Really struggling..

dion07 Posts: 16 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
maybe somebody can help me, this week iv done my best with the whole life style change,my eatting was fine, then had a family issue on thursday which lead me to fall off the wagon, also tried on clothes that would not fit, this also contribted to this, so yesterday & today i have gone way over my calories, almost by double, i really feel like its 1 step forward, 2 steps back, i feel so low & wish i had the will power to carry on, i know deep down i do, ts just so hard at times. i feel even i was good for a week, i cannot see a difference in my clothes, its really taking forever.


  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Don't beat yourself up. It's easy to get discouraged. A week is not enough time to start to see a difference. You need to be patient and know that you can do this. The weight did not come on over night so it is not going to fall off over night. It's hard when the light at the end of the tunnel seems so far away but baby steps will get you there. There are plenty of people here to help and support you. Good luck!
  • It's a process. It takes time and you will not have instant results. I know we are all about instant gratification. And I understand eating out of anger, boredom, frustration, etc..

    Hang in there and if you slip, pick yourself up and start again! Look for a coach or trainer!
  • I feel your pain but people tell me... You did not gain it overnight so you will not lose it overnight.. I was just saying the same thing... you just have to keep on chugging along.. eat your calories or less and drink water... you can do this....
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Your weight issue didn't happen over night ... It won't go away over night.

    I made the change last week and decided to really watch stuff. I got on the scale, weighed myself and went home and cried and drank my dinner. The next day I decided enough was enough, quit drinking and started logging my food. It is going to take hard work to drop the weight but you have to want it.

    It WILL not take "forever" but it WILL take however long it needs to in order for you to take it off and keep it off. Take it one day at a time and try not to think about "man I wish my clothes would fit now" it just won't happen. Set mini goals for yourself that will help.

    I just sent you an add request :) Open up your food diary to your friends and I know that I will pay attention and help you keep on track :) Just have to participate is all!

  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I know someone already said this, but you didn't put the weight on overnight, you won't be able to take it off quickly either. Don't expect to see any noticeable changes for quite awhile.... it took about 15 lbs lost before I really saw anything, and for some people it takes even longer. When you slip up and have a bad day, then just start fresh the next. Think about what caused you to slip up, and figure out how you'd handle it next time. All you can do is learn from your mistakes and move forward, one day at a time. Only you can truly motivate yourself, so just pick yourself back up and keep going! You CAN do it.
  • MizzFitness
    MizzFitness Posts: 76 Member
    I've been there. True change takes time. It took how many years to get to the size you are now, and how many more did you stay at that weight? Your body is accustomed to one thing & it does need some time to get adjusted to a new routine. I was doing 2 workout programs at once, burning 900+ calories a day and I GAINED 4 pounds. This was temporary gain because of the new routine. My muscles were sore & swollen. It's gone in a matter of days. Just be vigilant. Stick within your calories at least to not gain & do some sort of exercise daily, even if it's just a few push ups. Each day add a few more. You can do this. I've lost 12 sizes already. 12. It wasn't easy, but looking back, it wasn't that hard either. And, you are worth it!
  • You know we all have days like that. You just have to keep going and move past it. We are all going to fall off our healthy bandwagon sometimes. That is what makes this site so great. It is not an overnight success. You take it one day at a time. This week has not been the greatest for me. It is getting ready for that time of month and when I weighed in this morning I was up almost 6lbs. I was so annoyed and discouraged. And then we had a pot luck at work and i just said whatever and ate some stuff I pobably shouldn't have. But right now I just went for a 30 min walk since I had not gone out for lunch and I feel better. It didn't get rid of all the calories I consumed at lunchtime but it prevents me from doing the downward spiral for the rest of the day. It also helps to go on the site and see what everyone else is up to and who is also having issues. That is what I did and just saw your post. Please add me as a friend if you would like and we can encourage each other. Good Luck and try and hang in there.
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    you know. everyone has the bad days. the days when they feel its just not worth it or something happens and you don't want to deal that day. its okay. there's nothing wrong with it.

    however, the day after is a new day, fresh start, new attitude another chance to make a difference. so start each day with the attitude i will make a difference today. i know its easier said then done, but you can do it.

    also, it takes the body a full month to adjust to changes, so give it some time. if in six months of diligence you still don't see any change then thats a different story and maybe a doctor would be in order.

    But don't give up. you're here for a reason. we're all here for you. you can do this.
  • I know exactly what you are going through. Stress for me is a big trigger to turn to food. I have over 100 lbs to lose and have been working on it since May 24. I've "fallen off" many days during that time but have still managed to lose 26 lbs. Just try to remember how good it feels each time you see that number on the scale go down and take one day at a time. Be honest in your food logs even if it means going over your allotted calories. Don't beat yourself up on those bad days, just try to refocus on the following days.

