Anyone with PCOS & problems losing?????



  • I have PCOS too, its so much harder for us to loose weight than our non-pcos counterparts, I completely understand your frustration but remember it can be done. Its going to take longer, I have't lost a single pound in 2 weeks and I've been doing everything right, my body is just stubborn, but I just see it this way ... everyday I eat well, exercise and stay away from junk food I've reached a goal ... in the long run I know it will pay off.
  • I have PCOS. I do lose a little but it comes back really easily. So every time someone's like, oh it's just a cookie, you won't gain weight, I'm like "Oh, really?"
  • dme1977
    dme1977 Posts: 537 Member
    I have PCOS and honestly I had to do like 1000-1100 calories the first 4 months to lose anything!!! I lost 4 pounds a month that way
    The Problem with eating only 1100, is maintaining that little bit of calories long enough to lose weight...
    It takes A LOT of self control.
    I did good the first few months but after that I NEEDED to EAT more than what I was ...
    and NOW I cant bring myself back to eating that little.
    now I am at 1200-1500 for the past 3 months and have lost 3 pounds. :(
    slowly but surely it will continue to come off... with good foods and exercise.
    I have had to cut back my carbs from what MFP suggested.
    Also since my endometrial ablation surgery ( had to have it done) Ive had to take a water pill or 2 a day to help with water weight.

    there ARE groups on here for PCOS...
    hope this helped some.

    *as an edit* I lost a few pounds before coming to MFP thus the 27 pounds loss on my ticker*
  • I have the same issue with PCOS. Don't lose hope, just keep at it and you will see results.:heart:
  • SuperStorm
    SuperStorm Posts: 119 Member
    Oh yes, you are certainly not alone. Lots of us on here and lots of us frustrated. I did want to suggest really looking into the Metformin before getting on it. I went to a really lousy OBGYN who basically belittled me into taking it because she said I was too fat to get pregnant, have a healthy pregnancy, and deliver the baby. (Needless to say I have a new wonderful doc) She prescribed Metformin and yes I did lose weight, but it aggravated my liver and I ended up with a cyst and lots of testing. It ended up causing more trouble than it was worth, especially since I gained all the weight back and then some due to the issues it caused. I'll admit that I'm a special case but you never know when you get to be the special case.
  • Same here. but if we take 2 steps forward and 1 step backwards, at least we are moving....just stay motivated my dear :)