Hello everyone... I'm new to this site

I'm not sure which direction to go with trying to lose weight... Weight was never an issue for me until I quit smoking cigarettes 3 months ago... I have put on 25lbs & i'm really depressed about the weight gain...I don't really know where to start with trying to lose the weight any help that I can get on this site I would really appreciate... Thank u in advance...


  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Well for starter GREAT JOB on quitting smoker...any doctor would tell you 25 extra pounds is WAYYYYYY safer than smoking....so good job on getting those poops outa the way. As far as the weight.........jump on in baby. We all do it different here, depends on your eating plans. The built in system involves counting cals..pretty easy to get through.....so jump in and we will see ya around.

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  • Chikorita
    Well for starter GREAT JOB on quitting smoker...any doctor would tell you 25 extra pounds is WAYYYYYY safer than smoking....so good job on getting those poops outa the way.
    Yes, I second that. Well done. You can always exercise away the piunds and MFP is a great tool.
    I'm only new here but think this place is great.
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