    Maybe try a little bit of variety in your eating too. I'm doing the curves eating plan which is 1200 for 1 week, 1500 for 3 weeks and a recovery period for 2-4 weeks. (I eat 2000 during that recovery period.) I haven't gained any weight during the recovery period. But I know that I have a couple weeks that maybe able to "fall off" without any problems. Do you work out? I hate working out, but I do because it relieves stress. Hard to believe, but its true!

    Bottom line is hang in can do it!
  • redhotsmacker
    redhotsmacker Posts: 227 Member
    Just keep telling yourself that YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! That is what I tell myself all the time. Trust me it does work. Just keep coaching your brain with positive words and you will get there. I always set little weekly goals for myself. It is not so much about the big number in the end, it is the little numbers that got you to that point :) Forget about today and start fresh! You can do it!!!!
  • Don't give up. We're all rooting for you.
  • smhunnicutt
    smhunnicutt Posts: 19 Member
    I have been there trust me. This is also a new life style change for me. I used 2 eat for comfort. And every time my husband comes home off the road its hard for me to stay under my calories. But stay positive and focus and you can do it. I'm here for you if u need anything. (Hugs)
  • You are going to get through the rest of today healthily
    You are going to get through tomorrow healthily
    One day at a time- one tenth of a tenth of a tenth of a pound at a time:flowerforyou:

    You can do this!
  • otpeds
    otpeds Posts: 16 Member
    Why don't you change what your goal is...don't look at it as something that you are doing to lose weight but a lifestyle change. So for example...maybe the first week your success will be to log in everything you eat, regardless of the result, maybe the second week you can drink all of your water, third week walk 15 minutes a day, 4th week 20 min, etc....set some mini goals that are not focused on weight and what you eat, you are still making lifestyle changes that will add up and build your confidence. It takes at least 3 weeks to build a new habit so you have to cut yourself some slack. While you are building these good habits then when you are ready you can start looking at reducing your calories maybe 100 at a time...I'm sure a lot of people would be helpful in setting mini goals with you.
    Good luck!!! Hang in there!!!
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    Relax. Fighting to stay on the healthy-food wagon remains the one area in a life where it's OK to make the occasional mistake. If you've been good, enjoying a "cheat meal" even a few times a week won't put on unneeded pounds. In fact, throwing back a few Big Macs might help you lose weight in the long run - and it can be downright necessary for someone on a hardcore fitness program.
  • dion07
    dion07 Posts: 16 Member
    thank you all for your support, it really makes a difference, i just feel that im falling of the wagon to much, & then getting back on, it cant go on forever, i need to just carry on being healthy with as little slips as possible, i have to give it my all, its not good enough eatting whatever i want & then starting again all the time, it would take forever.
    but you know, i can do this & i wont let it beat me.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Why don't you change what your goal is...don't look at it as something that you are doing to lose weight but a lifestyle change. So for example...maybe the first week your success will be to log in everything you eat, regardless of the result, maybe the second week you can drink all of your water, third week walk 15 minutes a day, 4th week 20 min, etc....set some mini goals that are not focused on weight and what you eat, you are still making lifestyle changes that will add up and build your confidence. It takes at least 3 weeks to build a new habit so you have to cut yourself some slack. While you are building these good habits then when you are ready you can start looking at reducing your calories maybe 100 at a time...I'm sure a lot of people would be helpful in setting mini goals with you.
    Good luck!!! Hang in there!!!

    This is a great suggestion. While I'm trying to lose weight, I'm also trying to become an all-over healthier person. I've slowly added things I work on - drinking water, exercising, calorie count, quality of calories, etc. Like this person said, pick things to work on, add something new ever week or so, and overtime, your healthier lifestyle WILL lead you to weight loss. Focusing on the actual things you DO can be less stressful that focusing on the results.
  • tesha30
    tesha30 Posts: 72 Member
    The one thing I have learned is.. dont try on the clothes. You will start to see a difference in clothes you wear now... and then you will start believing things are changing! I get that your feeling low.. everyone turns to some sort of comfort when they are being the choice of many. You just have to put yourself first. Food isnt making you feel better.. its just making the down feeling.. numb for a while.

    Try exercising instead. Eat healthier and I promise you will feel better in so many different ways! More energy, happier and feelings healthier! Just stick with MFP and lean on all of us when you need to.. everyday if it takes it... we will help you along!!
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    Take a deep breath, forgive yourself and look at each day as a new opportunity to work on the new you. On bad days, bad times, take it an hour at a time if need be. You take one goal at a time for best success; it'll become a habit and then you'll implement the next change and work on it. Make a list of goals and go after em one at a time. You WILL get there, not magically overnight, but your changes will happen--go for it and good luck!:flowerforyou:
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