Does weight loss help with ADD/focus?


I am 26 years old and I have ADD - the most frustrating thing is that my ability to focus on one thing is pretty limited. I do everything to improve that and one thing that I was wondering, since I am also losing weight:

Does weight loss help to increase focus? I have heard that somewhere. I imagine all that extra weight takes quite some energy, perhaps there's an impact on blood flow, I don't know.

I went from BMI 30 to 26 right now, and I hope to get to 22. Of course there's plenty of benefits of weight loss already, but every bit counts.

By the way, there is one indirect way in which I know weight loss to improve focus: being lighter, I like to exercise again and I do it most days of the week, and this helps to increase focus!



  • jxspxr
    jxspxr Posts: 150
    Bump. I think this topic has a attention deficit. ;)
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    I don't know if the actual weight loss helps- DS and I both have ADD and DS used to take meds for it. We're both pretty lean and still have symptoms but we're both dedicated to daily workouts. He plays a lot of basketball. The exercise definitely helps.
  • flitabout
    flitabout Posts: 200 Member
    Some days yes and some days no. I have to agree that on days that I exercise a tun I seem to have it together better. Stress seems to play a bigger role in my issues.
  • jxspxr
    jxspxr Posts: 150
    Ok - so you agree that exercise is often helpful. Good to hear that it works for you and your son Athena53, and on some days for you flitabout!

    Stress is definitely affecting the ability to focus, it does for me!

    I am going to look for answers on the net for the question of weight loss & focus. If you're interested, stay tuned.
  • jxspxr
    jxspxr Posts: 150
    Ok it's hard to find something on the net (which is why I asked the question), but I'll continue looking.

    The only thing that I have found:
    Being overweight -> Higher sleep apnea -> Lower focus

    And one thing I came up with myself:
    Being overweight -> Less confidence -> More stress -> Less concentration (and the other way around).
    Of course a gross generalisation, but I think it's something that could make a difference.

    And a hypothesis:
    Being overweight -> More mass to carry around during all activities -> More energy required for everything -> Less energy available for the brains -> Less concentration.

    I am not saying this is true - it's a hypothesis. What do you think about it?
  • apex157x
    apex157x Posts: 4
    If you are overweight, you also have more fat cells in your brain, which can slow down neuron responses. Lose weight in general would also help you lose fa in the brain which seems to me would also cause you to be able to think and have faster response