Deleting Friends



  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Once a week when the woman in my life gets her period and she makes my life miserable, I go on a rampage and take the anger she let out on me, on my friends list and delete anyone and everyone that gets in the way. I just randomly click things like whack-a-mole and see what comes out of it.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    Once a week when the woman in my life gets her period and she makes my life miserable, I go on a rampage and take the anger she let out on me, on my friends list and delete anyone and everyone that gets in the way. I just randomly click things like whack-a-mole and see what comes out of it.

    your woman has a period every week? OMG sorry Taunto
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member
    Sad to say. How long do you wait before deleting some one? When they have not logged in for 3 days, 1 week, 30 days. Chime in and let me know.

    Hope you Sunday is a GREAT one,


    If they never support me or say a word to me, ever, even though I support them, that annoys me and I may delete them.

    ^^^ this. And also if they haven't logged in for a month or more and I don't know why (some of my friends will tell me they're taking a break from logging and think they'll be back; I won't delete them, since they gave me the heads up). I don't think it's about being self important or mean; quite the opposite, actually. I intentionally keep a small list of friends so that I can support them individually on a regular basis and just expect some reciprocity, since I know those who don't have anything to say to me nor log in regularly certainly won't miss me. And if others want to use different criteria to manage their friend lists, that's great! This just works for me.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Once a week when the woman in my life gets her period and she makes my life miserable, I go on a rampage and take the anger she let out on me, on my friends list and delete anyone and everyone that gets in the way. I just randomly click things like whack-a-mole and see what comes out of it.

    your woman has a period every week? OMG sorry Taunto

    Either that or she's just genuinely pissed at me always :(
  • Stargrace2
    Stargrace2 Posts: 48 Member
    I don't delete for inactivity, who knows why they are away, or when they will return.

    However, I am not interested in people who are on fad diets, or eating an unhealthy or unreasonable method. I try to get to know MFP friends enough to know if they're on a doctor specific diet or some such, but I use these people to motivate and spur me through my own progress, it has to be healthy in order to do that.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    I usually give them at least a month. People can go away for a couple weeks and not have access to the site (I don't take my laptop on holidays and my phone doesn't do apps). They might have fallen off the wagon and really need some support when they get back.

    I gave up earlier this year, and didn't log on for about 3 months. I'm very fortunate my friends didn't remove me, because I'm keen to get back on track and it was nice to see some familiar faces. (Thanks guys!)

    My thoughts exactly! 1 month away and yes to taking time off myself and loving the support!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I delete when they haven't logged for aaaaaages, but generally leave them there. I will delete people who are chronically undereating, have ED behaviour, constantly ask for advice then ignore what's given to them and keep complaining that nothing is working, and I've deleted a couple people who've gotten a little creepy.
  • Stump_Likker
    Stump_Likker Posts: 2,059 Member
    I dlelete when they deactivate. I don't care if I don't hear from them ever. They're not bothering me so...
  • T0FatToB3S1ck
    T0FatToB3S1ck Posts: 192 Member
    3 days and they are deleted. If I accept their friend request and we don't socialize at all (commenting on each other's progress) then they are deleted. I'm not a big collector of friends. I delete people regularly.
  • pollypocket3
    pollypocket3 Posts: 51 Member
    Is their a limit to how many you can have as friends? Why would you want to delete them if they are inactive? I could only see deleting someone if they were rude to you - it isn't like they're posting to hog the news feed.

    But I do see why others delete more regularly they have their own valid points. :smile:
  • T0FatToB3S1ck
    T0FatToB3S1ck Posts: 192 Member
    Once a week when the woman in my life gets her period and she makes my life miserable, I go on a rampage and take the anger she let out on me, on my friends list and delete anyone and everyone that gets in the way. I just randomly click things like whack-a-mole and see what comes out of it.

    Ha I remember you from last week and your rant on a woman's period.
  • sevenandthirteen
    sevenandthirteen Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you for mentioning this!!!!! I had an account a year ago and ran into the same thing. I kept my list small so that I could have the time to comment and be supportive but ended up being the only one doing so.
  • sunfirelynn
    sunfirelynn Posts: 186 Member
    If they never support me or say a word to me, ever, even though I support them, that annoys me and I may delete them.

    ^^^^This is how Ifeel^^^^
  • FiftyandGettingBetter
    FiftyandGettingBetter Posts: 611 Member
    I don't delete for inactivity, who knows why they are away, or when they will return.

    However, I am not interested in people who are on fad diets, or eating an unhealthy or unreasonable method. I try to get to know MFP friends enough to know if they're on a doctor specific diet or some such, but I use these people to motivate and spur me through my own progress, it has to be healthy in order to do that.

  • FiftyandGettingBetter
    FiftyandGettingBetter Posts: 611 Member
    If they never support me or say a word to me, ever, even though I support them, that annoys me and I may delete them.

    ^^^^This is how Ifeel^^^^

    Agreed. Seems like there are those that just try and see just how many "friends" they can get, without any real interaction.
  • nikbolok
    nikbolok Posts: 107 Member
    I delete: (1) Have 1200 calorie diets, (2) have negative things to say or are just Debbie downers all the time on anything you say, (3) ask for advice then shoot your suggestions down as if you did something wrong, (4) haven't logged in 30 days, (5) chronically complain about their non-weight loss and don't do a thing about it. I'm not super-strict myself, but I try to be as positive as I can to ppl. I actually have many personal friends on here that I give an exception to these rules bc they are my personal friends. I probably shouldn't. I rarely delete, however. It takes a lot for me to get to that point.
  • S0nsh1ne
    S0nsh1ne Posts: 218 Member
    Yeah what she said.
    Once a week when the woman in my life gets her period and she makes my life miserable, I go on a rampage and take the anger she let out on me, on my friends list and delete anyone and everyone that gets in the way. I just randomly click things like whack-a-mole and see what comes out of it.

    your woman has a period every week? OMG sorry Taunto
  • lovelyx091
    lovelyx091 Posts: 217 Member
    Probably anyone who doesn't seem to show me support even though I'm over there showing them support. Debbie Downers for sure, a bunch of junk food and whining about not losing weight. Or those who are too obsessed on losing weight, they weight themselves every day.

    No thank you.