Looking for support from awesome people!

ajdhut9 Posts: 19 Member
Hi all!

I'm recently new to My Fitness Pal and would love to have some friends on here that are going through the same triumph and tribulations as myself. I'm looking to lose about 30kgs but intend on taking it one day at a time. In the past I have gone on diets for a week and not lost a lot of weight so I get upset and relapse. I've recently come to the realisation that it took longer than a day to pack on so it's going to take longer than a day to get off.

I'm a bad person when it comes to my diet so I feel this is the perfect place to improve my knowledge. The food we eat is key to our diets and I need to make sure I'm fueling my body with the right food.

Hope to talk to you all soon!


  • cuddingm
    cuddingm Posts: 41 Member

    This is a great way to start getting healthier! I have been on the site for awhile now and have been on many diets before even paid diet programs and didn't see the results I wanted. Hope the site helps you get where you want to be and stay there. I would love to support you on your journey and have your support on mine!
  • arathena720
    arathena720 Posts: 449 Member
    I only have another ten to lose but I'm all sorts of awesome! Feel free to add me!