1 Pound on !!!

I had my weekly weigh-in at weight watchers last night and i have put on 1pound. I cant understand it as i have really increased my phys over the past week and watched what i had eaten. Any ideas??


  • Kevster75
    Morning! :)

    Looking at your diary, I'd say you're eating too many Carbs...
    Try to eat more fruit/salads/vegetables instead of oats/pasta etc..

    Good luck! :)
  • spiney
    Weight fluctuates up and down a pound all the time. Don't sweat it. See what it says next week. Eat right, do your exercise and the results will come.
  • sjd200
    Thanks !!! Kevster75 i think you are right i do opt more for the carbs I will get more fruit and bulk up on the Veg. Spiney - Thanks for your encouragement!!.
  • mrsyatesy
    I've had a look at your diary too - and honestly I don't think you are eating enough! If you're logging everything you eat then wow - you must be either really hungry or have amazing will power - but your body needs more. Being under by 400/500 cals on top of what MFP calculates you need, and not drinking enough water, isn't going to get weight off, it's going to send your body in to a tailspin and it will slow your weight loss. There are loads of threads on eating at least your MFP cals, and then some on eating exercise acls which seems to work for some and not for others, but either way I would increase what you eat to get up to that cal range, it will come off.
    Hope this is helpful - it's meant to be :blushing:
  • lucifa73
    If you're pushing your worouts it may be the muscles retaining fluid while they recover.
  • sjd200
    Thanks mrsyatesy thats great advice and from your weight loss loss you def know what you are talking about. Its really hard to think about eating more just cant get my head round it lol... but i will try.

    Thanks Lucifa73 - ive heard that could be the case

    Thanks both for taking the time to leave your advice xx
  • sonyamelvin
    Hi... maybe you are gaining muscle which will help you burn more caloroes. Cargs are ok as long as you eat whole grains, healthy carbs. Good luck!
  • starstealing
    the advice here is some really good advice. :) all i can add to it is to be patient. i've had to learn that lesson the hard way! patience is king with weight loss.
  • batty5
    batty5 Posts: 193
    If it's any consolation I have the same problem I call my scales my yoyo scales! This week am trying Rosemary Conley's low GI diet to see if it works & this morning am back to where I was 12 days ago!!! At least that means I am down the 4lbs it said I had gained. Think it must be water retention either after a good workout, or my meds or because my arthritis is playing up seems they all cause water retention. Hang in there as it will come off eventually feel free to add me as a friend then maybe we can compare notes. Good luck there are a few threads about this so at least you know you are not alone.
  • truecaligirl
    truecaligirl Posts: 132 Member
    My advice would be to spread out your calories more throughout the day. I have been eating like every 2-3 hours. I honestly think that helps with my metabolism. I just can't see myself going 4-5 hours without eating. That's what works for me. By eating that way I have managed to lose 26lbs in 7 weeks.
  • RominaSullivan
    Check out this article. it's helped me not get mad at the scale when the numbers go up... and just try again later :-) Our body does all sorts of weird things.


    Also, drink tons of water!!!