1200 calories per day and foods that keep you feeling full



  • polinev
    polinev Posts: 2
    My daily amount of calories is 1280, but I'm "cheating" it by exercising and eating some of these calories back. I'm spinning twice a week, doing weights, burning appx. 350 cal and dancing 90 minutes, burning about 600 cal. On the days I don't exercise I tend to go for very long walks. This works for me - I'm allowed to eat more. :)
  • freemystery
    freemystery Posts: 184 Member
    Filling stuff... lean protein like chicken breast, turkey. Personally I love tofu but I know that's not a popular stance. Tempeh. Lentils and beans are full of protein and really good to fill you up on not-so-many calories.

    Investigate fresh vegetables because if you stick to lean protein + veggies I'd be surprised if you could be VERY hungry. You may crave stuff like cheese or pizza but you shouldn't be hungry. Most green veggies are so calorie sparse that you'd feel ill from overeating long before you hit a calorie limit.

    My fave workday lunches are about 200g chicken breast and then 100g each of a few veggies; broccoli, cauliflower, kale, butternut squash, onions, eggplant, pumpkin, peas, corn, peppers, beets, cabbage... a good mix of colours so I'm "eating the rainbow" Depends how hungry I am, sometimes I will need about 4 veggie sides, other days I only want 1. A glug of olive oil or some pepper, balsamic vinegar, herbs, maybe some mustard or fat free yogurt to taste as dressing and the combinations are limitless.

    Porridge for breakfast is a godsend! Make with water and top up with a little milk just as you're about to tuck in. Add a handful of chopped fruit, it keeps me going all morning.

    Make sure you drink plenty too. Water is ideal but sure, tea or diet soda is not going to harm you. Watch your fruit juice intake as it's easy to think "ah it's fruit, that's healthy" and not realise how the sugar is adding up. Just eat the fruit whole as a snack, it's way way better for you, more satiating too.
    If you are hungry/ feel the urge to snack have a big glass of water/ tea and an apple or orange or a chunk of melon. I was surpised how quickly the AARGH STARVING feeling went away.

    Also listen to your body. If you are constantly hungry and unhappy, up your intake a little. It won't be the end of the world! Moderation in everything. Including moderation.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    1. Exercise to add more calories to your 1200 calorie limit.

    2. Veggies, veggies, veggies. The majority of veggies are high volume and low calorie. The fiber helps keep me full. Whole fruit has fiber too .... but I have to limit this because of calories.

    3. Whole grain everything ..... this is the fiber thing again

    4. Protein ..... I try to include some with every meal. Swap greek yogurt for regular (2X the portien). Protien is very filling ... for some it's filling on it's own ..... but I'm hungry again when I don't combine it with something else. You will have to experiment.

    5. Fat ..... there are healthy good for you fats (nuts, nut butters, olive oil). Small portions have large calories .... but fat sticks with you a long time.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    My daily amount of calories is 1280, but I'm "cheating" it by exercising and eating some of these calories back. I'm spinning twice a week, doing weights, burning appx. 350 cal and dancing 90 minutes, burning about 600 cal. On the days I don't exercise I tend to go for very long walks. This works for me - I'm allowed to eat more. :)

    Eating exercise calories back is not "cheating" .... MFP gave you a calorie deficit with ZERO exercise.... not everyone can/will exercise. This is why you are expected to eat these calories back. It does sound weird ..... but the reason behind eating calories back ...... you will lose fat AND muscle when the calorie deficit is too large.

    The problem people experience with eating exercise calories back is that calorie burns are estimates(often too high) .....so eating back a portion of these calories is a good idea. Then adjust up/down as needed.
  • dhilliges2015
    special k foods always helped me and they are so yummy :)
  • aliciarose511
    aliciarose511 Posts: 37 Member
    Protein shakes. I made them with almond milk. I sometimes put 1tbsp of peanut butter or a banana.

    100 cal packs of almonds. They even have ones dusted in cocoa powder. Only 1g of sugar and lots of protein.

    Non fat plain greek yogurt with some fruit.


    Fish and Chicken...basically lots of protein.

    If you would like to add me, I have an open diary. :) I log M-F and sometimes take a break from logging on the weekends. I am at or just above 1200, and I am usually very satisfied. If you are working out, make sure you are getting a bit more. I shoot for 1200, but if I burn 500 cals and my stomach is growling during the day and I have eaten all nurturance dense foods, I have some more.
  • HeyGoRun
    HeyGoRun Posts: 550 Member
    1 word...EGGS
    I love them at BF and Dinner time. quickest meal when I just dont know what to eat.
    cooked,boiled however you want.
    You can do so many things with them and they do fill you up.
    Eggs in the carton are cool too.
  • kayaksara
    kayaksara Posts: 157 Member
    I eat 1200 most days. I eat alot of the same things everyday because I like it. Not for everyone...and probably too boring for most...but this is basically what I eat.

    Breakfast - Kashi, milk, chia seeds, flax seeds

    lunch - usually steel cut oats or 100 cal pak oatmeal with at least 3 servngs of the following fruits or veggies (carrots, apple, banana, blueberries, nectarines, grapes, strawberries) and sometimes a luna or larabar. I find that for myself carrots are very filling and take me forever to eat and then oatmeal is also filling. I space out my lunch. If I start with carrots and oatmeal at noon. I usually won't eat the luna bar til 1:00. This little bit for lunch fills me more than one would think.

