healthier alcholic drink choices!

kharr333 Posts: 17
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
September is a crazy month for birthdays and i was wondering if anyone could share their healthier alcholic drink choices with me!!


  • I get diet coke/pepsi with vodka and it is pretty good.

    Stay away from the slushy drinks, creamy drinks, and go with martinis instead.

    Lite beer? There is a really low cal beer out there but I'm not sure the name. If you like beer msg me and I can get the name of that one.

    I hope that helps!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    actual liquor is less calorie laden than fruity or sweet things, of course. Avoid anything blended or sugary.

    There's a drink called a skinny bit ch which is made of vodka, seltzer or tonic, and a squeeze of lime.

    Any liquor mixed with diet is about 60 cals per ounce (ish), so my go to drink is a rum and diet.

    It all depends on your taste.

    Clearly, beers are high in cals unless you go with one of the reduced ones, I hear Sam Adams light is great tasting for a light beer.

    :drinker: :drinker:
    Happy Birthday !
  • i'm getting ready to go on vacation and was just wondering about some better drink choices! thank you! and if anyone has anymore ideas, please keep them coming!
  • jesslaur75
    jesslaur75 Posts: 75 Member
    Stoli Bluberi, Soda & lIme

    Also, the next morning if you eat something super healthy instead of going for that bacon, egg and cheese 1000 calories breakfast your hangover will go away much quicker and you will feel a LOT better! Also, green tea helps you better too!
  • swtally80
    swtally80 Posts: 278 Member
    I thought a skinny ***** was diet coke and vodka... anyhow diet tonic and vodka is my ole stand by... but seriously any alcohol and any diet soda is your best bet... I hate light beers... they give me a headache. It is harder to lose weight if you are drinking though. I have been drinking this summer and put back on 10 pounds.... alcohol makes me make poor eating choices and also its so easy to add 700 calories to your food diary in no time. LOG EVERYTHING!
  • izobel
    izobel Posts: 116 Member
    White wine - about 650 calories for a full bottle. A 45 minute run before the party and it all evens out :-) Add a bit of club soda to the wine and it goes even further.
    Low alcohol beer has less calories than sugary soda ... even full alcohol beer for that matter. Just that you are less likely to drink 6 cokes than 6 beers.
    I actually love beer but not necessarily the alcohol and they've just brought out a zero calorie, zero alcohol beer here in Japan and it is NOT bad. In fact I've just had one to cool down after my 50k cycle in 30 degree heat!
    Gin or vodka and soda, twist of lemon.
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    Martinis...the old fashioned kind. My favorite is vodka with twist of lemon...don't let them sell you some silly drink with flavorings/added has NO carbs. That said, no such thing as a healthy drink...but have fun dangit!
  • pbxr
    pbxr Posts: 100 Member
    There are definitely some low carb/low cal beer options out there ~ look at labels, I say.

    Also, I like Smirnoff Green Apple Vodka mixed with no sugar added cranberry juice. If you like fruity things but want to stay away from a bazillion calories, it's a refreshing option. I usually use 1 part vodka to 4-6 parts juice, depending on glass size. (I don't usually increase the alcohol, but that's just me...)

    For eating out, Applebee's now offers what they call a Skinnybee Margarita. I can't tell the difference between that & the regular 'rita, and it's only 100 calories. Woot! :)

    HTH! :happy:
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Zero calorie and zero alcohol? What is the point? LOL
  • cstibbe
    cstibbe Posts: 47 Member
    Drink Bacardi Silver with sparkling water. I usually get a white grape flavor of sparkling water and it makes for a great mix! I am in college so I go out almost every weekend and on nights that I do choose to drink I have about three of these drinks with two shots in each and fill a tall glass all the way up with the sparkling water. The best part is I haven't seen any weight gain! It is amazing...but what is even more amazing are Skinny Girl Margaritas!! If you are not familiar then google asap! Bethenney Frankel has a ton of Skinny Girl drinks and will tell you how to make them! The Skinny Girl Margarita is the best and I have actually been out to a few bars where the bartender has known how to make them, it is great! Hope this helps, cheers!
  • rori20
    rori20 Posts: 61 Member
    Beck's is supposed to be the lowest-calorie beer out there. I believe it's around 55 calories a bottle. I can't remember whether or not it tastes good, though.
  • beasy22
    beasy22 Posts: 41 Member
    Gin or Vodka with Tonic light has to be the least calorific alcohol drink you can have, but if thats not to your taste i'd stick to wine, avoid beer and cider...

    Enjoy the party, just work out harder the next day (or once the hangover has gone...) hehe
  • ghalliday
    ghalliday Posts: 46 Member
    I definately agree with the vodka & diet coke as a sensible choice :-) A tip for wine drinkers is to have a white wine & soda water in a tall glass with ice......this will last you longer & soda is 0 calories rather than mixing with lemonade which will cost you calories!!! These 2 are my recommendations. Avoid cocktails & cider!!!!!! Logging alcohol can b a problem tho......trying to remember the next day how many you seems a lil of a party pooper idea but prehaps keep a track in your mobile phone?!!
  • jaylu
    jaylu Posts: 158
    i cant drink vodka anymore, yuck... bad experience when i was younger so i am now in love with malibu and coke zero. 51 cals per drink is not bad at all.
  • these are REALLY great suggestions everyone! a lot of times i avoid going out or ordering drinks all together, other than a light beer, because i have no idea of the calorie content! or... i'm not exactly what sounds good to order that is low cal. i am for sure going to try a lot of these ideas! it looks like the fitnesspal clan may know how to have fun and still lose weight! lol
  • There is something called Skinny Girl Margarita - comes in a bottle, and it's something like 37 calories per 1.5oz. A whole bottle is about 650 calories (if you really wanna get sloshed!) I don't think you can get it at bars/restaurants, but if you're staying in, definitely a good choice :)
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