Dukan DIet

Hi, my name is Caroline and i have begun the Dukan diet.

I have started the attack phase which is only protein for 7 days. You have to drink a lot of water but you are allowed as much meat and other proteins as you want as long as it isn't fattty meat like bacon etc.

Has anyone else tried this diet?

I have done it before but only the attack 7 days. I did not follow it with the 'consolidation Phase' which is where you introduce vegetables and fruit but i am determined to do so this time around! I have heard it is very good so i shall inform you of how im doing.

If you want to hear more about the diet add me and ill confirm

Thanks x


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Hi, my name is Caroline and i have begun the Dukan diet.

    I have started the attack phase which is only protein for 7 days. You have to drink a lot of water but you are allowed as much meat and other proteins as you want as long as it isn't fattty meat like bacon etc.

    Has anyone else tried this diet?

    I have done it before but only the attack 7 days. I did not follow it with the 'consolidation Phase' which is where you introduce vegetables and fruit but i am determined to do so this time around! I have heard it is very good so i shall inform you of how im doing.

    If you want to hear more about the diet add me and ill confirm

    Thanks x

    It's a fad diet, there is nothing special about the Dukan diet that a normal calorie deficit and more balanced diet won't achieve
  • vaidajurgaityte
    vaidajurgaityte Posts: 51 Member
    Hi Caroline,

    I have started Dukan diet on Sunday, the 2 of June. The diet has over 30 years of positive experience and I am of a very good opinion of it. The main idea how the diet works, why and how you loose weight is brilliant, very effective if you follow it correctly. I know people who lost over 20 kg following the diet without any yo-yo effect and I think this is the best proof of the effectiveness of this diet.
    I hope your first week has been fine so far? I am finishing the Attack on Friday and will have my first PV day on Saturday yummy yummy can't wait :-)
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Hi, my name is Caroline and i have begun the Dukan diet.

    I have started the attack phase which is only protein for 7 days. You have to drink a lot of water but you are allowed as much meat and other proteins as you want as long as it isn't fattty meat like bacon etc.

    Has anyone else tried this diet?

    I have done it before but only the attack 7 days. I did not follow it with the 'consolidation Phase' which is where you introduce vegetables and fruit but i am determined to do so this time around! I have heard it is very good so i shall inform you of how im doing.

    If you want to hear more about the diet add me and ill confirm

    Thanks x

    It's a fad diet, there is nothing special about the Dukan diet that a normal calorie deficit and more balanced diet won't achieve

    It would be best if you listened to this guy.
  • jennb44
    jennb44 Posts: 81 Member
    I haven't done the Dukan Diet personally, but have a good friend who did it last year and lost over 75 pounds and has maintained it. I am doing a low-carb eating plan of my own and have lost almost 20 pounds since January of this year. I really like how it is working for me and that I am feeling great on it as well. Good luck!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,900 Member
    Diet's are temporary weight loss unless one is willing to adhere to the diet for the rest of their life. ALL DIETS work if followed.
    My diet is 80/20 which means I eat whatever I want, but am able to stay within calorie control. Best way to eat ever.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Diet's are temporary weight loss unless one is willing to adhere to the diet for the rest of their life. ALL DIETS work if followed.


    I don't discourage anyone from any diet plan that they can follow and will get them to the desired weight. What you do (and what I do) when you reach the desired weight is the tough part.
  • adevereux
    adevereux Posts: 17 Member
    I did this diet a couple of years ago and got great results...HOWEVER I didn't follow through the consolodation phase and "fell off the carb wagon" I am a carb addict for sure. What I did like about it, and why I'm going on it again as of yesterday as it gave me a sense of control over those cravings, it provided me a great appreciation for vegetables, and it was fairly easy ( Working Mom of two, wife, and also went on business trips and at out to eat whenever I wanted); when I was on it, I was on it. So I'm going for it again. Going to follow through all the phases. What I didn't like: Not as much energy without the carbs, expecially first couple of weeks while my body was adjusting. IF you read the book this isn't a quick fix, and it's not just about counting calories; although I do subscribe to eat less and move more, so even though you can eat as much as you want you really don't eat a whole lot as your'e pretty full from the protein. The book and any research I've done explained how the key to the quick loss result is the deprivation of sugars and fats, which allow your body to "eat it's own fat" and then as protein stores as muscle it helps you gain muscle (higher metabolism in long run) and burn fat- all while hopefully helping to kick carb and sugar cravings for addicts like me :) The long term maintained loss comes from doing all the steps. The diet as a whole for an example of 40 lbs loss is a year- but the weight comes off in the first few months, but it's still a year... Good luck everyone. It's not always about the destination but about the journey. Creating good habits and lifestyles will feel better than skinny jeans :)
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,028 Member
    Dr Dukan just got banned from practicing medicine for prescribing nasty, dangerous drugs as diet pills and not warning the patients of the risks... I don't know I'd put a lot of stock in his diet.
  • morticia16
    morticia16 Posts: 230 Member
    Diet's are temporary weight loss unless one is willing to adhere to the diet for the rest of their life. ALL DIETS work if followed.


    I don't discourage anyone from any diet plan that they can follow and will get them to the desired weight. What you do (and what I do) when you reach the desired weight is the tough part.

    What these two people said. Every diet works if followed through, maintaining for life means permanent change.
  • krdownie
    krdownie Posts: 1
    I've been following Dukan for 8 weeks and I've lost 2st 1lb so far. It works but it is pretty restrictive. I've not eaten any bread/pasta/potatoes/rice etc for 8 weeks and I don't miss them at all.....but I would love some fruit, which I can't have till stabilisation.Certainly keeps me motivated to follow cruise phase till I get there lol
  • sunshine1082
    sunshine1082 Posts: 85 Member
    Dr Dukan just got banned from practicing medicine for prescribing nasty, dangerous drugs as diet pills and not warning the patients of the risks... I don't know I'd put a lot of stock in his diet.

    I just read an article about that. The man definitely has questionable ethics. He has also been criticized for recommending that French schoolchildren receive higher marks if they remain slim.