    3:00 Snack - spinach salad. Can get really filled up on minimal calories.
    Chobani greek yougurt.
    anything with hummus

    Dinner - black beans, salsa on a 50 calorie wrap...usually have 2 for just over 200 calories.
    Or I love eggs. Or a bowl of cereal (love cereal). Or some kind of meat...turkey burger, chicken, etc.
    Try to get my veggies here too..love broccoli and edamame!

    Snack - usually have dark chocolate every night or a scoop of natural peanut butter or both. If I am hungry I skip this at eat something more filling.

    I drink tea and water as much as possible.

    If I am hungry I just eat a little more (up to 1350) or I chew gum when I just have cravings.

    Hope this helps you.

    Best of luck!
  • t4eaed
    t4eaed Posts: 25
    Love all the additional suggestions! Can't wait to try some of them out.
  • empressalexa
    you can look at my diary. it is not perfect but I could give you some ideas. I have a sweet tooth and have been working hard to work on that.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I'm looking for others who eat 1200 calories a day and have a public food diary. I'm struggling to stay at 1200 and feel like I am hardly eating anything all day and constantly feel hungry! I'm hoping if I see what others are eating at this level, it will help give me some new ideas of what to eat and help keep me full.

    Also, if anyone can suggest their favorite foods that are low calorie and help keep you satisfied for hours, please share!!!

    MFP sets my goal at 1200 too - but I am so active I eat 1700 a day and still have a 500 calorie deficit. If you are hungry, move more. 1200 is not sustainable in my opinion.
  • riccoismydog
    riccoismydog Posts: 319 Member
    I'm usually around 1200, when I don't screw the whole day up (yesterday) I do give myself about 250-300 extra depending on the intensity of the work out...I have an open diary. I sent you an add
  • sigsby
    sigsby Posts: 220 Member
    i love my grilled cheese sandwiches! natures own wheat bread 40 (40 cals per slice) 1 slice American cheese (70 cals) and I cant believe its not butter SPRAY (0 cals)

    150 calories total!

    great for a snack, or make 2 with a small bowl of low cal tomatoe soup for a meal!

    If you swap the American cheese for velveeta you can cut 35 calories off of that.
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    I'm looking for others who eat 1200 calories a day and have a public food diary. I'm struggling to stay at 1200 and feel like I am hardly eating anything all day and constantly feel hungry! I'm hoping if I see what others are eating at this level, it will help give me some new ideas of what to eat and help keep me full.

    Also, if anyone can suggest their favorite foods that are low calorie and help keep you satisfied for hours, please share!!!

    My diary is open, you're welcome to take a look :). I feel like I'm eating a lot all day and I'm quite satisfied.
    One suggestion I enjoy is, I buy the bags of pre-shredded cole slaw mix in the produce section (shredded cabbage and carrots). Trust me that would never have seemed appetizing to me previously, but I bought it on a lark and turns out I love it and eat it daily or twice a day. I spray a frying pan with Pam and sautee a couple of big handfuls, sometimes mixed with peppers, onions, mushrooms, broccoli, whatnot. I am creative with sauces I add to flavor it, like low-sodium teriyaki or jarred spinach dip or nacho cheese dip like Tostito's brand in the chip aisle (surprisingly low cal, I think 40 calories for 2 tbls, which is plenty). I eat it as a side dish, in place of my starches or even as a snack. It's delicious, satisfying, filling, and low cal.

    Good luck!
  • alyssabrown94
    At 1200 calories a day, I would suggest you check out the concept of intermittent fasting. I had your problem. Small snacks throughout the day made me extremely hungry and pretty unhappy. I now do 16:8 fasting, eating between 12 and 8. This allows me two large, satisfying meals. It makes 1200 so manageable. Seriously, check it out.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I love quinoa, sweet potatoes, chicken, mashed cauliflower, chicken tacos, salads, taco salad, popcorn, fiber one bars, watermelon, blueberries, almonds
  • lfig720
    lfig720 Posts: 3
    Right there with you trying to figure out how to stay full on a 1200 calorie diet. I do what someone else suggested...lower calories breakfast, medium calorie lunch, and higher for dinner. During the between meal periods...I fill up on water and Green Tea...apparently green tea is supposed to help with weight loss (I'm a newbie at this though). I also try to eat alot of veggies since they don't cost much calories. Also things like Weight watcher's egg whites which are only 35 calories a serving, Turkey bacon is only 35 calories /slice. Feel free to add me. :smile:
  • daisydesigner66
    daisydesigner66 Posts: 30 Member
    i know how you feel i struggle everyday trying to hit the 1200 mark. I can seem to get there but I also am trying to exercise every day. They came up with some fantastic ways of breakfasts and snack foods. I will have to try the protein and veggies in different combos. I drink a lot of water a day but doesn't seem to cut the hunger. I am in the same boat as you. I will have to remember the suggestions. You can add me if you would like
  • Mistyrose87
    86 lbs lost this is amazing congrats!!! im new to the site (just joined yesterday) I hope to see amazing results also!!!!
  • Yes2HealthyAriel
    Yes2HealthyAriel Posts: 453 Member
    I love avocado and add it to a lot things. It helps up calories. As a healthy snack when I am hungry in between meals I have nuts, fruit, or a smoothie.