Hi from Australia

KMW3bne Posts: 1 Member
Hi all,

My name is Katie, I'm a 27 yo Primary School teacher and mum to a very active 18mth old boy.

I've always struggled I with my weight, until 2009 when my weight and I'll health was diagnosed as being side effects of food allergies and intolerances. I lost 50kg in approx 3 mths just by cutting out foods my body couldn't tolerate. I maintained this new lifestyle and weight for 2yrs... Until I had our son.

I was the healthiest I've ever been during pregnancy, despite the fact I had to reintroduce my allergy foods during pregnancy and while my hips spread, I put on only about 5kg during pregnancy.

FJ was born after a 4 days active labour and he and I both had health issues after the birth. Due to these health issues I was unable to breast feed and suffered terrible post traumatic stress disorder (from the birth) and later post natal depression. My coping mechanism was ice cream and chocolate (I'm lactose and cows protein intolerant). This choice not only made me put back on the 50kg I'd lost but added an extra 10kg of its own. I am now sick, fat and full of self loathing. I cannot seem to find the self control to get back to my rigid way of eating that I had before I was pregnant. FJ has now been diagnosed with the same Allergies as me (wheat, gluten, dairy, salicylates and red meat) yet I continue to put the wrong things in my body.

I KNOW from previous experience how good I can feel and how "easy" it can be to lose weight if I eat foods that my body can break down, I just need to be strong.... And that's Why I am here.

Hopefully I can be successful changing my life... For my son, for my health and forEVER!


  • rgugs13
    rgugs13 Posts: 197 Member
    Hi Katie!

    Welcome to MFP! You'll find tons of motivation here on the threads! Since you have a lot of allergies to plan meals around, setting up meal plans in advance will help you a lot! Once you get comfortable with new foods, you can have a few "go to" meals that you always keep ingredients for on hand so if you are feeling tired or not motivated to cook, you can throw together easy without thinking about what you need to avoid! Definitely do all your shopping after you eat! Nothing good comes of going to the grocery store on an empty stomach! The best way to not eat something is to not buy it, so if you know how grocery stores are set up, you can avoid a lot of temptation! Most of the whole foods are on the edges of the grocery stores (in America, at least, not sure about Australia!). If you avoid wandering down the aisles, you won't walk by a lot of nasty processed foods! A lot of stores have gluten free products now, and there are lots of recipes online as well. I had to look up what salicylates were, and I found this food guide.


    Good luck!!

  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    Hi Katie
    Welcome to MFP.
    (I'm from Tasmania.
    kind regards,

  • LadyAngelLight
    Hi Katie,

    I'm new here to and like you looking for new friends and support. Best wishes to you in your journey.

  • choijanro
    choijanro Posts: 754 Member
    Welcome 2 MFP,, you can reach your goal here,,, you can learn different opinions from other people

    and i have relatives there living in Aussie on Perth :)