 calorie range right now. Depending on the day and so forth. I still have some ways to go, but I am working on it and feeling better day by day!

The thing is, I am still underweight, my hair is still falling out, easy bruising, etc. etc. I know I will have to get to a healthy weight to stop all of these problems, but again, it's mentally challenging and is not an overnight thing. But I am working at it.
While I am underweight, however, there is still obviously going to be a strain on my body.. regardless if I am working at getting to a normal weight or not..

The past two days I have been very constipated and bloated. And it's being a real hindrance in my wanting to eat.
(My diary is open) I've been eating a LOT of fiber today, trying to see if that will help. But so far, nothing.

I read that this could be a sign of my organs beginning to shut down, and that has me very nervous.
Is that possible? I'm not sure of the severity and guess I could use a little insight! I'm also very hesitant to take anything with a laxative effect for obvious reasons.


  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    I defer to the professionals. This is something they can and will be able to address if you give them the opportunity. Their job is not to judge and the vast majority of them remember this so don't be afraid to let them *hugs*
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Seek a medical professional.
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    I agree with corgicake ... this is definitely something for the professionals. In the meantime, until you can see one, drink as much water as you can possibly stomach. If you eat a lot of fiber but don't drink enough water, it'll actually make constipation worse (or at least that's my personal experience).
  • scarrie2
    scarrie2 Posts: 80 Member
    Definitely seek medical help. But I think deep down you already know that.
  • phw426
    phw426 Posts: 92 Member
    talk to a doctor soon...add some ensure shakes to your diet every few hours
  • Kai81109
    Kai81109 Posts: 52 Member
    im not a doctor but from looking at your diary you should get some protein and veggies... my sis is working on a similar problem it would def help to see a doc and a nutritionist they can help you set little goals for yourself... good luck hun and be strong you can beat it...